Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 542 Breaking [-] million!

Chapter 542 Breaking a Billion!
With the passage of time, the box office of the upper part of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" has been rising steadily, completely leaving the other two films far behind.

In a week, the box office exceeded one billion, and the box office situation and attendance rate are still high.

Ye Wenxuan's movies are awesome, and Ye Wenxuan's second uncle Yu Tianming is also very awesome.In terms of the Chinese cinema line, the intensity of giving is even greater.

Currently, "Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" basically occupies the main lineup of major cinemas.

"Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" accounted for 60.00% of the filming volume, and the rest will be "Reversal of the Future" and "The Year the Flowers Bloomed".

The trend of the fire has emerged, and the next trend is optimistic by many people.It can be said that Times Entertainment made its first move and it was a huge success!


In the past few days, Wang Renkang has been very depressed, it can be said that he is depressed to the bottom of his heart.

It took me more than a year to elaborate "Reversal of the Future".After it was released, it was met with Waterloo.

This made Wang Renkang, who was full of confidence, really unable to accept such a fiasco.

Especially when he was still defeated by a young director like Cheng An, this made Wang Renkang even more upset.

In his view, "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is just hype.

What is the investment of 7000 million yuan, how long the shooting took, and nearly [-] special effects, etc...

In Wang Renkang's eyes, that was simply nonsense.

More than 7000 special effects?It's like laughing out loud!
To know that I was looking for special effects produced by Hollywood, I only made more than 2000 in total.But just such a few special effects cost the investor nearly 5000 million, which shows how expensive the production of special effects is!
And Times Entertainment actually told everyone that it produced more than 7000 special effects.This is simply nonsense, and Wang Renkang doesn't believe it at all.

The more I think about it, the more depressed I become, even the good tea I treasured is tasteless in my mouth at this moment, like a cow chewing peonies.

Picking up a peaked cap, Wang Renkang walked out of the house and came to the nearest large cinema.

Since it was Wednesday, there were not many people, even very few.

Walking to the ticket office, Wang Renkang came to him, and before he could speak, the salesman on the opposite side spoke.

"If you want to watch "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom", the earliest show is at [-] pm, and there are currently no tickets."

Wang Renkang's tone froze, he opened his mouth and said, "Then buy me a ticket for the nearest "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms"."

Wang Renkang wanted to see this movie, what kind of charm did he have, and he actually defeated the movie he worked so hard for, Wang Renkang refused to accept it!

The conductor took a different look at Wang Renkang, wondering how an uncle in his 40s would like to watch fairy romance movies like "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" by himself?
However, the doubts belonged to the doubts, and the hand was not slow, and a ticket was issued to Wang Renkang.

Wang Renkang took the ticket and nodded.Then he went on to say: "Are there any tickets for "Reversal of the Future"? If there are no tickets, please give me the nearest one."

Wang Renkang had some expectations in his heart, expecting the conductor to give him the same words as before, but the result made Wang Renkang very sad...

The conductor didn't look up, and said, "Reversals of Future Past? There are plenty of tickets, and you can get whatever show you want."

What the conductor said caused Wang Renkang to suffer a critical blow of [-] points.

Wang Renkang felt that he couldn't hold back his old face, so he said with a dark face, "Just the nearest 12:30, pick me a ticket in the middle."

The conductor nodded, took the fare from Wang Renkang, and typed a ticket for Wang Renkang.

Wang Renkang nodded, and walked into the theater with the ticket.

At the ticket gate, there were two teams of people standing separately.One team watched "Reversal of the Future", and the other team watched "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom".

There is a huge gap between the two teams in terms of numbers. One is a long line that stretches like a snake, and the other is a small team with only a dozen or so, nearly 20 people. The comparison makes Wang Renkang feel sad.

Standing at the end of the line, Wang Renkang is in front of a young couple.

"Humph, I also want to watch "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", I don't want to watch "Inverse Fighting the Future"!" the woman muttered, looking at the team around her, full of envy and yearning.

"Hey, Xuanxuan. It's not that my husband hasn't bought a ticket. I don't have enough time today, so let's take it for a while. Don't worry, we will come to see you this weekend. My husband has booked tickets online in advance, and I promise to let you watch Go to "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" you want to watch."

The man quickly promised and coaxed his daughter-in-law.

Wang Renkang, who was standing behind him, twitched when he heard the man's words.

What is near future? !
Is it so hard for you to watch my movie? !
Wang Renkang felt that the whole world was full of malice towards him.

Enduring the anger in my heart, I checked the ticket and walked in.

Enter your own movie theater, find your own seat, and then do it.

The location is right in the center, and the people sitting next to them are the couple I met before.

After waiting 10 minutes for the pre-screening advertisement, the film officially started.

At the beginning of the film, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Renkang's mouth.

Appreciating his own works is a very fulfilling thing for Wang Renkang.

Soon the movie started, and Wang Renkang was very satisfied with his work.

I am very proud of my many intentions.

However, the man beside him made Wang Renkang's mentality collapse.

"Hahaha, this shot is too fake, it's just a fake!"

"Using such an old meme? It's too low!"

"Is this special effect a [-] cents special effect? ​​Isn't it claimed to be an investment of more than [-] million yuan? Could it be that the money is eaten by dogs!"

"The plot is too blind, I really wonder if this director grew up eating shit, how did he get to this day!"


The mouth of the man next to him was like a machine gun, twitching non-stop.

Every sentence of ridicule made Wang Renkang's mentality explode, and he felt like he was whipping out his scars.

Wang Renkang's expression sank to the extreme, he stood up and moved away from the couple beside him.

Because Wang Renkang wondered if he would have a heart attack if he sat here for a while longer.

However, while watching the movie on the screen, Wang Renkang's mind echoed the man's mocking voice just now.

It suddenly felt a little dull, and there were indeed these loopholes.

However, Wang Renkang was still a little annoyed, and thought to himself: If we had that kind of technology, we would not be where we are today, because we don’t have it.Those old men are also playing tricks, always perfunctory us, hey...

Wang Renkang sighed inwardly, and continued to watch the film with admiration.

Two hours passed quickly, and the crowd walked out of the theater.

Basically, everyone around them gave mediocre responses. Even if there were praises, they would only praise the two film kings for their good acting skills, and nothing else.

With a heavy heart, Wang Renkang returned to the ticket gate and started watching the next movie...

(End of this chapter)

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