Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 523 The first appearance!

Chapter 523 The first appearance!

What everyone thought was different from what Gao Xiangyu thought.

Gao Xiangyu's little calculation was well done. In order to prevent Ye Wenxuan from being defeated, the other party would become angry and refuse to sign for him, so he asked for his signature first.

After that, I can also give it a go, without being afraid to make a move.

After solving a problem in his heart, Gao Xiangyu had a smile on his face.

Turning around and returning to his position, Gao Xiangyu greeted the referee on one side, indicating that the other party can start.

The referee gave Gao Xiangyu an angry look, without saying anything, and directly announced the start of the competition.

The referee's order signaled the official start of the game.

The cynicism on Gao Xiangyu's face was put away in an instant, and a kind of iron-blooded aura rose from his body, as if he had become the killing machine in the jungle, his eyes were full of silence.

Like a crossbow ready to go, look for an opportunity to kill the enemy with one blow!
Sensing the opponent's aura, Ye Wenxuan's eyes became serious.

Although the person in front of him is much worse than the previous Dong Hairong, his strength is definitely not to be underestimated.

Looking at the opponent's posture, it is obvious that they are looking for an opportunity to kill the enemy with one blow. This is also a routine commonly used by special warfare soldiers.

Gao Xiangyu moved slowly, his eyes were firmly locked on Ye Wenxuan's body, his steps were extraordinarily light, and there was no sound at all.

Ye Wenxuan took a step back with his right foot, with a vague posture of being as immobile as a mountain.

Basically, 80.00% of the people in the audience focused their attention on Marven Ye's boxing ring.

Looking at Gao Xiangyu's posture and the temperament revealed, he is definitely a master!
Originally, everyone was worried that Ye Wenxuan's opponent was too weak, so that he would not be able to show his full strength. Now that everyone has cheered up, maybe this will be a fight between dragons and tigers.

On the other side of the arena, the four of Dong Hairong were also sitting together, their eyes locked on Marven Ye's boxing ring the whole time.

Even Dong Hairong paid special attention to this game, his eyes were a little dignified.

Zheng Xin saw that the two were confronting each other looking for an opportunity, Zheng Xin said quietly: "Boss, who do you think has a better chance of winning between 09 and Ye Wenxuan?"

Dong Hairong narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Zheng Xin's question.

"This Ye Wenxuan... is not simple, look at his stance, it's unfathomable!" Dong Hairong said in a deep voice as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

When Zheng Xin heard the boss's words, he put his eyes on Ye Wenxuan and looked at Ye Wenxuan carefully for a long time, but he didn't find anything profound.

"Boss, how profound is Ye Wenxuan's stance? Why do I feel that there is no difference?" Zheng Xin asked suspiciously.

Dong Hairong shook his head gently, and said, "Look carefully, you will know in a while. Although 09 is also very strong, compared with this young man, hey..."

Dong Hairong didn't continue, but all three of them understood that their boss was not optimistic about Gao Xiangyu.


Gao Xiangyu and Ye Wenxuan didn't know what happened in the audience.Now Ye Wenxuan and Gao Xiangyu only have each other in their eyes, and they are fully focused.

Gao Xiangyu moved around Ye Wenxuan gently, carefully observing Ye Wenxuan's stand.

But after watching it for a long time, Gao Xiangyu, like Zheng Xin, also didn't see any tricks. He let out a sigh of relief, thinking that his boss might be exaggerating.

Not planning to procrastinate any longer, Gao Xiangyu decided... to attack!
At the right time, the sharp arrow that had been ready to go was shot out.

Fast as lightning, fight in a straight line!

Special warfare fighters have always been simple and rude, and Gao Xiangyu is well versed in this.

Going forward directly is a straight punch with the backhand, which is powerful and extremely fast.

Many people in the audience didn't even react, watching Gao Xiangyu's coherent offensive routine made everyone feel chilly.

Can't help but think, if this punch is placed on him, whether he can catch it.

Many people felt a little sad in the end, because they all knew that this punch... could not be received by themselves!

The final result is only one, being KO!


Facing the menacing punch, Ye Wenxuan's eyes flashed, without any hesitation, as if instinctively.

The right hand stretched out suddenly, and directly hit the joint of Gao Xiangyu's right hand, directly breaking up the condensed energy of Gao Xiangyu.

Then he grabbed Gao Xiangyu's fist, kicked his feet, the force rose from his waist, his spine woke up like a big dragon, and all the energy in his body twisted into one strand.

Turn around and throw your back!
Gao Xiangyu's movements were fast, but Ye Wenxuan's reaction speed was faster, and a series of movements were instinctive without stagnation.

Gao Xiangyu was thrown by Ye Wenxuan without any resistance, and hit the ring heavily.

Fortunately, there was a layer of white protective mat on the ring. Although it was not very thick, it was at least stronger than the concrete floor.

Even so, Gao Xiangyu was beaten to pieces.

However, as a fighter, Gao Xiangyu stood up immediately, even though his head was dizzy and his eyes were full of stars.

There was a huge wave in Gao Xiangyu's heart. According to his conscience, Gao Xiangyu absolutely didn't hold back the slightest blow from that blow just now.But the result was easily resolved by the opponent, and then counterattacked.

Although Gao Xiangyu is among the five, his weight is not too big, only 160 catties.But Ye Wenxuan was definitely lighter than him, but the opponent's strength was unbelievable, and he was thrown out like a chicken, which made Gao Xiangyu's heart collapse.

It's like facing your boss, no, to be precise, it's even scarier than your boss!
Gao Xiangyu looked at Ye Wenxuan with a trace of fear in his eyes.

The people in the audience gasped when they saw the series of fights just now.

Originally, I thought Ye Wenxuan's opponent Gao Xiangyu was very powerful, but I didn't expect Ye Wenxuan to be so capable.

That menacing punch, even a punch that many people couldn't solve, was solved so easily by Marven Ye.

Everyone present had a new understanding of Marven Ye's strength.

Some are afraid, some are jealous, some are jealous, and some are excited.All kinds of emotions began to spread.

Ye Wenxuan on the stage, looking at the timid Gao Xiangyu, decided in his heart not to procrastinate any longer.

Swiping forward with his right foot and pulling with his left foot, Marven Ye used the Baguazhang's gait, which was very mysterious.

Erratic, but extremely fast.

Coming to Gao Xiangyu's side, Ye Wenxuan took a heavy step with his right foot, and also punched with his right fist, but the punch was not straightened, only half of the punch was faintly punched.

Wing Chun - Inch Fist!
With one punch, Marven Ye concentrated all his energy on his right hand.

Gao Xiangyu was the first to bear the brunt. Facing this punch, Gao Xiangyu felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

This punch, he... can't handle it!

 A new month has begun, I hope everyone can vote for Qingfeng a few more monthly tickets.Until the [-]th, there are double monthly tickets, please support... (manually clasped fists)

(End of this chapter)

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