Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 549 The world's four largest record companies!

Chapter 549 The world's four major record companies!

Ran Yirou fell into memories, and somewhat forgot the surrounding environment.

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, Ran Yirou didn't respond to him for a long time.Somewhat puzzled, she took the time to turn her head and looked at Ran Yirou's blank look.

"Sister Yirou? Sister Yirou, are you listening?" Marven Ye called out twice.

Ye Wenxuan's voice brought Ran Yirou back from her memories.

Ran Yirou was a little embarrassed, brushed back the hair that was blown away by the wind from her ears, and said with a smile: "I'm listening, I'm just thinking about something."

After finishing speaking, Ran Yirou continued: "Then you are very confident in your songs?"

Marven Ye smiled slightly and responded, "Of course."

"But sister Yirou, what's the situation with the companies you contacted?" Marven Ye asked.

"How many other companies can there be? The four most powerful record companies in the world at present. They are nothing more than four famous companies, Chiyo Records, Bernard Records, Sawyer Records, and Universal Music."

"They are all world-class record companies. The strength of the four companies is almost the same, and they are all the top in the world. And they have the largest influence and channels in Asia, whether it is for you this time or in the future. With them Cooperation is the best choice for you."

Ran Yirou explained and told Marven Ye her choice.

Hearing Marven Ye's words, Marven Ye nodded.The status of these four established record companies is unmatched in today's world, and they are indeed the best choice.

"Then have you contacted them? What are their conditions?" Marven Ye asked again.

"At present, I think the two most reliable records are Universal Records and Qiandai Records. As for Sawyer Records and Bernard Records, they can be passed." Ran Yirou responded bluntly.

Ye Wenxuan frowned slightly, not quite understanding why Ran Yirou passed the Sawyer and Bona records when she came up.

"Why aren't Sawyer and Bernard records allowed?" Marven Ye asked in surprise.

"The other party always asks you to sign their artist contract. To sign your singing contract, the time limit is basically three to five years."

"Maybe you promise?"

"It's impossible!"

Ran Yirou asked and answered, she spread her hands, her expression was natural.

A trace of helplessness appeared on Ye Wenxuan's face, it was naturally impossible for him to agree to this kind of contract.

In fact, Ye Wenxuan is most afraid of this kind of contract that binds him, because once this happens, his life will be restricted, which is what Ye Wenxuan is least willing to do.

Ye Wenxuan no longer has any problems with Ran Yirou's actions.

"It's true that you can't agree, so tell me about the other two."

Ran Yirou took a sip of mineral water, moistened her throat, and continued: "Although these two requirements are quite a lot, there is still a lot of room for compromise, so it is more reliable."

"How to say?"

"Universal Music and Chiyo Records first emerged in Asia, so their position in Asia is deeply rooted. Compared with the other two, this is very advantageous."

"Because Asia is their base camp, they also have a good understanding of the dynamics in Asia. Their evaluation of your value is not low, so there is room for negotiation. This is our opportunity."

When Ran Yirou said this, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

Ye Wenxuan didn't interrupt, waiting for Ran Yirou's next words.

"As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Both Chiyo and Universal Music are located in Asia, so there will naturally be friction, so we can take advantage of this and raise prices from the ground up!"

There was a smile on the corner of Ran Yirou's mouth, obviously a bit confident.

"These two record companies are not fools. How could they be used by us? The other party can easily see this kind of trick." Ye Wenxuan disagreed with this plan and shook his head slightly.

"It's natural, and I didn't say to hide it from the other party. Basically, anyone who has entered the society understands this kind of trick." Ran Yirou shook her head, with an inexplicable smile in her eyes.

"Wen Xuan, let me ask you, why can't there be two tigers on one mountain?" Ran Yirou suddenly asked with a different meaning.

Ran Yirou's words stunned Ye Wenxuan for a moment, and then a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Because... meat!"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Ran Yirou was very happy and snapped her fingers.

"Bingo! That's right, it's because of the meat!"

"Now the whole of Asia is this mountain forest, and the annual sales volume is this piece of meat. With the gradual development of the two companies, there is not enough meat, what do you think will happen?" Ran Yirou continued to guide Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan also fully understood what Ran Yirou meant at this moment, and followed her words.

"There is not enough meat, so I will naturally grab it!"

"That's right, now you are like a channel that can provide meat. You can provide a large amount of meat to one side, so your value is the highest! The two sides will naturally compete for your ownership!" Ran Yirou continued.

"Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to have this value, which is worth fighting for you. This is the most important thing." Ran Yirou said with a smile.

Ye Wenxuan nodded lightly, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit, this sentence is also very practical for humans, or this is the law of nature.

As long as you have the ability, you will not starve to death no matter where you go.Marven Ye is destined not to be the one who eats shit...

So as long as Ye Wenxuan has enough value, someone will fight for the ownership of Ye Wenxuan.

In order to compete for Ye Wenxuan's ownership, the two will naturally continue to raise conditions to fight for Ye Wenxuan.Going back and forth like this will naturally make Ye Wenxuan obtain excellent conditions and strive for more profits for himself.

"Don't worry, each of my ten songs is a masterpiece among the best. It will definitely surprise them. Don't worry about this, sister Yirou. You can go to the operation and contact with confidence. The sooner the better." .” Marven Ye was full of confidence.

This is confidence, not arrogance.Confidence comes from strength, this time Ye Wenxuan's confidence comes from the ten songs he chose, all of which are really high-quality songs.

First of all, for the five Chinese songs, Ye Wenxuan chose a variety of genres.

The first one is "Under Mount Fuji", one of Eason's classic songs in the previous life. It is a Cantonese song.

The melody of the song is beautiful and moving, and the style of the lyrics is also exceptionally beautiful and delicate.It tells about a sad and lingering love, coupled with Eason's gentle voice, making this song a classic handed down.

Moreover, the style of this song takes into account the Mount Fuji of the Japanese country, which is also of great help to the market of the Japanese country.

Ye Wenxuan likes this song very much, and has very high expectations for this song.

Each of the remaining four songs is a masterpiece, and each capital is carefully selected by Ye Wenxuan.

It can be said that this album, compared to the last one, Ye Wenxuan has put more effort into it!

 The condition is improving, thank you for your blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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