Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 515 Nanhu Satellite TV's iron-blooded methods!

Chapter 515 Nanhu Satellite TV's iron-blooded methods!

Located on the other side of the sixth floor, the luxurious lounge.

After Ye Wenxuan returned to his lounge, he sat on the sofa with a gloomy face.

Xu Rou and the rest of Marven Ye's attendants also had gloomy faces.

Ye Wenxuan's status in the entertainment industry, no one has ever dared to treat Ye Wenxuan like this!
Today, however, a small [-]th-line artist was stunned on the live broadcast. How could Xu Rou and the others not be angry!
The atmosphere in the room was tense for a while. Ye Wenxuan sat for a while, then suddenly raised his head, and asked Xu Rou, "Is it possible that... Nanhu Satellite TV is operating behind the scenes? Want to hype it up?"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Xu Rou was taken aback for a moment, then analyzed it carefully, and responded: "I don't think it's realistic, because I was in the audience just now, watching the reactions of the people around me, as well as the reactions of the director and others. It's like pretending."

"What's more, making such a thing in the live broadcast will not have any effect at all, but will have the opposite effect."

Hearing Xu Rou's words, Ye Wenxuan nodded slightly, and felt that it was unlikely that Nanhu Satellite TV was operating behind the scenes.

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Wenxuan's eyes.

So... basically that kid named Wan Liangchen did it on purpose!

There was a dangerous arc at the corner of Marven Ye's mouth, and his face was full of anger.

"I've never lost my temper. Many people think that I'm easy to bully, but anyone dares to ride on my head to shit and piss. This time, let's make an example..." Ye Wenxuan murmured.

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he took out his phone and began to prepare contacts.

But Marven Ye hadn't started to knock when there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Xu Rou got up and opened the door.

A balding man, in his mid-thirties, walks in with a broad smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye, hello, I'm Zhang Hanming, the assistant director of "Voice of the Times"." The man said politely.

Ye Wenxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was still a smile on his face. As for the previous smile, Ye Wenxuan couldn't squeeze it out to be honest.

"Sit down, Director Zhang." Marven Ye said politely.

Seeing Marven Ye's attitude, Zhang Hanming heaved a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

"Mr. Ye, in fact, Director Liu wanted to come in person. But you know the situation on the scene, you really can't get away, so Director Liu appointed me to come." Zhang Hanming explained the details.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, but did not make a sound, Ye Wenxuan wanted to see what kind of attitude Nanhu Satellite TV had towards this matter.

Zhang Hanming saw that Ye Wenxuan did not make a sound, and the atmosphere was a little tense, but he still gritted his teeth and continued: "First of all, on behalf of Nanhu Satellite TV, I would like to apologize to Mr. Ye. It was our negligence that caused today's live broadcast accident. It caused damage to Mr. Ye's reputation, so we sincerely apologize to Mr. Ye!"

Hearing Zhang Hanming's words, Ye Wenxuan didn't have much reaction, his eyes were indifferent.

"Deputy director Zhang, the TV station's fault is not all the fault this time. The main fault lies with Wan Liangchen. So instead of apologizing to me, it's better to take some practical measures." Ye Wenxuan said with a little deep meaning.

Zhang Hanming thought about it, and immediately understood Ye Wenxuan's meaning.

Actual measures, it is better to say that Wan Liangchen is sanctioned!
This Ye Wenxuan wanted to kill Wan Liangchen, maybe he wanted to... kill chickens to scare monkeys? !

However, Zhang Hanming came here this time with a mission in Taiwan, and to a certain extent, he has a lot of power to speak.

As soon as Marven Ye finished speaking, Zhang Hanming immediately said: "Mr. Ye, don't worry. You don't need to talk about this matter, we will do it. There has never been anyone who dares to break ground on the head of Nanhu Satellite TV!"

"I am here to assure Mr. Ye that from now on, no matter what level in the entertainment circle, he will no longer exist, I assure you!"

What Zhang Hanming said was swearing, without any hesitation.

Nanhu Satellite TV, as the leader of local satellite TV, has the resources and contacts, how can it be shaken by a person who only works as a minion on the live broadcast platform? !

It can be said that it is not too simple to block such a person.

Zhang Hanming didn't even need to inform the higher-ups. It can be said that even he knew about the decision of the higher-ups.

Compared with Marven Ye's emotions, Marven Ye is obviously more important.

Neither Ye Wenxuan's status in the industry nor his connections are worth offending Nanhu Satellite TV.Moreover, Times Entertainment behind Ye Wenxuan has many popular variety shows in his hands.

Especially the "Happy Club" recently co-operated by Times Entertainment and Xu's studio is not a secret in the eyes of all David TV.

The novel theme and the potential of the fire can be said to be a favorite.

This program has already been followed by many TV stations, and they are gearing up to win this program.

Especially the old enemy of Nanhu Satellite TV, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV has been peeping for a long time.

So at this time, Nanhu Satellite TV naturally made the most correct choice, which was to sacrifice Wan Liangchen in exchange for Ye Wenxuan's favor.

Ye Wenxuan heard Zhang Hanming's words, and there was a look of satisfaction on his face, but he didn't say much.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see the outcome of this matter." Ye Wenxuan's expression returned to calm.

Zhang Hanming was overjoyed when he saw that Ye Wenxuan had no grudges, and then he hesitated, hesitant to speak.

Seeing Zhang Hanming's appearance, Ye Wenxuan didn't know that he had something to say.

"Director Zhang may wish to speak directly if he has something to say."

Zhang Hanming received Ye Wenxuan's instructions, so he didn't hold back anymore, and said directly: "Mr. Ye, I don't know if you can...can you return to the scene, the audience is looking forward to you very much, and very much hope that you can return to the position of adjudicator .”

Ye Wenxuan was silent for a while, and after a long time, he raised his head and said: "This is not very good, I already said that I quit the position of adjudicator, and if I go back again, it will be a waste of time. Isn't this slapping myself in the face?" .”

Zhang Hanming's expression froze and he opened his mouth, but he didn't think of any good suggestions.It was what Ye Wenxuan said that left him nowhere to refute.

"But how about this, when the show is about to end, I'll go to the stage and sing a song." Ye Wenxuan said suddenly.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Zhang Hanming pondered for a while, apologized, and took out his phone to ask the director's opinion.

One minute later, Zhang Hanming said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Ye, Director Liu said yes, whichever song you want to sing, I will ask your assistant to send the song to the backstage later."

Marven Ye nodded with a smile on his face.

Zhang Hanming settled the matter satisfactorily, so he didn't stay any longer, and left the lounge...

 Dear friends, the bimonthly ticket activity has started.During the period from 9.28 to 10.8, every time a vote is cast, there will be double the number of votes.I hope everyone will vote for Qing Feng, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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