Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 548 Take over the land!

Chapter 548 Take over the land!

Even in the face of Zhou Lidong's questioning, even when the other party's finger was pointed at his nose, Hao Wei still smiled without any expression of dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Zhou, that gentleman is Mr. Ye Wenxuan, who is currently very popular in the entertainment industry. His assets are definitely more than 15 billion. If you don't believe me, you can check it online. Mr. Zhou will be able to see all the information at a glance."

Hao Wei said with a smile, very respectful.

Marven Ye?
Zhou Lidong seemed to have heard this name before, and he turned his attention to Ye Wenxuan in the distance.

Seeing that handsome young man looking at him with a smile on his face, Zhou Lidong's brain can't keep up with the rhythm now.

I didn't care about face, took out my mobile phone, searched on the Internet, and thousands of messages popped up in an instant.

Among them, Du Niang Encyclopedia has an extremely detailed introduction, with more than 20 pages full of Ye Wenxuan's information.

Among them, there is a very detailed assessment of Ye Wenxuan's worth.

Zhou Lidong looked at Ye Wenxuan's net worth and assets, and looked at the above net worth and assets evaluation, which had reached a level beyond his reach, which made Zhou Lidong's head buzz.

With a mouth full of bitterness, Zhou Lidong sighed, waved his hands, stood up, and left the auction house with his assistant.

Zhou Lidong's actions undoubtedly gave up the auction.

Looking at the situation on the field, Shao Jun knew that the auction was coming to an end.

"This arbitration is invalid. The original auction price was 14 billion Huaxia coins. Is there any higher price now?!" Shao Jun asked loudly.

After a full minute of silence, Shao Jun suddenly swung the small hammer in his hand.


"Congratulations to Mr. Ye, you have successfully won this piece of land. Let us congratulate Mr. Ye Wenxuan!"

Shao Jun announced loudly, and applause rang out in cooperation.

The few people in front of Marven Ye turned around and blessed Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan responded one by one with a smile, and was very happy to win the land at this price.

The auction ended here. Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou were invited by the Huaxia Land Bureau to a reception room next to them to discuss the matter of the land.

After all, there are still many things in this land that need to be negotiated between the two parties, such as paying the money in installments, how long to pay in installments, and how much to pay each time, all need to be negotiated slowly. It can be said that the negotiation has just begun.

Those who went in from 11:30 knew that they would not come out until nearly five o'clock in the afternoon.

The two parties discussed things relatively harmoniously. In the end, Ye Wenxuan served as the host and hosted a banquet for several persons in charge of the Land Bureau, which can be regarded as promoting the relationship.

When Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou returned to the company, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Neither Carter nor Jiang Huan left. Marven Ye, Ran Yirou and the other two had a simple meeting.

The small meeting was very short and ended in 15 minutes.The main thing is to let the two be responsible for the formalities and the payment of money.

The funds will be paid in three years, 5000 million in the first year, and [-] million in the remaining two years.

After discussing the matter, Ye Wenxuan asked the two of them to get off work.

Only Ye Wenxuan, Ran Yirou, and a few people on duty were left in the company.

After Ye Wenxuan finished packing, Ran Yirou also finished packing. Seeing Ran Yirou, Ye Wenxuan smiled and said, "Sister Yirou, let me see you off. It's getting late."

Ran Yirou thought for a while, then nodded, and let Ye Wenxuan take it off, saving her from driving by herself.

The two came to the underground parking lot and drove away.

In northern Beijing in April, although it is a little cold at night, it is not so cold anymore.

Ye Wenxuan opened the carport and turned it into an open-air sports car.

Ye Wenxuan was very focused on driving, and Ran Yirou who was beside her was also busy all day today, and she was also a little tired.

After being silent for a while, Ran Yirou suddenly remembered something, and asked Ye Wenxuan: "I have already contacted several record companies about the album. How is the recording of your songs going? Do you have any questions?"

Ye Wenxuan smiled slightly when he heard Ran Yirou's words, but he did not turn his head but looked at the road conditions seriously.

"I have prepared all the songs. There are ten songs in total. Five Chinese songs, two English songs, two Korean songs, and one Japanese song." Marven Ye responded immediately, although he didn't turn his head.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Ran Yirou's eyes widened instantly, and her small mouth opened.

"If you can create English songs, I'd be more convinced, after all, how good is your English level. But you can write Korean songs and Japanese songs, it's ridiculous, are you free to entertain me!" Ran Yirou said angrily.

It's no wonder that Ran Yirou didn't believe it. After all, Ye Wenxuan had never shown his Korean and Japanese. Now that he suddenly said that, how could Ran Yirou believe it!

Ye Wenxuan smiled slightly. For many people, if they want to learn a language, even if they are geniuses, it will take a long time to master it.

But for Ye Wenxuan, it is simply not easy.With just a slight movement of the mind, the two languages ​​will be purchased, and then they will be automatically input into Ye Wenxuan's brain, allowing Ye Wenxuan to master the language immediately.

Facing Ran Yirou's questioning, Ye Wenxuan didn't want to lie to him, but he couldn't tell her the real reason, so he smiled slightly and said, "No way, who am I, a genius!"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's reason for his bad fart, Ran Yirou rolled his eyes at him.

"Is it true or not? Even if you know Japanese and Korean, it doesn't mean you can play Korean and Japanese songs. The cultures and customs of the two countries are different, so the songs they like are not the same. Don't mess it up!" Ran Yirou said seriously.

"Don't worry, I naturally have my own considerations. Music in the world knows no borders. As long as it is good music, it will resonate no matter where it is. You can have no doubts about this."

"Back then I was able to conquer people all over the world in Paris, but now... I can still do it!" Ye Wenxuan's eyes radiated a confident light at the moment, showing infinite charm.

Ran Yirou looked at Ye Wenxuan, looked at his appearance at this moment, and the scene when Ye Wenxuan found her and asked her to be his manager appeared again in his mind.

Compared with the current mature atmosphere, he was still very immature at that time. Although he was a little mature, he was still just a child.

But back then, his eyes were still the same as now, full of confidence, as if everything could be controlled in his hands.

The same expression made Ran Yirou's eyes flash a trace of reminiscence...

(End of this chapter)

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