Chapter 518 Despair!

At the end of the show, Ye Wenxuan was dragged away by He Jiong, and was treated to a banquet by members of the Happy family.

Everyone in the Happy family also knew what happened tonight, but no one mentioned it, they just hinted vaguely whether Wan Liangchen should be punished.

Faced with everyone's kindness, Marven Ye politely declined.

It's better not to let other people get involved in this kind of thing.Moreover, a mere Wan Liangchen is not worthy of Ye Wenxuan making such a fuss.

After the meal, Ye Wenxuan returned to the hotel where he was staying, washed up briefly, and fell asleep.


But Ye Wenxuan can sleep so easily, it doesn't mean that some people can also sleep soundly.

Wan Liangchen was one of them. He didn't fall asleep the whole night. Looking at many fronts, he completely collapsed, and his eyes were red.

At this moment, he finally knew the difference between an Internet celebrity and a superstar in real life, and he finally understood his arrogance.

But at this moment,'s too late!


On the second day, reports about last night's "Voice of the Times" followed one after another, but it was strange.Regarding last night's live broadcast of Wan Liangchen angering Ye Wenxuan, it was not widely reported, but it seemed to be suppressed by some kind of force.

Many mainstream entertainment media also kept silent about what happened last night, and they all played up the fact that Mao Yi won the championship.

This made Wan Liangchen, who had been watching all the time, heaved a sigh of relief.Although I felt that there was something wrong with those places, I gradually relaxed my mind.

This rhythm of ups and downs made Wan Liangchen physically and mentally exhausted.Suddenly want to find a place to relax and relax.

Just when he was indulging, he didn't know that several teams quietly followed behind him, and even in the sky, there was an unknown and mysterious object following him...


Ye Wenxuan ignored the things on the Internet, but returned directly to Jingbei to continue his work.

The most important thing for Marven Ye recently is the World Martial Arts Conference.

After all, this is an international event, so China naturally has to screen it internally.It is impossible for everyone to participate in the selection at the Asian level, so on March [-]th, a selection will be held at the General Administration of Sports of China.

At that time, martial arts elites, military leaders, and fighting champions from all over China will gather together to compete for ten places to compete.

This news was announced a week ago.

Compared with the previous hiding and tucking, deliberately concealing.This World Martial Arts Conference is uncharacteristically, the country has launched a vigorous publicity campaign and launched warm-up activities.

Many people in the country saw that this competition will be held in Beijing North, which made everyone excited.

The news about the World Martial Arts Conference has been on Weibo for half a month, occupying the top ten most searched spots, and its position is stable. Even as the date approaches, the popularity is still rising day by day.

Ye Wenxuan now spends nearly five hours a day to train himself.Keep yourself in a peak state, and review all boxing skills again.

For this World Martial Arts Conference, Ye Wenxuan's goal is to be number one, even if he is second, Ye Wenxuan will feel that he has failed!

The days passed gradually in this tense atmosphere.

However, in the past few days, the Internet has not been very peaceful.

Some scandals about Wan Liangchen began to come to light, many bad news about Wan Liangchen in the past, and many big V broke the news every day.

Smoking and fighting in school, engaging in school violence, receiving protection money, abusing teachers, being expelled from school, and receiving criminal detention...

One by one the past events have been uncovered, and there are pictures and evidence for each of the events. The ironclad evidence is so overwhelming that no one can justify it.

Moreover, Wan Liangchen's bad things in the past are simply too numerous to count, and five or six things are revealed every day.

Many things are shocking to see.

Originally, many people didn't like this Wan Liangchen, but after this matter was promoted, they hated Wan Liangchen, even... Disgusting!
In an instant, Wan Liangchen was in a storm of public opinion, and all the spearheads were pointed at Wan Liangchen, which made Wan Liangchen dare not stand up at all.

Many people left messages under the news one after another. They simply hated people like Wan Liangchen.

"This kind of person actually has more than 600 million fans? Is there something wrong with the three views of people nowadays?! This kind of person is also worthy of being an idol?!"

"I think we should boycott this kind of bad artist. He is not worthy of being a public figure. His existence has brought many children into trouble. The three views are not correct!"

"Boycott him! Block him!"

"The current social atmosphere is indeed not right, and it really should be rectified. Public figures should set an example and should not bring negative effects."


Numerous comments pointed the finger at Wan Liangchen one after another, and Wan Liangchen became the character that everyone called out for in an instant.

In the past few days, Wan Liangchen watched himself gradually being enveloped by the storm of public opinion, and his heart felt cold.

In the past few days, I have tried to broadcast live, but every live broadcast is full of curses, and my fans are powerless to resist.

Looking at his homepage on Weibo, his fans showed a cliff-like decline in just a few days.

From the original 600 million fans, it has dropped to more than 300 million, and it keeps dropping every day.

As soon as this kind of incident happened, all his recent commercial performances and announcements were stopped, and many merchants even demanded compensation from Wan Liangchen, because his image was damaged, which led to a negative image of the merchants.

Even the attitude of Kuaizhuo, his old club, has become blurred in the past few days, and his attitude is a bit ambiguous.But Wan Liangchen could tell that Kuaipao Company was gradually disregarding him, even a little indifferent.

This sign completely panicked Wan Liangchen.

It was not easy for him to climb to this point from the insignificance.He never wanted to go back to the days when he was looked down upon and looked down upon by others.

If I lose this job, I don't know how to live at all.

Since he became popular, he was a big spender and didn't have much savings at all. For him, it would take a few years for him to lose all of that money.

Wan Liangchen knew who was manipulating everything behind it, and it was naturally Nanhu Satellite TV and Ye Wenxuan who instructed it.

Under the strong pressure, Wan Liangchen gave up.I started to beg my grandpa to sue my grandma to find a relationship, hoping that the two sides would give me a high hand and let me go.

But this is simply unrealistic. All Wan Liangchen's methods are like splashes, and they have no effect at all.

Nanhu Satellite TV and Ye Wenxuan's Times Entertainment responded uniformly to Wan Liangchen's begging for mercy.

It is always unclear, do not understand.

Under such circumstances, Wan Liangchen... fell into despair!

(End of this chapter)

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