Chapter 545 Bidding!

Ye Wenxuan was wearing sunglasses, although he couldn't see his face clearly, but with just a little bit of exposure, it could be seen that he was very young.

And the clothes on her body are all world famous brands, which are very valuable.Moreover, he has an extraordinary aura, and looks like a handsome young man.

Ran Yirou behind her exudes an intellectual and mature temperament, beautiful and dignified.Coupled with the temperament of being in a high position for several years, one can tell that she is a strong woman.

These two people seem to be extraordinary, and they should not be ordinary people.

Many people don't know Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou very well. Ye Wenxuan wears sunglasses, and basically everyone in this group is middle-aged over 40 years old.

I am usually busy with the operation of the company, so I don't have time to pay attention to the things in the entertainment industry.Even with Ye Wenxuan's recent reputation as thunderous, they only knew about this person.

If Marven Ye took off his sunglasses, he might still be able to recognize him.But with sunglasses, they are not so clear.

As for Ran Yirou behind them, after thinking about it, they still had no impression of this woman, and they didn't know who this woman was.

The main reason is that they are all from the real estate industry, and they don't have much contact with the entertainment industry, so it's normal not to know Ran Yirou.

Although they didn't know the identities of Marven Ye and the two, since they could come in, they were not ordinary people.

Looking at the combination of the two, they guessed that Ye Wenxuan was not the nephew of the woman behind him, but probably the little boy who was maintained by that woman. This was guessed by many people.

However, Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou didn't care too much about the gazes of the crowd.

Looking around, I found the first slightly remote seat on the right, and sat down.

Looking at the people in front of them, Ye Wenxuan didn't know each other very well, and whispered to Ran Yirou beside him, "Sister Yirou, do you know who is sitting in front? Who is our main competitor today?"

Facing Ye Wenxuan's question, Ran Yirou took a glance, and saw a few figures with slightly apprehensive eyes.

As for the real estate industry in northern Beijing, Ran Yirou also did some research these days.After all, the land must be auctioned, so knowing yourself and the enemy is very helpful for winning the land.

Knowing the general financial situation of the opponent can lead to a reasonable price increase and will not be wasted.

Ran Yirou stretched out a pale finger, pointed to a middle-aged man sitting in the front left, and said: "That man is Chu Yunfan, the boss of Deren Group, and he is a very powerful character. A well-known developer, worth tens of billions, with strong capital."

"But Wenxuan, you don't have to worry. Although they have a lot of total assets, they have a lot of funds locked up and they can't use them easily. In terms of liquidity, they don't have much, so we still have a great advantage."

Ran Yirou looked at Ye Wenxuan's nervous expression, and explained, which eased Ye Wenxuan's nervous expression.

"There is another one, Meng Dexing, the boss of Taichang Group. Their assets are stronger than the previous Deren Group, with assets as high as 200 billion Chinese dollars. But they have always been engaged in residential real estate. For commercial land, it is estimated that they will sell The chances are slim.”

"And that one is..."

Ran Yirou introduced Ye Wenxuan one by one, making Ye Wenxuan gradually understand.

Basically, all the local real estate developers in northern Beijing came, and many giants in the Huaxia real estate industry did not come.

I think it's because the land is too small, it's a bit tasteless.

But if you don't want it above, it doesn't mean you don't want to eat it below. This just gives a lot of people a chance.

Ye Wenxuan also breathed a sigh of relief, if those international real estate predators came, then Ye Wenxuan could only leave in despair.With Ye Wenxuan's current financial resources, it is still unrealistic to compete with those real estate predators.

The funds in the hands of the current people are estimated to be similar to Ye Wenxuan, so Ye Wenxuan is very confident about the next auction.

While communicating, the two waited for the auction to start.

About 10 minutes later, no one came to the auction hall, and the time was up.

The door closed and the auction officially began.

First of all, a host came on stage and read out the letter of appointment. All the procedures were very formalized.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them calmly, and they were used to it.

Next, an official from the Land Bureau came up and explained in detail the details of the land that will be auctioned next.

With the slides, the explanation was very thorough, which made Ye Wenxuan full of expectations for the upcoming auction.

Finally, all the procedures were completed, and we entered the final stage - the auction!
A middle-aged man walked up again, holding a small hammer in his hand.

"Hi everyone, my name is Shao Jun, and I am the auctioneer of Guardian Auction House." After Shao Jun took the stage, he introduced to the audience below with a smile.

Everyone also applauded very cooperatively, but the applause was sparse and not too enthusiastic.

Shao Jun was not embarrassed either, this kind of situation has long been common, after all, where is the number of people.And all of them are of extraordinary status, it is already very good to be applauded, what more bicycles are needed...

Shao Jun started the auction directly, announcing the rules loudly.

"The auction item is the 98-year use right of land No. 80 on the North Second Ring Road, and the auction is now open."

"The starting price is 10 billion Huaxia coins, and each increase should not be less than 1000 million. The auction starts now!"

After Shao Jun introduced the rules, he tapped the hammer and the auction officially started.

"Deren Group, 5000 billion [-] million!"

"Changtai Group, 6000 billion [-] million!"

"Wansen Group, one billion 8000 million!"

"Hengyuan Group, 11 billion yuan!"


Soon the scene began to call frequently, and soon approached the 12 billion mark.

The speed has gradually slowed down, and many small real estate developers, seeing the gradually rising prices, have already flinched, and have no strength to continue to compete at all.

The scene has gradually stabilized, because the gradually rising prices have made many incumbents start to think about profit.

After considering the development, how much profit will be made and how long it will take to return the profit, these are issues that need to be considered.

In fact, many people have studied these issues in advance, and they have already made up their minds, and everyone has this estimated price in their hearts.

Now everyone is gradually starting to play psychological warfare, and they all want to get this piece of land at the lowest price.

Many people have ambiguous eyes and demeanor, confusing their opponents. It can be said that they are all old fritters. Where are they playing sloppy eyes...

 I am very ill and have persistent high fever, hope you understand
(End of this chapter)

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