Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 550 Not Enough to Qualify!

Chapter 550 Not Enough to Qualify!
The remaining four songs are "Those Dreams You Are Adventurous" by Lin Junjie from the previous life, "Sorrow" by Mao Buyi, "Don't Say Goodbye" by the Good Sister Band, and "Ten Miles of Spring Breeze" by the Lu Xiansen Band.

These four songs contain most of the genre songs, and they are no longer the main affectionate line like the previous album.For this album, Ye Wenxuan intends to take a multi-element route, so it is natural to give consideration to all aspects.

The first is the folk song "Dissipating Sorrow", a phenomenal song that swept the entire China in an instant, making Mao Buyi, who was originally not well-known, an overnight hit!
The song "Dissipating Sorrow" and its lyrics are all top choices, very powerful, so "Dissipating Sorrow" is included in the album as the representative of folk songs this time.

Then the second song "Those Dreams You Are Adventurous" is one of the classic songs of JJ in the previous life.The song has ups and downs and is very pleasant to listen to. As a love song this time, it was also included by Ye Wenxuan.

The last two songs, "Don't Say Goodbye" and "Ten Miles of Spring Breeze" are respectively the song of parting in the graduation season and the song of recalling the classmates in those years.

Strictly speaking, these two songs can be regarded as graduation season songs, but they are aimed at different groups of people.

As for these two songs, one is cheerful and the other is relaxing.The two complement each other and are both very classic tracks.

Ye Wenxuan plans to release this album in June. After all, the end of September is the award ceremony of the Asian Music Festival. If you want to catch this train, June is the latest time limit.

And June is the annual graduation season, many students will face the sadness of leaving school, and friends will distract these sad things.

At this time, these two songs will definitely explode at this time.Ye Wenxuan's two songs are very targeted at the crowd, that is, the student crowd!
With the current booming economy, there is also the gradual growth of the post-[-]s generation.

Now the post-[-]s generation has gradually replaced the post-[-]s generation and has become a large group in entertainment consumption.

Ye Wenxuan believed that with these two songs alone, he could open up a huge market among the student population.

These are five Chinese songs, and five foreign language songs.

First of all, there are two Korean songs, one is "Speaking of Words" and "Lost Knowing".

(PS: The names of Korean songs are all replaced by Chinese, and the same will be true for Japanese.)
Then there is a song in Japanese called "Please Don't Go".

There were many versions of this song in Japanese in the previous life.Huaxia's name is "Autumn Intensity", which is a multilingual song.Moreover, each language is very pleasant to listen to, and countless people are fascinated by the misty autumn.

The last two English songs are "treasure" and "my love".

The two melodies are very light and rhythmic, and they are Ye Wenxuan's trump card.

These are the ten songs Ye Wenxuan prepared, no matter which one they are, they are definitely excellent.

Of the ten songs, at least four are phenomenal, and the rest are definitely hits, songs that can stand the scrutiny of time!
With such an extremely luxurious album, Ye Wenxuan believes that as long as Chiyo Records and Universal Music are not fools, they will definitely fight for the ownership of this album!
Ye Wenxuan's thoughts disappeared in a flash, but he was still driving seriously.

Hearing what Ye Wenxuan said, Ran Yirou nodded and responded: "Okay, if you are ready, I will contact both parties immediately. I think we can negotiate the day after tomorrow."

"But how do you plan to negotiate? One by one, or both together?" Ran Yirou asked Ye Wenxuan.

Marven Ye thought for a while and said, "Let's come together. Bidding in person will arouse conflicts between the two, which is more beneficial to us."

Ran Yirou took a deep look at Ye Wenxuan, and said after a moment of silence: "Wenxuan, are you... a little too confident. If we do this, it is likely to lead to a collapse, and in the end the two companies will abandon us. "

Ran Yirou had to worry, although the benefits were great, the risks were also great.

If the two parties don't buy it, the likely result is to throw up their sleeves and leave, and Ye Wenxuan will not please both sides.

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Ye Wenxuan shook his head lightly.

"Sister Yirou, just follow what I say, you won't collapse, trust me, okay?" Ye Wenxuan spoke softly, but Ran Yirou could hear his inner firmness very clearly.

Ye Wenxuan had already spoken so far, Ran Yirou couldn't say anything more, so she sighed and complied.

Soon, the car arrived at Ran Yirou's downstairs. Ran Yirou picked up her bag, waved at Ye Wenxuan, and disappeared from Ye Wenxuan's sight.

Ye Wenxuan stepped on the accelerator, the engine roared, and he flew away...


Soon, Ran Yirou gave Ye Wenxuan the news that he had already made an appointment with the heads of the two companies to meet at the Moxuan Teahouse in the north of Beijing.

Two days later, Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou came to Moxuan Teahouse as promised.

Moxuan Tea House is an antique tea house with an elegant environment, which is very suitable for business talks.

Of course, the price is naturally high, and the various good teas in it are worth tens of thousands.Ordinary people drink a pot of tea here, and their salary for a few months will be gone.

Marven Ye came to the reserved bamboo room and entered it.

Soon, Marven Ye ordered some tea, then sat down and waited for the people from both sides to come.

"Sister Yirou, who will come from both parties today?" Ye Wenxuan poured himself a cup of tea and asked Ran Yirou beside him.

"Generally, for negotiations like this, the manager of the other party's Asian branch and the music producer will come. As for bringing a few music producers, that's not necessarily the case." Ran Yirou replied.

Marven Ye nodded, understanding this combination.

The manager is in charge of the negotiations, and the music producer is probably here to taste the songs.

Ye Wenxuan and the two parties, in the final analysis, are a cooperation.

Marven Ye needs their channels, and they need Marven Ye's songs to promote their own market, both get what they need.

As for whether they can cooperate successfully and in what way, it depends on Ye Wenxuan's ability.

As a world-class record company, their vision is naturally not low, so if Marven Ye can't come up with a good song, he probably won't be able to enter the negotiation stage, and the other party will leave directly.

Although Ye Wenxuan has a great reputation in China, it is not worth the other party's bow to make friends.

After all, for the two companies, at least they must be Asian kings and queens, or even world-class singers, to attract the attention of the two companies.

Ye Wenxuan is currently...not qualified enough!

(End of this chapter)

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