Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 543 1 Critical Strikes!

Chapter 543 [-] Critical Strikes!

The number of people is still full, and the long queue still forms a sharp contrast with the two sides of "Reversal of the Future" and "The Year the Flowers Bloomed".

It's just that Wang Renkang's position has been switched. This feeling is very strange.

Walking with the flow of people, he walked slowly towards the ticket gate, while listening to the discussions of the people around him.

It can be heard that the enthusiasm of these audiences for "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is very high, and many of them watched it with great anticipation.

There are even a very small number of people who come to brush it twice.

Perhaps, many people do not understand the phenomenon of watching movies twice.But it does happen. Basically, every film where this happens is a big hit.

Wang Renkang quickly walked to the auditorium of this scene. This is the No. [-] auditorium of the cinema, and it is also the largest auditorium in the entire cinema.

It can fully accommodate nearly 300 people watching movies at the same time, and the big screen is also very advanced.

Compared with the theater where Wang Renkang watched "Reversal of the Future" just now, it's like a shotgun change.

Wang Renkang sat in his seat in a complicated mood, and people came to sit beside Wang Renkang one after another.Basically, they are young men and women, either lovers or girlfriends.

For an uncle like Wang Renkang, sitting and watching a movie is very novel.

But Wang Renkang didn't care about other people's eyes, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the film to start.

In fact, he is also very curious about "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", which has received rave reviews from the outside world.

This movie has been crowned with many titles, but the most resounding and arrogant name is the so-called "movie that revolutionized the history of movies!"

This name is not without arrogance, but the strange thing is that there are basically very few voices of opposition.

Most of the movie fans who have seen it agree with this point of view.

This shows that this film definitely has sufficient capital, otherwise, the current picky fans will definitely spray this film with blood.

And the content of this movie is also the hottest topic on the Internet recently.

Basically, those who have read it will discuss follow-up issues, which are very topical and hot.

It has a feeling after the US imperialism blockbuster, and it is more popular and more controversial.

After all, it is a local fairy tale film in China. For domestic movie fans, this kind of film is obviously more attractive.

Ye Wenxuan provided the screenwriter and script of this movie. Wang Renkang highly valued Ye Wenxuan's talent.

A single "Wolf Warrior" earned a full box office of 50 billion, which directly broke China's three-year box office history, and directly became the hottest and highest-grossing movie in China.

And this movie was made by Ye Wenxuan, and he restored it to its original flavor.

Ye Wenxuan is currently in the film and television industry, which is a big favorite.

Basically, for many big-invested movies, it is customary to ask Marven Ye's era entertainment, ask if Marven Ye is free, and whether he can participate in the role.

Although 90.00% of them were rejected by Ye Wenxuan, this also showed Ye Wenxuan's influence from the side.

Ye Wenxuan's talent is unquestionable, whether it is the conception of the script or acting skills, they are absolutely amazing!
With a respectful look, Wang Renkang put the 3D glasses on his eyes.

And at this time, the movie officially started.

Naturally, the extremely cool pre-screening sign appeared on the stage. Ye Wenxuan's entertainment of the times, as always, stunned everyone present.

Even Wang Renkang, who is an industry insider, was shocked by Times Entertainment's move.

Next, the two hours of shock completely left Wang Renkang speechless.

Even looking at it with the most critical eyes, Wang Renkang's conclusion is... well-deserved reputation!
The lights in the arena slowly turned on, and the dim lights dispelled the darkness in the arena, pulling out the audience who were still immersed in the movie world.

Everyone's face was filled with joyful smiles, that kind of smile, Wang Renkang knew what kind of smile it was.

That is a kind of smile with great value for money and a pleasant spirit, and it is also the greatest pursuit of every director!

At this moment, Wang Renkang was full of envy for Cheng An.

Why didn't Ye Wenxuan come to me to shoot this movie? Hey...

Wang Renkang sighed, although he didn't want to admit it, he said it realistically.The "Reversal of the Future" filmed by myself is indeed inferior to "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom", whether it is in terms of plot content or special effects post-production, it is... a complete failure!
The audience around left their seats one by one and walked outside.

Wang Renkang sat in his seat without moving.

There was a little confusion in his eyes, and his originally aggrieved heart had calmed down since he didn't know when.

After being confused for a while, suddenly a spark flashed in Wang Renkang's mind, and the look in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

This movie was completely independently completed by Times Film and Television. Does that mean that Times Film and Television's technology has surpassed American Hollywood? !

That is to say, in the future, we don't have to pursue the old Maozi of the US Emperor so hard, and we will have the world's top film and television production company in China in the future? !
That is to say, if we make movies in the future, if we use Times Movies and Television as special effects, wouldn’t it be possible to create a movie like "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms"?
Wang Renkang sat up straight after thinking about it, and even trembled with excitement.

This is the first time that China's film technology has surpassed that of the United States. It has been oppressed for many years.

At this moment, even Wang Renkang, Ye Wenxuan's opponent, had no prejudices in his heart, but was filled with joy instead.

Compared with future development, the gains and losses of just a movie are nothing.

But then Wang Renkang frowned, thinking secretly.

After all, Times Film and Television has limited personnel, and they don't know how many movies they can receive.However, even if the capacity is large enough, it is estimated that it is not enough to divide the entire Chinese film and television market.

As for how much?
Those who can afford to make movies, there are a few who are short of money.The investors behind it probably won't be stingy with that little money, after all, a big investment also has a big return.

The upper part of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" invested about [-] million yuan.But now almost the cost has been recovered in just one week. As for the next three weeks, it will be a complete net profit, and the benefits in it are simply immeasurable!
For businessmen who are pursuing profit, is there anything more profitable than this kind of thing? !
After thinking about it, Wang Renkang couldn't sit still.Stand up, go back and count up.

After all, his next film is also a 3D movie, if he can get Times Film and Television to join him, it will definitely be even more powerful.

Thinking of this, Wang Renkang left the theater directly...

 I'm very sorry, Qing Feng's high fever has not subsided for the past two days.I originally planned to explode after the exemption, but I was really powerless.There are two updates every day, and I will make up for everyone when Qingfeng is ready. (The temperature is 39 degrees five, woo woo woo...)
(End of this chapter)

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