Chapter 546 Arbitration!

The auction was held in full swing, but Ye Wenxuan on the right was very calm. From the beginning to the present, he had not bid once, as if he was an outsider.

Ran Yirou, who was sitting next to Ye Wenxuan, was a little puzzled, and asked, "Why didn't you bid? Just look at it, you won't be able to get the land!"

Ye Wenxuan shook his head slightly, and said: "Why are you in such a hurry, this is just the beginning. Where are they fighting each other now, and there is no final price at all. Just wait and make a move at the end."

Ran Yirou was speechless when she heard Ye Wenxuan's words.But what he said was right, and Ran Yirou didn't have any chance to refute.

The two of them were like outsiders, watching a play on the side.

Gradually, there were only three groups left to bid for the auction, one was the Deren Group, the other was the Longding Group, and the third was the Hongming Group.The three are now engaged in a final showdown.

The boss of Taichang Group, which has strong capital, has already withdrawn from the bidding process at this moment, and is watching a movie on the sidelines.

Originally, commercial land was not his strong point, but now that the competition is so fierce, he naturally withdrew from the stage early.

The current price has risen to 13 billion and is heading towards 4000 billion.

Chu Yunfan, the boss of Deren Group, is a little hesitant now.

The current price is already somewhat beyond the bottom line of my own expectations.

The price of this land is almost the same now.Because if this piece of land is developed, it is estimated that the final profit will be more than 30 billion.Although it seems that the profit is [-] billion, but with the addition of construction costs, it is estimated that the profit will be nearly [-] billion, and the time to recover the cost is too long.

To Chu Yunfan, this was not worth it.Moreover, the company is currently preparing for a big project, and the funds are also very scarce. Chu Yunfan thinks that if he calls again, if it doesn't work, he can only give up the project.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan was sure, and shouted again: "13 billion!"

The scene was quiet, then silent for a while, and a voice came from a distance again.

"13 million!"

The people on the field looked towards the source of the sound, and it was the boss of Longding Group——Zhou Lidong!

Zhou Lidong's face was full of determination, and he had an attitude that he must win this land.

In terms of assets, he may be the one with the least assets among the three groups.

But he only has such a project in his hand at present, so he has no worries.Unlike the other two groups, both have other projects and cannot mobilize funds so freely.

Zhou Lidong was particularly eager for this piece of land.

He has been in Beijing's fourth and fifth rings for too long, and he has never been able to get in the land within the third ring before, which caused the company's development to encounter a bottleneck.

Now this is a great time, the best time for him to step into the third ring, and it will play a vital role in opening up the market in the future.

So this piece of land, his attitude is very firm.

Another boss of the Hongming Group, seeing Zhou Lidong's firm attitude, narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't know what he was thinking.

However, at the last time limit, Hong Ming shouted again: "13 billion!"

A price increase of 2000 million made Zhou Lidong's heart skip a beat, and he looked at the position of the boss of Hongming Group.Looking at the face of the boss of Hongming Group, Zhou Lidong couldn't grasp the attitude of the other party.

However, Zhou Lidong felt ruthless and shouted again: "14 billion!"

The price exceeded 14 billion, which caused an uproar on the scene.

At this moment, the boss of Hongming Group had a bewildered smile on his face, made a gesture to Zhou Lidong, and said with his mouth: "I'll see you off!"

Seeing the attitude of the boss of Hongming Group, Zhou Lidong was instantly furious. He knew that this was a trick made by the other party, and he paid an extra price of 3000 million for nothing.

At this point, there was no one bidding on the field anymore, and after waiting for a long time, still no one made a sound.

Zhou Lidong suppressed the anger in his heart. Although he was angry that the boss of Hongming Group put him on the sidelines, Zhou Lidong was still very happy about the land he was about to acquire.

Shao Jun on the stage saw that there were no more bids in the audience, and was about to announce the ownership.

"The winner of this auction is..." At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

"14 million!"

A young voice came from the right back of the venue, and directly swallowed back what Shao Jun was about to say.

There is also some shock in the eyes, who knows who is so generous, directly raised the price by 5000 million.

That was 5000 million, which was money Shao Jun had never earned in his entire life.

But the other party just said such a light sentence, and 5000 million went out just like that.

The tycoons at the scene all looked back one after another, wanting to see who was so generous.

At the same time, I really don't understand this person's actions. The price of 14 billion is obviously beyond the profit of this land, and it is not worth it.

Even if the land is obtained, the profits gained are very limited, very limited.

When they saw the young man and woman, everyone had an impression of the young man and woman.

But now they don't know where this couple came from, or what they do.

Among them, Zhou Lidong was the most angry. He was about to succeed, but there were such twists and turns in the middle, which made Zhou Lidong's mentality immediately unbalanced.

Especially after the boss of Hongming Group maliciously raised the price just now, now Zhou Lidong is also a little shady, thinking that the other party is also maliciously raising the price.

Even if it wasn't, Zhou Lidong wouldn't continue the filming. After all, the direct increase of 5000 million means that Zhou Lidong only needs to pay 14 billion to win it.

This is a fairly indirect extra payment of more than [-] million yuan. If it is really this price, it is estimated that there will be problems with its own capital chain, and there will be objections from the board of directors.

Facing the attention of everyone, Ye Wenxuan was very calm, wearing sunglasses, the rest of the people couldn't see Ye Wenxuan's eyes clearly.

Ye Wenxuan, who is used to thousands of people staring at him, couldn't cause Ye Wenxuan's heart to be stared at by dozens of people, even if their identities were not ordinary.

Ran Yirou beside her is also very calm, she has money in her hand and doesn't panic in her heart, that's the reason.

The two sat there leisurely, turning a blind eye to the eyes around them.

Shao Jun on the stage was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses, and asked, "The current price is 14 billion Huaxia coins. Does anyone continue to increase the price?"

In fact, even Shao Jun didn't think that anyone would pay a higher price than this, but a program is a program and cannot be avoided.

At this moment, Zhou Lidong shouted angrily: "I suspect that he raised the price maliciously. He simply doesn't have enough funds. I request arbitration!"


This word stunned the audience, and then the corners of their mouths became playful.

It seems that Zhou Lidong is in a hurry to jump the wall, and he is about to die.

Arbitration, in the auction, has a lot to say...

(End of this chapter)

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