Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 519 The end of Wan Liangchen!

Chapter 519 The end of Wan Liangchen!

The storm continued and grew bigger.

On the morning of March [-]rd, a news report from the Ningliao police suddenly caused an instant explosion on the Internet.

Police report: At [-]:[-] p.m. on March [-], a public figure surnamed Wan was arrested in a residential area. He gathered a crowd in his residence to take drugs.products, and gather crowds to **.Has been arrested and brought to justice, and all stolen goods.

Thanks to unknown well-intentioned people for reporting and uploading a lot of evidence, thank you!

As soon as this news came out, many people thought of the hottest person in recent times.

Many media immediately contacted Wan Liangchen, and after several twists and turns, they finally confirmed it.

This captured public figure surnamed Wan is indeed Wan Liangchen!
As soon as the news came out, this matter reached a peak state in an instant.

The storm finally stopped at this moment.

In the end, Yi Wan Liangchen was detained and disappeared from sight.

Many people may not understand this matter.But everyone in the entertainment industry can see clearly.

From the very beginning, Nanhu Satellite TV and Ye Wenxuan jointly manipulated this matter, releasing news one by one, until the final thunderous blow.All kinds of methods made countless people terrified, and they were merciless, directly destroying the other party's family.

In fact, the most ruthless method is the last moment, which directly makes people never recover forever.

In this matter, everyone is guessing whether the last resort is Nanhu Satellite TV or Ye Wenxuan.

Many people do not understand, but finally after layers of investigation, finally confirmed.

The last whistleblower was none other than Ye Wenxuan!
This time, everyone in the entire entertainment industry felt a chill in their hearts, and they had a clear understanding of Ye Wenxuan's methods.

Usually looking at the kind people, he always has a smile on his face, but the ruthlessness of the attack has made countless people terrified.

The most frightening thing is that many people don't know how Ye Wenxuan obtained the evidence.

However, this matter has no result after all.


This matter was gradually suppressed by the relevant departments. After all, a public figure breaking out such a matter would have a very bad impact on society, so this matter gradually faded out of everyone's sight.

For Ye Wenxuan, such a thing is just a small episode in life.

And the first thing Ye Wenxuan is facing now is the competition for the quota in the World Martial Arts Conference.


On March [-]th, the General Administration of Sports of China.

A Mercedes-Benz business car slowly stopped at the entrance of the General Administration of Sports, the door was opened, and a young man wearing sunglasses got out of the car.

Then behind him, a group of people quickly appeared, both men and women, dressed in fashion.

The man raised his head slightly and looked at the plaque at the door, with a sunny smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go, let's go in." The man's voice was warm and peaceful, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the inside.

This man is obviously our protagonist Ye Wenxuan.

Today is the day when the domestic martial arts competition will be selected, and Ye Wenxuan came to today's designated place early.

Entering the General Administration of Sports, a woman came in front of her.

The woman came to Ye Wenxuan's side and asked Ye Wenxuan: "Hello, are you participating in the martial arts competition?"

Marven Ye took off his sunglasses, smiled, and nodded.

The woman was still a little careless at first, but when she saw Ye Wenxuan's face, she was suddenly speechless.

"Ye... Marven Ye!"

"Why are you here, you actually participated in the selection of the Martial Arts Conference?!"

The woman covered her mouth with an expression of disbelief on her face.

A big star actually came to participate in the selection of the Martial Arts Conference. The two seem to have nothing to do with each other.

Facing the woman's astonishment, Ye Wenxuan was very indifferent.

"Haha, why can't I come to participate? Has this lady forgotten that I am the inheritor of Chinese martial arts?" Marven Ye said patiently, obviously in a good mood.

"But this beauty, can you go through the formalities for me and register the staff behind me?" Ye Wenxuan said again.

The woman looked at Marven Ye with straight eyes. To be honest, Lu Xiaomei had never seen such a handsome man since she was a child.

The facial features are exquisite, and the eyes are like a pair of stars, exuding infinite charm.Lu Xiaomei felt that she had fallen, this was almost every woman's dream lover, and Lu Xiaomei became a little crazy when she saw it for a while.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Lu Xiaomei's appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, feeling a little helpless.

After coughing twice, Ye Wenxuan reminded Lu Xiaomei.

After being reminded by Ye Wenxuan twice, Lu Xiaomei woke up from the nympho state.Seeing all the people in front of her looking at her with strange eyes, Lu Xiaomei blushed.

"Mr. Ye, what did you just say, I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly just now." Lu Xiaomei blushed and whispered, very embarrassed.

Ye Wenxuan didn't take offense either, and repeated what he said just now.

Although Lu Xiaomei still wanted to see Ye Wenxuan again, work matters were more important, so the overall situation should be put first.

Lu Xiaomei was very fast, and registered Ye Wenxuan's procedures and the information of the employees behind Ye Wenxuan.

"Mr. Ye, follow this road, go out and go straight. Then turn right, there is a fighting training hall, where today's selection will be held." Lu Xiaomei pointed the direction.

Ye Wenxuan thanked Lu Xiaomei, and then led the people towards the fighting training hall.

The distance was very short, after walking for about 5 minutes, Ye Wenxuan came to the fighting training hall that Lu Xiaomei mentioned.

The fighting training hall covers a large area, with an area of ​​about [-] square meters, all of which are the venue of the fighting training hall.

The fighting training hall has two floors, the lower floor is the training ground, and there is also a fighting boxing field, and the second floor is a comprehensive venue.

There are training rooms, lounges, massage rooms, locker rooms and other facilities, which are very complete.

At the moment, there are many people at the gate of the fighting training hall.

There are personnel participating in the selection, logistics personnel, onlookers, and staff.

Even among the onlookers, Ye Wenxuan also saw several world-class athletes, each of whom has a great reputation in the country.

At this moment, they were also standing together, chatting, while staring at this place, observing the situation here.

Many people who are about to participate in the competition are also sitting and warming up in their respective places.

I have to say that as the General Administration of Sports of the country, the environment inside is really good.The greening is very good, there are lush green everywhere, and the air is much better.

(End of this chapter)

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