Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 516 Xuanyuan Sword - Attack!

Chapter 516 Xuanyuan Sword - Attack!
Speaking of two families, after Wan Liangchen was rejected by Li Hang, he took his own people and left Nanhu TV Station directly.

From Wan Liangchen's point of view, he was a respectable person no matter what, and Wan Liangchen was extremely upset to treat him like this.

Walking out of Nanhu TV Station, Wan Liangchen got into his temporarily rented Mercedes-Benz car.

"Brother Liangchen, where are we going now?" The driver in front asked Wan Liangchen behind him.

Wan Liangchen shook his head, and said to the driver: "Don't drive, just stay for a while and see the situation."

The driver received Wan Liangchen's order and put the car on standby.

Wan Liangchen was very upset tonight, feeling that his status was being despised, so he opened his Kuaipao live broadcast room, hoping to find a sense of presence from his fans.

Opening the live broadcast room, Wan Liangchen watched the viewing volume soar to more than 5 million in just 200 minutes.

"Brother Liangchen is now online, Brother Liangchen's performance on "Voice of the Times" just now exploded! He is so handsome!"

"Brother Liangchen, we support you, Marven Ye's grandson, it's over if you beat him up, what the hell!"

"Brother Liangchen, why didn't you continue to tease him later, and let that brat Ye Wenxuan fuck him!"

"Boss, just say one word, and we will kill Marven Ye's Weibo page!"


In an instant, dense comments appeared, and many rewards followed one after another.

Wan Liangchen looked at the dense comments, and the depression in his heart suddenly eased for a long time.

In an instant, I found the feeling of being the only one again, as if I was above all people.

Wan Liangchen leaned on the chair, pressed his right hand down, and signaled his fans to keep a low profile.

"I'm telling you, it's because the program crew turned off the microphone for me. Otherwise, I'm telling you, I'll let that kid Marven Ye blow up on the spot, embarrassing him to death!"

"It's just Xiaobi who still bluffs at me, let him get used to it!"

Wan Liangchen looked at his fans and started blowing it up on the spot, blowing himself up to the point where he was about to fly into the sky.

But Wan Liangchen's fans are all from the bottom of society, people from all corners of China.Seeing his boss hanging on like this, the excitement of rewarding each one became more enthusiastic.

"Boss is mighty! You just shouldn't let him get used to!"

"Let's go out, fans. It's been a long time since we've had a hearty battle. It's time for the world to witness our strength!"

"Ye Wenxuan is just handsome, with a pretty face. Our brother Liangchen is called a man, and this is the charm of a man!"

"Brother Liangchen, this is the latest Mercedes-Benz touring car, Hao!"


There is everything to say below, Wan Liangchen signaled his fans to keep a low profile, but he didn't see the uplifting smile at the corner of his mouth, and the words full of running the train, but he didn't see any low profile.


In the general group of Ye Wenxuan's Fan Support Club at this moment, a link to the live broadcast caused all the people in the group to explode.

Watching Wan Liangchen's live broadcast and the dense insults to Marven Ye below, all of Marven Ye's fans became angry.

"Just now we ranted against our family Xuanxuan on the show, and we haven't settled with him yet, but we actually made a big fuss here, really don't want a face!"

"Hehe, who gave him the courage? Stop talking nonsense, let's make an example to others, we have been silent for too long!"

"Let's go and blow up the live broadcast room for him, and seeing them bragging makes me sick!"

"That's right, teach him a lesson first, and we'll discuss what to do next!"


After a brief exchange, everyone reached an opinion.Then the general group of the fan support club fell silent, but the sub-groups of many fan support clubs all over the country became lively.

In just half an hour, all Ye Wenxuan's fans were ready to go, gearing up.

Finally, when the stipulated time came, countless Marven Ye fans flooded into Wan Liangchen's live broadcast room.


Over there, Wan Liangchen was still chatting freely, spanking and chatting with the fans in the live broadcast room, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

But at this moment, Wan Liangchen watched the number of people watching in real time in his live broadcast room, and suddenly there was a sharp increase. The speed was so fast that Wan Liangchen was a little dumbfounded.


The speed was so fast that the servers of the Kuaipao Group were alerted.

The comments in the live broadcast room gradually became monotonous, and basically all of them became a unified sentence.

"Trash Wan Liangchen, apology! Eighteenth-line little artist, today Xuanfan will teach you how to behave! ——Xuanyuanjian"

"Trash Wan Liangchen, apology! Eighteenth-line little artist, today Xuanfan will teach you how to behave! ——Xuanyuanjian"

"Trash Wan Liangchen, apology! Eighteenth-line little artist, today Xuanfan will teach you how to behave! ——Xuanyuanjian"

"Trash Wan Liangchen, apology! Eighteenth-line little artist, today Xuanfan will teach you how to behave! ——Xuanyuanjian"


In an instant, all the comments turned into this sentence.Even if there are other words, they are basically pushed away in an instant.

When Wan Liangchen and Wan Liangchen's fans saw this scene, their heads were instantly smoldering.

To be beaten to my hometown by others, it is a slap in the face!

Wan Liangchen, as the live broadcaster, was so embarrassed to death when he saw this scene.

Is there anything more embarrassing than watching your live broadcast room full of scolding broadcasters? !
Fans of Wan Liangchen's eyes turned red when they saw this scene, and instantly felt that their majesty had been trampled on, and their prestige was lost.

However, the huge gap in the number of people made everyone feel powerless.

200 million and 700 million?
This is simply an insurmountable moat, and there is no way to resist.

Just like a wave in the sea, it has no effect at all.

Wan Liangchen's assistants were crazy, kicking people like crazy, but facing the number of 700 million people, it was just a drop in the ocean.

Looking at this scene, Wan Liangchen received another [-] crit in his heart, and coughed twice.

"This is probably the sailor Ye Wenxuan invited, hehe, let's not be afraid, this is just the beginning, I may be hacked later, we just stick to our hearts.

That's all for today's live broadcast, see you tomorrow! "Wan Liangchen spoke nonsense with his eyes open, and immediately downloaded it.

After the live broadcast, Wan Liangchen let out a breath of gloom, feeling a little dazed.

Suddenly Wan Liangchen felt that something was beyond his expectation, and it seemed that the situation was beyond his control.

He always thought that the live broadcasting world was his own world, but now facing such a thing, Wan Liangchen became restless.

Just as Wan Liangchen was suffering from a headache, the assistant behind him suddenly said in a panic: "Brother Liangchen, go and check your Weibo official website, the situation is not good!"

 Dear friends, the bimonthly ticket activity has started.During the period from 9.28 to 10.8, every time a vote is cast, there will be double the number of votes.I hope everyone will vote for Qing Feng, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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