Chapter 514 Wan Liangchen!
"First of all, I want to declare that I never meant to insult you." Marven Ye said expressionlessly, and Marven Ye, who was sitting on a high place, had a cold look in his eyes.

"Because the word hip-hop is not an insulting word from the very beginning. There are many forms of music, and hip-hop is also a form of music. So I don't mean to insult you by calling you brother hip-hop."

"And you think I'm insulting you by calling you brother hip-hop? Then where do you put your career?!"

"Don't you think hip-hop is a cheap thing? I don't think so."

Ye Wenxuan's voice gradually rose and became more severe.

Listening to Ye Wenxuan's reprimand, Wan Liangchen's eyes became even more angry.He raised the microphone and wanted to give Ye Wenxuan back, but he opened his mouth to talk for a long time, but no sound came out.

Wan Liangchen immediately realized that the program crew had turned off his microphone, and he became even more angry.

But no one looked at him, because the cameras were all focused on Marven Ye, live broadcasting Marven Ye.

He Jiong and Mao Yi are all far away from Wan Liangchen now, their eyes are indifferent, and they don't even look at him.

Many staff members of the program group also came to the audience, looking at Wan Liangchen with cold eyes.

But Wan Liangchen is not afraid at all, he feels that he is one of the best in terms of background and popularity.

Recently, Wan Liangchen fell in love with the daughter of an entertainment tycoon in Northwest China, who also holds a pivotal position in China's entertainment circle.

Wan Liangchen was extremely upset, but he was still a little rational and didn't make a more unwise choice.

"360 lines, regardless of high or low!"

"Hip-hop is also a profession, am I insulting you by calling you Brother Xi-hop?!"

"We often call many people Brother Sharp and Brother Fengyi. That's not a satire on others, isn't it because we like it so we call it that?!"

"So I don't think I did anything wrong, and I don't think I need to apologize to you."

Ye Wenxuan's voice was very loud, and gradually changed from scolding to scolding!

"Maybe you have doubts about my professionalism and age, that's fine."

Marven Ye stood up, his face was full of anger.

"I will withdraw from the ranks of adjudicators and the final battle of "Voice of the Times". Thank you everyone, and I wish the three contestants a smooth competition."

After speaking, Marven Ye put down the microphone, turned around and left directly, walking off the stage.

Ye Wenxuan's face was cold, and he left the stage indifferently, without speaking to anyone.

Ye Wenxuan withdrew from the ranks of adjudicators!
This suddenly caused an uproar in the entire show, and the discussion suddenly became louder.

He Jiong on the stage and the remaining four adjudicators were also a little dazed, not knowing what to do next.

But He Jiong still maintained the scene rationally, and said to the camera: "Everyone, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of situation in the live broadcast."

"Now I'm sorry to everyone, I hope the director team will prepare a 3-minute commercial for me, let us discuss it."

"After the commercial, it's even more exciting."

As soon as He Jiong's voice fell, the backstage immediately put out the prepared advertisement.

He Jiong let out a sigh of relief, and said to Mao Yi beside him: "Xiao Mao, step down first, this matter is not bad for you, you should adjust your mentality and prepare for the next performance."

Although He Jiong was upset, his tone was still very kind.

Mao Yi nodded obediently, and then walked off the stage.As for Wan Liangchen on the other side, Mao Yi didn't even look at him.

After that, He Jiong regained his indifferent demeanor, and said to Wan Liangchen on the other side: "You still don't want to go down, do you want me to ask security to drive you down?!"

"Young man, you have to have the capital to do things. If you don't know what's good or bad, you're stupid..." After finishing speaking, He Jiong ignored Wan Liangchen's expression and walked off the stage directly to discuss countermeasures with the director team.

When Wan Liangchen heard He Jiong's words, his face turned purple with anger.But looking at the covetous people around him, he still endured his anger and walked on.

Wan Liangchen stepped off the stage, looked at the strange eyes of the people around him, and suddenly panicked.

However, Wan Liangchen looked at the people around him ignoring him, and he didn't put a hot face on his cold ass, and walked straight to his lounge in a chic way.

But when he walked to his lounge, he saw a staff member who had led him before, standing in front of his lounge.

Wan Liangchen didn't care either, he still acted like that.

I glanced at the man, ignored it, and went straight to the lounge.

However, the man who was polite to him before suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped Wan Liangchen.

"This place doesn't belong to you now. Take your people and leave Nanhu TV Station quickly." The man lost his previous politeness and said coldly.

Wan Liangchen got angry in an instant, and cursed: "You fucking fart. I didn't know He Jiong and Ye Wenxuan before, but now even you, a little bastard, dare to talk to me like that!"

Wan Liangchen yelled at the staff member with his fingers while scolding, a trace of impatience and disgust flashed in Li Hang's eyes.

Li Hang, who is 1.8 meters tall, directly held Wan Liangchen's hand with his right hand, and his strength gradually increased.

"Don't make trouble for no reason here, if you don't leave, I'll have the security guard chase you away!" Li Hang's expression turned cold.

Wan Liangchen's face was a little unbelievable, how dare anyone dare to confront him now? !
"How dare you treat me like this, okay!" Wan Liangchen laughed back angrily, saying hello several times.

"I'm fucking human, believe it or not, I'll tell you, I have 500 million fans, and I'll let you know what a nightmare is!" Wan Liangchen said viciously, with ruthless words.

Li Hang sneered, his face full of disdain.

"You think you still have a future? Let me tell you, you, Wan Liangchen, are the first person who dares to do something on our Nanhu Satellite TV live broadcast!"

"Even if it's a king or queen, it doesn't dare to make trouble on our Nanhu Satellite TV live broadcast. You actually made a fool of yourself on the live broadcast. You still want to hang out in the entertainment industry? Are you kidding me!"

"Wait for the ban, completely ban."

Li Hang sneered again and again, he was speechless to the limit for this idiot, he really didn't know how this person became so popular.

Listening to Li Hang's words, Wan Liangchen became even more worried, and faintly regretted what he had done before.

But Wan Liangchen still suppressed the regret in his heart, and picked up his pride again.

I am the little emperor of Kuaipao, I am a giant in the live broadcast industry, and I am the originator of Internet hip-hop.

Who dares to block me? !

Who can block me? !

Thinking in his heart, Wan Liangchen gradually recovered his arrogance again.

As everyone knows, the gap between the nouveau riche and the nobles cannot be bridged by money at all.

Wan Liangchen doesn't know the real tricks in the entertainment industry, but... he will know right away!
Because Nanhu Satellite TV's sanctions... will come soon!

 Dear friends, the bimonthly ticket activity has started.During the period from 9.28 to 10.8, every time a vote is cast, there will be double the number of votes.I hope everyone will vote for Qing Feng, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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