Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 539 Immortal Hero!Xian Xia!

Chapter 539 Immortal Hero!Xian Xia!
In the darkness, suddenly a light source appeared in the center of the screen.Immediately, it became brighter and brighter, gradually dazzling everyone's eyes.

Suddenly, the darkness returned again.But everyone couldn't help opening their mouths, because many people saw a galaxy in front of them.

Endless galaxy, countless dots of stars, the Milky Way hanging in the air.Everything seems so real, as if appearing in the Milky Way in person.

In the galaxy, there appeared a giant who looked like he was holding up the sky.

Dragging a touch of azure planet in his right hand, he raised it slowly, and gradually raised it toward the top of his head.

The giant was tall and his face was indistinct.But from the outline, it is very handsome.

If someone who is familiar with Marven Ye is present, they will suddenly find that the outline of the giant is the enlarged version of Marven Ye!
In fact, this was not Ye Wenxuan's original intention, but the staff below were too kind to refuse.Moreover, Ye Wenxuan's status in their hearts is unmatched, and finally he made such an image.

The giant held the blue planet high, and finally the angle of view rose, and a line of writing appeared.

Produced by Times Entertainment Group!

Such a cool prospect is actually the title logo!
The two little girls, Guo Ru and Sun Yu, were shocked from ear to ear by this incomparable sci-fi effect.

"This pre-screening sign is the cutest one I've ever seen, so cool!" Sun Yu murmured to herself.

A senior film critic in the central isolation area in front heard Sun Yu's voice.He couldn't help but turn around and take a look, because he felt the same way.

When the pre-screening sign is over, the movie has started.

A burst of auspicious clouds drifted by, and the flute sounded.

The entire screen is covered with pure white clouds, and then the angle of view changes from far to near.

Suddenly, there appeared a huge mountain that pierced the sky and pierced the earth.

The mountain is filled with auspicious clouds, fairy birds and beasts are in groups.

One after another, Qionglou and Jade Pavilions rose from the ground, and pairs of white-clothed monks rose up from the sky.

There are also a large number of disciples, wearing white Taoist robes, waving magic swords in their hands, exuding amazing sword energy.

On the highest point of the mountain, there is a looming figure exuding endless majesty, like the scorching sun of a world, shining across the sky.

At this time, a handwriting like an ink painting flashed on the screen, Donghuang Junji Mountain!

Many people are a little stunned.In the previous trailer, I saw this fairy mountain, but it was only a fragmentary view.

And now I finally saw the panorama, and it did not disappoint.





It is really the voice of everyone, and it is also the thought of everyone.

Everything is so real.It seems that the clips in the movie were not shot in the human world, but really shot in the fairyland.

Many senior filmmakers looked at the scene in front of them.With their profound experience, they observed the scenes in the play.

But no matter how they looked at it, they couldn't find any trace of the later stage, as if it was a real scene.This made them so shocked that they couldn't speak.

You know, even if it is a blockbuster movie from America's Hollywood, although they don't understand some parts.But it can also tell where the post-production was done and what technology was used.

But when I put it here, it was blank, and I didn't understand anything at all.They can't tell the difference between reality and illusion at all, which makes them a little discouraged.

But ordinary viewers don't care about this, they are enjoying it!

At this time, Zhao Fei'er in white clothes appeared in front of people.

Dressed in men's clothing, she looked extraordinarily heroic.There is a look of a little girl in the eyes, which cannot be concealed no matter what.

Si Yin was taken by his father to Donghuang Junji Mountain to learn art from a teacher, and Ye Wenxuan appeared in a black Taoist robe and headband.

Ye Wenxuan's face looked even older at this moment, as if he was a middle-aged man.But the momentum on his body is like a sea of ​​smoke, standing on the top of Donghuang Junji Mountain.

The voice was like rolling thunder, full of majesty.

At this moment, Bai Qian, the future Empress of the Eastern Wilderness, and Mo Yuan, the most influential master in his life, met!

The plot began to develop, and Si Yin disguised herself as a man and sat down at Mo Yuan's place, ranking No.19, the youngest disciple.

There are eighteen senior brothers on it, and there are many interesting things between learning and art. Showing them one by one in front of everyone makes many people smile.

The connection of the plot is very harmonious, with a high degree of cohesion.The audience is immersed in the world of the movie, and they are completely indifferent to the things around them.

Soon, the grievances between Si Yin and Li Jing, the second son of the Yi clan, began to unfold.The plot began to have twists and turns, and gradually began to be subtle.

Soon, the plot finally reached the biggest point of contradiction.

The Fairy and Demon War has begun!

The location of the decisive battle is Donghuang Junji Mountain!
Mo Yuan, played by Ye Wenxuan, as the son of God the Father, is the God of War everywhere.At this moment, it is natural to bear the brunt, leading the heavenly soldiers and generals under his command, and launched a desperate struggle with the Yi clan.

This grand battle between immortals and demons is the scene that uses the most special effects in the play.

The heavenly soldiers and generals, who are as vast as the sea of ​​clouds, are wearing pure white armor, with a gleaming face and blazing eyes.Hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals exude power.

Many people who have vague concepts about the heavenly soldiers and generals in ancient myths have left a deep imprint in their hearts at this moment.

In the front is Mo Yuan in armor, and behind him are nineteen disciples sitting down.There are also all the generals in the heavenly court, each of whom has a vast aura.

Below is the demonic energy permeating the sky, hiding under the monstrous demonic energy are all hideous demon soldiers and generals.

The leader is Qing Cang, who is equally imposing, holding a giant sword, and facing Mo Yuan in the sky.

Without extra words, the two collided directly like a comet hitting the earth.

The war between immortals and demons is on the verge of breaking out, and the immortals of all walks of life have shown their magical powers.

The gorgeous fairy art is beautiful but hides a deadly crisis.

Such a grand scene, many people are excited to see it.

Some just feel that the movies they have watched for decades have been for nothing. This is the real fairy movie!

As for the American imperial blockbusters that I have always admired before?

Let him die!
A bunch of savages who only destroy buildings, nothing new.

If it weren't for the fact that domestic movies are really hard to watch, who would like them!
But it's different now, with our Huaxia's own technology.

This kind of original Xianxia movie is more in line with the appetite of the Chinese, and it is more in line with the aesthetics of the Chinese.

What's more, the scenes in the film are much richer and more interesting than those American blockbusters.

The movie is still in theaters, and various spells are blooming, and the confrontation between immortal soldiers and generals and magic soldiers and generals has made countless men's blood surging.

A full 10 minutes of confrontation is completely addictive.

In the end, Mo Yuan, played by Ye Wenxuan, sacrificed his life to the Donghuang Bell and sealed Qingcang on the bank of the Wei River at the price of sacrifice to the Yuanshen.

In the end, the hoarse cry of Zhao Feier played by Zhao Feier broke the hearts of countless people, and even made countless girls cry for it!

(End of this chapter)

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