Chapter 517 Abandoned!
When Wan Liangchen heard his assistant's words, he felt a "thump" in his heart.

He quickly took out his mobile phone, opened his official Weibo, saw his latest Weibo, and there were many popular Weibos. At this moment, the number of comments surged, basically reaching more than [-].

"Trash Wan Liangchen, apology! Eighteenth-line little artist, today Xuanfan will teach you how to behave! ——Xuanyuanjian"

"Trash Wan Liangchen, apology! Eighteenth-line little artist, today Xuanfan will teach you how to behave! ——Xuanyuanjian"

"Trash Wan Liangchen, apology! Eighteenth-line little artist, today Xuanfan will teach you how to behave! ——Xuanyuanjian"


The following are all such news, and Wan Liangchen's heart suddenly turns cold when he reads it.

It can be said that he was born on the Internet, and without his popularity on the Internet, it can be said that Wan Liangchen is nothing.

But at the moment, the two places he was most counting on had all fallen, which made him not panic.

Although I had some expectations before, I always have a kind of blind worship for my fans.

But now all illusions are shattered, Wan Liangchen is a little flustered, his eyes drift away.

After thinking about it for a long time, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in my mind, as if I had caught a life-saving straw.

"By the way, Uncle Zhao! Uncle Zhao has great connections, he can definitely help me solve this problem!" Wan Liangchen called up the address book, looked at a phone number in the phone, and quickly dialed it.

But what I heard was a busy tone, and no one answered at all.

Taking a chance, Wan Liangchen called several times in a row, but the result was still a busy signal, and no one answered at all.

Wan Liangchen's heart gradually sank to the bottom, and he continued to call the rest of Uncle Zhao's side, but what he got was either no one answered or the phone was turned off.

My girlfriend didn't answer the phone, and even turned off the phone later.

Wan Liangchen's heart was ashamed, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that the other party had given up on him, and he didn't want to interfere in this matter.

"Hurry up to public relations, contact the person in charge of Kuaipao, and turn off the comment function on my Weibo." Wan Liangchen ordered weakly.


On the sixth floor of Nanhu TV Station, Ye Wenxuan watched the situation on the Internet.

In just one hour, many dramatic things happened, Marven Ye sat on the sidelines and watched, not intervening in this matter at all.

But at this moment Ye Wenxuan was a little confused, what happened in Wan Liangchen's live broadcast room was done by his fans, but the things on Wan Liangchen's Weibo didn't seem to be done by his fans, which made Ye Wenxuan feel a little strange.

I told Xu Rou about my doubts and asked her to help me analyze it.

Hearing what her boss said, Xu Rou felt a little helpless.

"Boss, isn't this incident obvious? It is obvious that Nanhu Satellite TV has made a move. This must be the Nanhu Satellite TV's navy army..." Xu Rou said affirmatively.

This is actually very obvious. Among Ye Wenxuan and other parties involved, apart from Ye Wenxuan, only Nanhu Satellite TV has so much energy.

However, Nanhu Satellite TV must have a back hand, and this is probably just an appetizer ahead.

It's just that the gang of sailors acted under the banner of Marven Ye. Although they didn't get Marven Ye's consent, they still showed their favor to Marven Ye and expressed their own attitude.

Ye Wenxuan did not question Xu Rou's analysis.

Looking at the news on the mobile phone, there will be a report about Ye Wenxuan and Wan Liangchen every two to ten minutes. The limelight of the two has even covered the light of the final battle of "Voice of the Times".

Ye Wenxuan looked at the report on the mobile phone, and saw Wan Liangchen's outrageous words in the live broadcast room at first, which made Ye Wenxuan narrow his eyes.

Now this video is being circulated all over the Internet. If Ye Wenxuan is pointed at his nose and scolded, Ye Wenxuan doesn't do anything, it seems that Ye Wenxuan is too cowardly.

He beckoned to Xu Rou, motioning for Xu Rou to come over.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's gesture, Xu Rou posted it with some doubts.

Marven Ye casually glanced at the other people around, with deep meaning in his eyes.

The people around were still a little confused about what Ye Wenxuan called Xu Rou to do.But now seeing the eyes of the boss, everyone coughed a few times, turned their heads, and started talking with the people around them.

Obviously, Marven Ye was going to say something that he didn't want them to know.As a subordinate, you will naturally have to observe what you say, listen to what you should listen to, and ignore what you should not listen to. This is the basic way of survival.

Now Ye Wenxuan obviously wanted to say something confidential, so they naturally wanted to avoid it.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the staff around him who were very knowledgeable about current affairs, and nodded secretly in his heart.

Ye Wenxuan leaned close to Xu Rou's ear, whispered a lot, then patted Xu Rou's shoulder, motioning her to go out and arrange this matter.

"Do it well, find a trustworthy person to do it." Ye Wenxuan said softly, but he didn't shy away from the people around him.

Xu Rou nodded solemnly, and walked outside, apparently to arrange matters for Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Xu Rou's leaving figure, a profound smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After watching the video clip just now, Ye Wenxuan saw that Wan Liangchen's behavior was no different from that of ordinary local hooligans.

For such a person, Ye Wenxuan thought of a very ancient idiom in China, that is, the villain succeeds!

People like this don't behave in a special way at ordinary times, and there must be some dirty things that are unknown to the public.

If he hadn't been famous before, Marven Ye wouldn't care if he did this.But now he is more or less a public figure, and if he continues to do so, he will be condemned by the public.

Just now Ye Wenxuan asked Xu Rou to arrange some people to follow Wan Liangchen.

Even in order to catch some big handles, Marven Ye even sent out a photography ball.

The camera ball is small and concealed. It can accurately follow the target in high altitude, and it is not easy to be found. It can be said to be an artifact of candid photography.

After all these arrangements, Ye Wenxuan did not believe that his Wan Liangchen's butt was absolutely clean, if it was true, then Ye Wenxuan would also admit it.

This is Ye Wenxuan's plan, he wants to ruin Wan Liangchen's reputation!
After arranging everything, Ye Wenxuan stood up slowly and asked Nie Qian to touch up her makeup. After all, she had to go on stage to sing a song later.


After that, things went smoothly. Although there were some small twists and turns in the program, fortunately, there were no surprises.

The final champion was won by Mao Yi, who successfully defended the first "Voice of the Times" champion.

After all, Mao Yi's creative ability is really excellent. On this program, he actually composed six songs.

Three of them are popular songs, and one even barely sticks to the edge of phenomenal level, which shows its strength.

In this way, this issue of "Voice of the Times" officially ended...

(End of this chapter)

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