Chapter 524 Seed player!

Gao Xiangyu felt the pressure on his face, Ye Wenxuan's fist was getting bigger and bigger in his eyes, but finally it stopped only one centimeter away from his eyes.

Cold sweat rolled down Gao Xiangyu's forehead in an instant, and he let out a little breath.

At the last moment, Marven Ye kept his hand.

Ye Wenxuan's impression of these soldiers has always been very good, so Ye Wenxuan didn't want to let the person in front of him bleed.

Just when Gao Xiangyu breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Wenxuan's gentle voice came over.

"Admit defeat?"

Gao Xiangyu felt that his throat was a little dry, although it was difficult to accept, but this is the reality.

The other party has already given him the greatest face, if he doesn't cherish it, the end will definitely be miserable, and he will probably be directly KO.

"I admit defeat, and I am convinced that I lose!" Gao Xiangyu's voice was a little low, but he was very responsible and did not cheat.

Seeing this situation, the referee immediately shouted: "The match is over, Marven Ye has won, and we will enter the next round!"

As soon as the referee's voice came out, Ye Wenxuan's staff shouted happily, applauding to welcome his boss warmly.

Gao Xiangyu returned to his position a little annoyed, a little embarrassed to look at his comrades.

Seeing that Gao Xiangyu was depressed, Dong Hairong stepped forward and patted Gao Xiangyu.

"09, don't be discouraged. There's no shame in losing to him. Even if I meet him, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. You don't have to take it to heart." Dong Hairong comforted.

Hearing what the boss said, Gao Xiangyu raised his head and looked at the boss in surprise, his eyes were a little unbelievable.

"Boss, what are you talking about?! You're not sure you can beat him?!" Gao Xiangyu asked in surprise.

Although Gao Xiangyu himself lost, he did admit that Ye Wenxuan was very powerful.But even so, he did not admit that Marven Ye could defeat his boss.

Dong Hairong shrugged his shoulders and nodded as a matter of course.

"I am not invincible. There are still many people in the world who can defeat me. As the old saying goes, the masters are among the people.

Look at it, this is probably just the beginning, many people who came this year are not good at it! "Dong Hairong said frankly.

Looking in several directions, Dong Hairong was also a little apprehensive, and Ye Wenxuan was obviously one of them.

"Okay, you kid, don't be discouraged. Hurry up and adjust, and finally you challenge one. Fight for the last chance!" Dong Hairong laughed, and patted Gao Xiangyu vigorously to cheer him up.

Gao Xiangyu nodded heavily, found one side, and began to adjust his state alone.


Ye Wenxuan returned to his position and began to rest up.

Don't look at the fact that the two of them just confronted each other for a few rounds, but the energy they spent was enormous.

It takes a lot of energy to control the momentum and grasp the timing.

Marven Ye watched the changes in the ring while recovering his physical strength.

In the end, Marven Ye found two more talented people.

One is a young boy with an immature face. It seems that he has just grown up, not even grown up.

With Ye Wenxuan's eyesight, the opponent should have practiced Xingyiquan in Huaxia's national art.However, the opponent's boxing skills seemed to be flawed, and only showed the four boxing shapes of eagle, bear, snake, and horse.Compared with the real and complete twelve shapes, it is far from it.

However, although there are only four forms, the power of these four forms cannot be underestimated.Between shots, there are sometimes the speed of an eagle, the fury of a bear, the uprightness of a horse, and the cunning of a snake.

The four kinds of fists are used by this young man with ease, it seems that he should have practiced them since he was a child.The boxing scriptures are authentic, it should be a family tradition.

Ye Wenxuan faintly noticed this young man.

After that, there was a middle-aged man who looked ordinary, but his kung fu was absolutely sharp.

This kung fu should also be spread in the national art, but Ye Wenxuan was a little uncertain.

Because of this big man, his legwork contains the profound meaning of Tan's legs, and he has the shadow of his northern legs, and he has both moves, which makes Marven Ye a little confused.

But even though he didn't understand exactly what this leg technique was, it didn't hinder the strength of this middle-aged man.

The opponent was kicked helplessly by him, and the whole process took less than ten seconds. He was kicked in the head by the middle-aged man and directly KO'd him.

Ye Wenxuan paid attention to these two people, and then asked Xu Rou to check their information.

Finally, I learned that the young man's name is Yue Ziang, and the middle-aged man's name is Zhou Hetai.

Ye Wenxuan didn't go to make friends, but secretly remembered the names of these two people.

In the third wave, the rest of the men in the army also came to power one by one. Everyone's strength should not be underestimated.

Soon all the games in the first round are over, and the second round will start again soon.

The opponent Ye Wenxuan met this time was just a very ordinary player who was the founder of a domestic fighting club.

He came here just to win a first-line chance, and it was enough to be selected for the Asian-level martial arts competition. He just wanted to gain some fame for his fighting club.

But he didn't expect to meet Marven Ye, which made him give up the idea of ​​competing with Marven Ye.

Not to mention being beaten up, you still have to lose, it's not worth it!

So after taking the stage, he took a photo with Marven Ye, and then happily conceded defeat and walked off the stage, very self-aware.

In its view, this competition was not in vain.After all, I met Ye Wenxuan once and took a photo with Ye Wenxuan.This photo is hung in the fight club, and it is estimated that it will gain a lot of popularity, and it will even have the capital to brag about.

Ye Wenxuan was a little dumbfounded, why did he meet two opponents in a row, they either wanted to sign autographs or take a group photo.

The match was unsuccessful, Ye Wenxuan walked off the ring directly.

In fact, not only Ye Wenxuan, but also the few super-strength players in the field, basically everyone knows it by heart.So many people automatically give up when they meet those few people.

In the second round, there were only [-] matches in total, and the speed was very fast, basically ending in a while.

But even after the second round ended, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

The organizer announced a one-hour break for the players to eat and rest.

When everyone got the news, they were not polite, and went to find places to rest.

Ye Wenxuan didn't move, but sat where he was.My assistant has already bought the lunch, which is full of color, flavor and nutrition.

Marven Ye chatted with the people around him while eating.

After eating for a while, a figure appeared in front of Marven Ye, gradually covering Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan raised his head curiously, and was a little surprised to find out.

The young man I was paying attention to stood in front of me impressively, that is... Yue Ziang!

 A new month has begun, I hope everyone can vote for Qingfeng a few more monthly tickets.Until the [-]th, there are double monthly tickets, please support... (manually clasped fists)

(End of this chapter)

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