Chapter 536 Worth it!

Night time entertainment.

It was already past seven o'clock, but the room was still brightly lit.Some departments are off work after get off work is over.

However, in some departments, there is still a lot of work to do, and they are still fighting at night.

CEO's office.

Meng Tong was wearing a very loose cartoon sweater, with long, smooth hair draped over his shoulders.A little powder was applied on her face, and her skin, which was originally as white as snow, looked even more beautiful.

Lying in front of Ran Yirou's computer, she was holding a lock of her hair in her white and tender little hand, playing with it listlessly.

Ran Yirou, who was opposite, looked at Meng Tong like a child, with a smile in his eyes.

"Sister Yirou, when do you think my album's first-day sales will come out?" Meng Tong murmured, his eyes were out of focus, it was obviously a subconscious greeting.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ran Yirou's mouth, she shook her head lightly, she was really convinced by this little girl Meng Tong.

I ran to my office after five o'clock, lying in front of the desk and refused to leave, insisting on knowing the first-day sales as soon as possible.

Greetings like the one just now have been asked no less than 40 times, and Ran Yirou's ears are almost callused.

"Little aunt, please wait patiently when you go back. I told you that it's still early before the data is released.

Evening is the peak period of album sales, and finally a big data summary has to be done.The earliest estimate is that the result will come out around eleven o'clock, so don't bother me, okay..."

Ran Yirou said dotingly, for Meng Tong, a cute little girl, Ran Yirou really has no resistance.There is a feeling like a sister, very heartwarming.

Hearing Ran Yirou say that again, Meng Tong finally compromised.His head stood upright from the table, his mouth pouted.

"Sister Yirou, it's done. If you have any news, you must tell me. I'll be waiting for your news in my office."

Mengtong also felt that it was not good to disturb Ran Yirou's work all the time, so she was going back to her office to wait for the news.But before he left, he was still worried and asked again.

Ran Yirou nodded, looking at Mengtong's appearance, feeling a little helpless.

"You girl, from today onwards, you are no longer a little girl who is doing webcasting. You are a real rookie star, a real female artist with fans. You can't be so casual anymore, you have to Maintain the image you should maintain at all times!" Ran Yirou taught.

When Meng Tong heard Ran Yirou's words, his mouth puffed up, feeling a little sad...

"Then... Sister Yirou, can I have a small request, I can agree to everything else."

Mengtong stretched out a finger and asked weakly.

When Ran Yirou saw Meng Tong's appearance, her heart softened again.

"That is, can I not control my diet? You know, if I don't eat, I won't be able to bear it." Mengtong said with a little grievance.

Ran Yirou originally thought that Mengtong had some request, but when she heard this request, she was almost overwhelmed.

"You girl, look at how fat you are. Female artists must maintain their figure. If you continue like this, you will become fat!" Ran Yirou said with a bit of hatred.

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Meng Tong felt even more wronged.

"I don't want to either, but I can't control myself..." Mengtong said weakly, not daring to look into Ran Yirou's eyes.

Ran Yirou sighed, feeling a little weak at the end, and said, "Forget it, I'll find a nutritionist to help you plan the weight, and the rest... you can decide for yourself."

When Mengtong heard Ran Yirou's words, he immediately burst into a smile, and walked out of Ran Yirou's office bouncing around.

Ran Yirou looked at Meng Tong's appearance, there was no grievance.Everything just now turned out to be where Mengtong pretended to be pitiful and used his acting skills on himself.

Ran Yirou was a little amused, then shook her head and continued to process the documents.


Time passed slowly, and soon it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Times Entertainment Marketing Department.

Many employees are already sleepy at the moment, but they still have to stay on the front line.

After all, first-day sales are very important data for an artist, and there is no room for loss.

Times Entertainment is treated very well, and there are many drinks in the tea room.The coffee is better coffee powder, not the instant coffee on the market.

Employees, one by one, put their eyes on the computer, always pay attention to the data from the opposite music platform, and then input it into the large database.

Mengtong couldn't sit still at the moment, wearing her cartoon sweater, walking around in the marketing department was terribly nervous.

Ran Yirou also moved to the marketing department, waiting for the final result.

Everyone actually knew that today's grades would not be too bad, because behind Mengtong stood a man who was like a god of music, how could he fail? !
That's right, among many employees, Ye Wenxuan had already been given to Shinhwa.

Ye Wenxuan's image is like a pillar of faith in the entertainment of the times.

It can also be said that it is the spirit of an enterprise. Under Ye Wenxuan's brilliance, everyone can work with peace of mind.

This is the role that Ran Yirou will never be able to replace, this can also be said to be the spirit of leadership!

Finally, when the pointer fell to eleven o'clock, the first day's sales came out!

All the computer screens flashed strips of garbled codes, obviously the computers were running calculations at super speed.

In the end, a long number came out, it was...

230 forty thousand!

Looking at the final sales, everyone took a deep breath.

The sales volume of 230 million on the first day, even if it is an online album, is still a big seller.

You must know that Tianyu's first-day sales were only 70, and Mengtong's sales directly tripled this result!
Everyone was silent for a while, and then the whole office room erupted with loud jubilant sounds.

Everyone rushed to tell each other, and in an instant the news spread to the entire staff who are still working in Times Entertainment.

Many people even posted on Moments to tell the good news to the rest of the off-duty people.

Among them, the happiest person was Meng Tong, who was the person involved, but Meng Tong smiled and shed tears.

This is a rewarding experience, which makes Meng Tong feel that his hard work for nearly a year has not been in vain.

It seems that the treatment is very good, but Mengtong knows the pressure behind this glory.

If the sales of the album were Waterloo, no one would blame Marven Ye.

Mengtong would only be the one to blame, because Ye Wenxuan's talent was well known, and it could only be said that Mengtong's level ruined Ye Wenxuan's good songs.

Therefore, during this year, Mengtong studied desperately and plumped himself up, how many days and nights, how many tears she shed, only Mengtong himself knows.

Finally, today, all the hard work is worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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