Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 513 Marven Ye, you should apologize to me!

Chapter 513 Marven Ye, you should apologize to me!
Currently, there are only three contestants left in "Voice of the Times".

One is Li Quansheng who is an idol, the other is Lu Hao, a talented player, and the other is Mao Yi, a creative player.

The three contestants all have their own characteristics, and they have gained huge popularity on this show.

The final battle of "Voice of the Times" is divided into two rounds.

One round is a star assisted singing, and the other round is a solo singing session.

The first group of contestants was Ma Yingjie, a powerful player.

One of Ma Yingjie's partners was a second-tier female singer with good strength.

A "Voice of the Sea" was performed vividly and received a lot of applause.

Ye Wenxuan and other five adjudicators all gave great praise. Ye Wenxuan did not participate in the first round of comments.

The main reason is that Ye Wenxuan has no experience in this field, so he mainly wants to hear the comments of the rest of the judges.

The second round was Ye Wenxuan's comments.

The second person to play was Mao Yi. Seeing Mao Yi play, Ye Wenxuan gradually became serious.After all, I want to comment later, so I can't do it if I don't read it carefully.

Mao Yi's partner came up, and Ye Wenxuan was slightly taken aback when this person came to the stage.In memory, there is really no information about this person, and I don't know who this person is.

Ye Wenxuan poked his head out slightly, and asked Zhang Jie: "Brother Jie, who is the guest next to Mao Yi? I don't have any impression, why?"

Zhang Jie shook his head slightly, also a little puzzled, and said: "I don't know much about this person, but my agent said that he seems to be an Internet anchor, and he seems to be quite famous on the Internet."

Ye Wenxuan was stunned, and didn't pay too much attention to it.

The stage gradually darkened, and the performance of the two gradually began.

A burst of hip-hop-style music sounded, and Mao Yi spoke first.

Hearing Mao Yi's first sentence, Ye Wenxuan nodded slightly, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

This song is interesting, Marven Ye thought to himself.

Mao Yi changed his previous style and played a non-mainstream style. The bohemian music atmosphere made this music full of novelty.

Mao Yi's section ended soon, the music suddenly changed, and the style became very rhythmic.

I saw the man next to Mao Yi suddenly became irritable, uttering words like tongue twisters one after another, and actually called Mai on this stage? !
Ye Wenxuan was a little stunned for a moment, not only Ye Wenxuan, but also the other four adjudicators.

Among them, Lin Junyi frowned even more. Anyone who watched it knew that Lin Junyi was very dissatisfied with this program.

But the man on the stage obviously didn't have this awareness, and jumped forward and back "unscrupulously" on the stage.

Ye Wenxuan felt a little displeased, feeling that this man wasted a good song for no reason.

Marven Ye frowned slightly, and finished listening to the program.

After the song was over, Mao Yi and the unknown man stood together.

The man felt that he played very well and kept waving to the audience.Mao Yi frowned, feeling a little nervous.

He Jiong hosted the scene. This time, He Jiong gave Ye Wenxuan the first opportunity to comment.

Ye Wenxuan didn't have any fear, picked up the microphone and began to comment.

"First of all, the starting point of this song is very interesting, and the theme is very novel. The first part is very good, especially Mao Yi's deep voice, which expresses this part vividly." Ye Wenxuan first expressed his feelings to Mao Yi. A fair compliment.

"But in the next paragraph, um, bro, I think your emotions are a little too exaggerated, and I..." Before Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, the man on the stage picked up the microphone and interrupted Ye Wenxuan directly. if.

"Ms. Ye, I'm not Brother Xiha, I'm Wan Liangchen, thank you!" the man said bluntly.

As soon as Tianzuo's words came out, there was a commotion in the audience.The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward, and the five adjudicators on the stage were even more shocked.

Ye Wenxuan was choked by this man named Wan Liangchen, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Wan Liangchen, right? I'll keep silent, I think..." Marven Ye laughed, wanting to bring this matter to the past, and continued.

Ye Wenxuan didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, he didn't call the other party by the right name.It is irrelevant for the other party to correct it.

But Wan Liangchen on the stage didn't think so, he was very upset now.

I am in Kuaipao live broadcast, that is the king of the live broadcast world.There are millions of fans, and even has its own fan team.

The annual income is also as high as tens of millions, Wan Liangchen has always considered himself a respectable person.

Even in the entertainment circle, he is one of the best existences, and he can't call himself brother wherever he goes!

But just now, Ye Wenxuan actually called himself brother Xiha? !
This made Wan Liangchen instantly upset, in his opinion.Ye Wenxuan is just a kid in his 20s, what qualifications does he have to be a judge? !
Even though he is very popular in China, he is not a persimmon.

Wan Liangchen felt that he had been insulted and his mentality was out of balance.Decided to make Ye Wenxuan make a fool of himself and show him some color.

So when Marven Ye spoke for the second time, he interrupted Marven Ye again.

"Mr. Ye, I don't think you should apologize to me? I think you are insulting me and the whole live broadcasting industry by the word "brother hip-hop!" Wan Liangchen said with a sneer, his eyes a little unruly.

As soon as Wan Liangchen's words came out, the audience erupted instantly.

He Jiong, who was standing beside Mao Yi, was dumbfounded, this kid is looking for death!
This is a live broadcast, a live TV broadcast.

At present, TM estimates that there are tens of millions of people watching this show, and they openly fired at the judges on the live broadcast? !

Not only He Jiong, but also the director team behind all collapsed, and everyone panicked instantly.

"This Wan Liangchen has shit in his head!"

"Who does he think he is! He dares to do something on the live broadcast!"

"Hurry up and turn off his microphone for me, and tell him to step down for me!"

The program director roared wildly in the background.

Everyone behind the director was a little scared, and quickly turned off Tian Zuo's microphone according to the director's words.

Ye Wenxuan, who was on the stage, had a gloomy expression.

This Wan Liangchen simply didn't know what to do, how could he not give himself face when he talked about it, and asked himself to apologize to him during the live broadcast? !
Let's not say that there is nothing wrong with me, even if there is a mistake.Ye Wenxuan had to bear with him, even this little [-]th-line entertainer who didn't even know his name!

This is the rule of the entertainment industry, and it is also the cruelty of the entertainment industry.

What's more, it's a live broadcast!

During the live broadcast, doing things, that is definitely an endless rhythm!
Back then, Ye Wenxuan and Liu Tian revealed the shady scene on the live broadcast of the Tianle Awards.As a result, Ye Wenxuan, Liu Tian and others were banned from all music festivals!

Ye Wenxuan is not afraid, and Liu Tian is not afraid, this is the confidence of the two.

But this Wan Liangchen did so, that is to make it clear that he will never die with Nanhu Satellite TV.

What's more, he angered Ye Wenxuan on the live broadcast, which offended a large number of people behind Ye Wenxuan.

On the stage, Mao Yi's complexion seemed to be colorful.

He said in his heart, what kind of bad luck did I have, how did I meet such a fool.

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan slowly picked up the microphone, ready to respond to Wan Liangchen's question.

 Dear friends, the bimonthly ticket activity has started.During the period from 9.28 to 10.8, every time a vote is cast, there will be double the number of votes.I hope everyone will vote for Qing Feng, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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