Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 551 Universal Music!

Chapter 551 Universal Music!

The two sat for a while before they heard a knock at the door.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou looked at each other, knowing that it was someone coming.

Ran Yirou stood up and opened the door, only to see two people at the door.

People of yellow race should be Asians, Marven Ye thought to himself.

When Ran Yirou saw the two people coming, she smiled and said, "Mr. Lin Xuhua, I finally see you, please sit down."

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Ye Wenxuan knew that this person seemed to be Chinese, but he didn't know whether it was Chinese or overseas Chinese.

Lin Xuhua looks older, probably in his 50s.However, although he is a little old, he is very energetic, energetic, and very energetic.

When Lin Xuhua heard what Ran Yirou said, he was very approachable and did not put on airs.

"Haha, Mr. Ran, you're being polite. When I saw Miss Ran today, she was as good as the rumors in the industry said. She has an overpowering beauty. She really deserves her reputation!" Lin Xuhua's voice was deep and deep, and he was obviously very familiar with human relations.

After Lin Xuhua finished speaking, he saw Ye Wenxuan behind Ran Yirou, and said with a smile: "This is Mr. Ye Wenxuan, he is indeed young and promising, and a good-looking talent."

In Lin Xuhua's words, it can be said that he took good care of them, and neither of them was left behind.

Faced with Lin Xuhua's praise, Ye Wenxuan just smiled modestly.

At this moment, Lin Xuhua pulled the middle-aged man behind him over, and introduced: "This is Mr. Huang Hanxin, the chief music producer of our Universal Music Asia branch. For this negotiation, Mr. Huang Hanxin took the initiative to ask came."

The middle-aged man behind Lin Xuhua was exposed by Lin Xuhua, revealing his figure.

Plain clothes, very clean.Wearing a pair of glasses, he looks a bit dull, but his body has a strong artistic atmosphere, which makes him feel like an art house.But someone who can be so respected by Lin Xuhua, the manager of Universal Music's Asian branch, must have a high level of ability.

Huang Hanxin showed his figure, he didn't pay attention to the charming Ran Yirou, but directly looked at Ye Wenxuan, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, quite a feeling of resentment for seeing each other late.

"Your..."Ten Years" is very good, a classic." Huang Hanxin said few words, but he was very sincere.

Ye Wenxuan could tell that what this person said was definitely not flattery, but that he really liked his song "Ten Years".

Ye Wenxuan's evaluation of this person is that he is highly talented, but he is somewhat lacking in dealing with people. To be precise, he has a low EQ.

But such people are the ones who can make the best music.

"Thank you, hello, I'm Marven Ye, we can keep in touch in the future." Marven Ye said with a smile.

Huang Hanxin frowned when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words, and said seriously: "Are you serious? I really have a lot of ideas to communicate with you. If possible, I hope I can get your phone number, okay?"

Hearing Huang Hanxin's serious words, Ye Wenxuan blinked his eyes, but he didn't expect that it was just a polite remark, and Huang Hanxin took it seriously.But the words have come to this point, Ye Wenxuan can't refuse.

What's more, getting acquainted with such a person is also a good connection for Ye Wenxuan.

And this kind of person, once you make friends with him, is definitely the kind of person who can dig out your heart and soul.

Ye Wenxuan has always been very accurate in judging people, and this time is no exception.

Ye Wenxuan immediately told the other party his phone number and Feixun, and the two exchanged contact information.

Ran Yirou was a little dumbfounded, she didn't quite understand what was going on between the two of them, why did they feel like they hated each other when they first met.

Compared to Ran Yirou, Lin Xuhua was already familiar with it, and Lin Xuhua's situation was not surprising at all.

"Okay, okay, let's sit down first. If you two want to discuss it, it's not too late to discuss it in the future." Lin Xuhua smoothed things over with a smile.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, Huang Hanxin hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, and followed Lin Xuhua to sit aside.

Huang Hanxin had a lot of questions in his mind and wanted to ask Ye Wenxuan, but the occasion was not right, as both parties were negotiators, so it was not suitable.

Huang Hanxin still knows this. Although he is a little dull and doesn't quite understand the rules, his low EQ doesn't mean he's a fool. He still understands these basics.

After the two parties sat down, Ran Yirou poured tea for them, very politely.

The two sides exchanged simple greetings for a while, then Lin Xuhua felt that the time was almost up, and said, "Mr. Ran, why don't we start?"

Lin Xuhua's meaning was very clear, he just wanted to start a formal business discussion.

Hearing Lin Xuhua's words, Ran Yirou said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but there are still two guests who haven't arrived, Mr. Lin can wait for a while."

"There are two more? Who are those two?" Lin Xuhua asked a little puzzled.

"Those two are the two guests of Qiandai Records, and they will come soon." Ran Yirou said with a faint smile.

When Lin Xuhua heard Ran Yirou's words, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he was a little displeased.

Said in a deep voice: "Mr. Ran, it doesn't look good for you to invite both of us at the same time. And I don't think Mr. Ran is clear about our relationship. You are doing this just to raise the price. But be careful not to lose money." Grab the rice!"

Lin Xuhua was very upset. He actually invited two world-class record companies at the same time.

He was just looking at Ye Wenxuan's influence in China. In fact, he didn't pay much attention to today's negotiation, but came here with the attitude of giving it a try.

After all, he had heard a little about Marven Ye's talent.Moreover, his last album sold diamonds, which made him a little moved. He felt that Ye Wenxuan had a bright future, so he went to the appointment today.

But Ran Yirou's actions undoubtedly dissipated those good feelings in his heart, and even gave birth to a feeling of wanting to slam the door and leave.

Lin Xuhua's reaction was within Ran Yirou's expectation.Seeing that Lin Xuhua only showed displeasure, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lin, don't be angry. Since I did this, I naturally have my own intentions. Believe me, each of the ten songs prepared by Mr. Ye Wenxuan this time is a masterpiece. I believe that Mr. Lin will definitely make this trip worthwhile. Yes!" Ran Yirou said softly, the smiling face of Ran Yirou made Lin Xuhua's displeasure a little less.

This is the advantage of women, an advantage exclusive to men in negotiations.

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Lin Xuhua shook his head lightly, and said with a sneer, "Don't talk too much."

Lin Xuhua didn't believe Ran Yirou's words at all. As the manager of the Asian branch, he had never seen any good songs.

In Lin Xuhua's mind, he had already blacklisted Ye Wenxuan. He felt that this young man was too flashy and useless!

(End of this chapter)

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