Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 538 Creation Process!

Chapter 538 Creation Process!

Guo Ru and Sun Yu were talking chatteringly, looking at the surroundings, the two little girls naturally found everything very novel.

The location of the two is very good, very close to the location of the central isolation area.

The central isolation area is reserved for some celebrity entertainers, senior filmmakers, and guests from the entertainment industry.

The location of the two of them is close to the central isolation area, which means that the two of them are very likely to meet Ye Wenxuan, a group of real big stars.The two were very excited about this.

The projection screen in the Huaxia Film City's projection hall is currently the most advanced IMAX screen in the world.Moreover, some technologies of the sky screen that are still being researched are also used to maximize the effect of the film.

As time went by, the entire cinema hall was gradually filled with people.For a while, there was a lot of voices and excitement.

At [-]:[-], the premiere of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" officially began!
From the right side of the theater, Ye Wenxuan, Cheng An, Zhao Feier and other main creators all came on stage.

Ye Wenxuan was wearing a light blue suit today, looking very fresh and young.The hair was fixed with hairspray, with a fashionable shape, the moment he appeared on the stage, there was a burst of cheers from the scene.

And Zhao Feier, Zhao Feier is wearing a white evening dress today.

The pure white dress, coupled with Zhao Fei'er's suet-like skin, made Zhao Fei'er have a different kind of charm.There is quite a feeling of whiteness in the play, with extraordinary charm.

There are also Mu Bin, Bai Mengying, Gao Guangwei, Zhao Mozhi and others, all dressed up to attend, and everyone is handsome and beautiful, making many people who look at their faces short of breath.

Everyone walked up to the stage and looked at the enthusiastic audience, feeling a sense of relief.

After four months, it has finally come to this day, and it is time to finally reap the fruits.

Cheng An held the microphone. As a director, he naturally possessed the greatest authority.This is also a respect for a director, so Cheng An began to speak.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the distinguished guests for coming and participating in the premiere of the first part of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom". We are also very honored to be with you on this day..."

Cheng An said a lot, both official and sincere.

Listening to what Cheng An said, many people in the audience understood the difficulties behind this drama.

Soon, Cheng An finished speaking.Next, Marven Ye spoke, because Marven Ye was not only the lead actor of this drama, but also the investor, producer, and screenwriter of this drama.

It can be said that the identity is absolutely super high, and it is also transcendent.

Ye Wenxuan took the microphone, looked at the radiant fans below, and smiled sincerely.

"In fact, I had an idea for this play in May last year, and I didn't make a practical move."

"During the summer vacation, when I went to work in Paris, I met Meng Tong. As soon as I saw her, it seemed that I had infinitely overlapped with the Qingqiu little emperor in my fantasy, so I signed her."

"There is also Zhao Fei'er, who also received my invitation early and has been preparing."

Ye Wenxuan had a serious face and spoke sincerely, slowly telling his story.

While Ye Wenxuan was talking, the media writers below were also remembering it, making records for tomorrow's film review.

"It can be said that this drama really cost me a lot of thought. I also really want to work hard to create a perfect fairy world for everyone, so that everyone likes it."

"This is not only reflected in the connotation of the film, but also in the technology of the film."

"Here, I can boast a lot. After this film, the world's film technology will once again usher in a huge innovation!"

Ye Wenxuan's words were not surprising, and he dropped a bomb in an instant.

The audience below and the guest reporters were all in an uproar.

But no one on the stage, including Cheng Anan, reacted at all.It seemed that what Ye Wenxuan said was taken for granted, and there was nothing wrong with what he said.

But people in the audience felt that Ye Wenxuan was too crazy, and even some reporters couldn't help raising their hands to ask questions.

Ye Wenxuan saw someone raise his hand, so he asked him to stand up and speak.

"Mr. Ye, what you said just now. Can I understand that the technology you have has produced epoch-making technology? Can it be understood that it has surpassed the technology of the US emperor?"

Facing this rather pertinent question, Marven Ye smiled and said, "You understand quite right, that's what I meant!"

Ye Wenxuan's words undoubtedly killed this matter.

Many people were in an uproar again, Marven Ye's self-confidence was in the eyes of some people.Not self-confidence, but arrogance!

Some people even wondered if this was Ye Wenxuan's marketing strategy.

Some senior film critics also narrowed their eyes slightly.He secretly decided in his heart that if Ye Wenxuan spoke big words, he would never be soft-hearted, and would definitely criticize his arrogance.

Let this young man know that food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words... can't be said indiscriminately!
Ye Wenxuan looked at the scene with a smile, and understood the thoughts of many people.

But Marven Ye was not afraid at all, because Marven Ye believed that after watching the movie, they would no longer doubt what Marven Ye said.

Marven Ye succeeded in pressing down, signaling for everyone present to quiet down.

"We got back to the topic. After nearly half a year of production, we finally presented this film to Everbright fans. There were a lot of hardships in it, and it was really not easy."

"The film was shot for 105 days, with over 1000 staff members. There were 25 indoor and outdoor scenes, 70 concept designers, and it took 7389 hours.

Draw 4000 scene concept drawings, 200 artists and prop designers, 6000 prop design drawings, 2900 sets of weapon production, which lasted 3160 hours, and 6345 special effects shots. "

Ye Wenxuan talked eloquently and accurately stated a long list of data.

These data give everyone a real intuitive understanding.

These are not fabricated by Marven Ye, but real data.

This is the result of Times Film and Television's five or six months of overtime work.

Behind every piece of data is the day and night hard work one by one.

Many people fell silent after hearing Marven Ye's words.

No matter what the end result of this movie is, this movie is worth watching with all your heart just because of its seriousness.

"That's all I have to say. I hope you can feel our sincerity in the following time. I hope you have a pleasant evening."

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he bowed slightly to the audience.

The rest of the main creators also said something one by one.

After about half an hour, everyone finished their testimonials.

After speaking, Marven Ye and others walked off the stage.

The stage also slowly lowered, and the lights gradually began to dim.

Everyone waited with bated breath, the scene was pitch black, and everyone was shrouded in darkness.

The first part of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is released to the public for the first time, and it is just the beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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