Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 537 Huaxia Studios!

Chapter 537 Huaxia Studios!

Ran Yirou looked at Meng Tong's appearance, also full of emotion.

The sales volume on the first day was 230 million, and the album was selling well at the same time.Ten days later, "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" starring Meng Tong will also be released again.

The combination of the two basically created a first-line actress quickly.

Although this first-line actress may be a little watery, her popularity is definitely comparable to that of a first-line actress.

At that time, with the support of Times Entertainment, it is estimated that she will soon be able to gain a firm foothold among the first-line actresses.

So far, it is estimated that a female star who can resist one side will appear again in Times Entertainment. This is definitely an important leap forward for the future development of Times Entertainment.

Ran Yirou felt very relieved that the entertainment of the whole era was created by her and Ye Wenxuan together.

She saw with her own eyes that the company gradually became a towering giant tree and gradually flourished.This kind of gratification made Ran Yirou feel a great sense of satisfaction.

"Okay, everyone pack up quickly and go home quickly, it's already late." Ran Yirou clapped her hands and shouted to the cheering crowd in front of her.

Hearing Mr. Ran's words, they all suppressed their excitement.

"Come here first today. After the final sales results come out, we will hold a celebration party for Mengtong. Then you can make trouble whatever you want." Ran Yirou said with a smile.

Everyone smiled and nodded, and then they all got busy.

Ran Yirou and Mengtong also cleaned up briefly, and then they left the company together.


In the next few days, Marven Ye became even busier.Basically, the time of sleeping every day is basically spent on the plane.

Finally, on the evening of March 29th, the premiere of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" was held at Huaxia Cinema in northern Beijing.

Huaxia Film City is a film city built by China Film Group on the second ring road in the north of Beijing with a huge investment.

The entire movie city is as big as a commercial complex, with four floors.

The entire movie city is all for movies, and on the second floor is a venue specially built for the premiere of each movie.

On the second floor, there is a venue dedicated to interviewing reporters, a venue for press conferences, a place for recording and live broadcasting of the premiere, and a giant screen IMAX theater where the final film is played!

It can be said to be a one-stop service. Basically, Huaxia Film City can meet all film requirements.

The third and fourth floors are all composed of different movie halls, with a total of 88 movie halls!

Among them, there are as many as [-] giant screen theaters, which is unrivaled in China.

In an ordinary city, a movie theater with two or three giant screen halls is already very powerful.And Huaxia Film City has eighteen of them!
This scale has led to Huaxia Film City becoming the best place for all moviegoers.

This also established Huaxia Film City's position in China. Basically, every year, 80.00% of China's major productions are premiered in Huaxia Film City.

But this time, Marven Ye relied on his second uncle to get the right to premiere here.

Of course, for this premiere, Ye Wenxuan also paid as much as 200 million for the premiere.

The cost was high, but Marven Ye didn't feel bad at all.

Being the first to win has always been Marven Ye's creed, and it has also been a condition for constant victory since ancient times.


At night, the entire second floor of Huaxia Film City turned into pink.

False peach trees are erected everywhere on the second floor, and the pink petals embellish the whole second floor extraordinarily beautifully.

A promotional poster can be seen everywhere.

The people on the posters are all gorgeous. Whether it's from the costumes or the special effects in the later stage, there is nothing wrong with them, they are beautiful.

At this moment, there is still half an hour before the evening premiere.But many people have already come to the second floor, wandering around on the second floor.

The entire second floor was full of voices and discussions.

A reporter with a camera shuttled among the crowd, filming at many designated shooting locations.

The second floor has a huge area, so although there are many people, it doesn't seem so crowded.

At present, there are many supporting roles in movies, and they are interviewed by reporters everywhere on the second floor.

They are all supporting roles in the movie, and their popularity is not very high.But it didn't hinder the enthusiasm of the reporters, everyone received a lot of attention.

Similar to the actor Tian Wei who played Tianjun, several actors who played Brother Si Yin, and the actors who played Bai Qian's parents.They were all in every corner, being interviewed by reporters, and surrounded by many spectators.

Among the crowd, Guo Ru and Sun Yu were among them.

For the premiere, Guo Ru is hopeless.

Tickets for premieres like "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" are worth a lot of money.

This is unbearable for Guo Ru from a middle-class family.

But it happened that Sun Yu's uncle was working in Huaxia Studios, and he was also a middle-level cadre.

Unable to withstand Sun Yu's coquetry, he took out two premiere tickets from internal channels and handed them to Sun Yu.

It was not interesting for Sun Yu to go alone, so he dragged Guo Ru to watch the movie together.

At first, Guo Ru felt embarrassed and refused.

But Sun Yu's attitude was very firm, he stalked Guo Ru, and Guo Ru was really interested in this film, so he had no choice but to agree.

The two came here early today, and as soon as they entered the second floor, they felt as if they were in a peach forest.This is naturally very lethal to the two girls.

Looking at the surrounding layout, Guo Ru couldn't help but think of the sentence she had been obsessed with for a long time.

"Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, Eight Wilds and Four Seas, I'm here for you!"

Looking at the surrounding scenery, it seemed that it was gradually catering to the fantasy scenery in his mind, which made Guo Ru fascinated for a while.

Sun Yu beside her was also similar.

The two wandered around for a while and walked around the entire second floor.

I also went to take a photo with every supporting role. Although these characters are all wearing costumes, which are a bit out of tune with their modern attire, the two still enjoy it.

After going around for more than half an hour, there was only a little time left before the premiere.

Holding a piece of popcorn and two glasses of Coke, the two entered towards the central venue.

The central venue is a giant screen IMAX theater, and there is a liftable stage in front of the movie screen.

Although the stage is not very big, it is enough for more than ten people to stand on it together.

Looking up, it is densely packed with nearly 700 seats, distributed in a fan shape.

The two took the tickets and quickly found their seats, then sat down and waited for the premiere to officially start...

 Due to the limited exemption, there are two changes today, and it will be made up tomorrow, starting at the fifth shift~

(End of this chapter)

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