Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 552 Three Legs Standing Together!

Chapter 552 Three Legs Standing Together!

The conversation has come to this point, the scene is a little awkward, and the two sides are no longer as warm as before.

Lin Xuhua took the tea and drank it slowly by himself, very leisurely.

However, Huang Hanxin who was beside Lin Xuhua had a strange look in his eyes. Obviously what Ran Yirou said just now had turned Huang Hanxin's curiosity to the maximum.

Huang Hanxin was curious about Ye Wenxuan.

Huang Hanxin learned about Ye Wenxuan from the song "Ten Years". It was mentioned by the other party when he was recording a song for a company artist.

Huang Hanxin is not interested in many things, but his enthusiasm for music is extremely hot.

Due to his rigid personality, Huang Hanxin is still a bachelor in his 40s.

But don't look at Huang Hanxin is single, for love songs and delicate grasp of emotions, he has a keen perception beyond ordinary people.This is why he can go further and further on the road of art, and why he can take the position of CEO of Universal Music Asia Division.

Ever since he heard "Ten Years", Huang Hanxin has become very curious about Ye Wenxuan.Then, I learned a lot about Ye Wenxuan through point-to-point understanding, and I like many of Ye Wenxuan's other songs very much.

From curiosity to sympathy, this is also the reason why Huang Hanxin took the initiative to follow Lin Xuhua this time.

But although curiosity is nothing but curiosity, Huang Hanxin still needs to obey Lin Xuhua's instructions, so he can only suppress his inner curiosity.

The two sides were a little embarrassed, and at this moment, the knock on the door sounded again.

No need to ask, I know it's from Chiyo Records.

Lin Xuhua lowered his eyebrows, put down the teacup in his hand, and hummed softly.

Ran Yirou gave a dry cough, then went to the door and opened it.

The ones who appeared this time were no longer Chinese, but two foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes. They were about the same age as Lin Xuhua and they were both in their forties or fifties.

"Mr. Caesar, hello, I'm Ran Yirou." Ran Yirou smiled and said very politely.

Caesar was also smiling when he saw Ran Yirou, but in the middle of laughing, he saw Lin Xuhua behind Ran Yirou, and the smile froze on his face.

"Uh...Miss Ran, what's going on?" The smile on Caesar's face also slowly subsided, and his brows frowned.

As the Asian branch manager of Chiyo Records, Nishizawa naturally knew the manager of the company's old rival, Universal Music.

However, Caesar never thought that he would meet in this situation.

Even if Ran Yirou wants to shop around, it has to be discussed separately.

Who gave this woman the confidence to bring the two families together.

Many thoughts flashed through Caesar's mind in an instant, but Caesar, who had been in the shopping mall for decades, quickly came up with the general situation, basically the same as Ran Yirou's abacus.

Facing Caesar's question, Ran Yirou still kept smiling and invited the two of them in.

"Mr. Caesar, come in and talk first. After all, it's not convenient to discuss here." Ran Yirou pulled the two into the room and said with a smile.

Although Caesar was a little unhappy, he went into the room and sat down.After all, they have already come, and they came all the way from thousands of miles away. If they just leave like this, it's not a problem. Let's see the situation first.

Caesar and the music producer behind him sat on the other side.

In this way, Times and Universal are facing each other, with Ran Yirou and Ye Wenxuan sitting on the other side, and a three-legged confrontation is established.

Seeing that everyone had come together, and the atmosphere was not very harmonious, Ran Yirou omitted the small talk and went straight to the point.

"Let's take a look at the song first, how about we talk about it later?" Ran Yirou suddenly said, making the eyes of the two groups on the opposite side brighten.

"I think it's okay." Lin Xuhua said expressionlessly.

"Sure." Caesar shrugged, also very much agreeing with Ran Yirou's suggestion.

From their point of view, the only thing to watch now is the song provided by Ye Wenxuan.If the song is good, then everything has its place.

If the song is not good, depending on the attitude of the other party, both parties feel that there is nothing to talk about.

Hearing what the two sides said, Ran Yirou also directly took the two scripts to the other party, and it was very straightforward, obviously very confident.

Ran Yirou also felt that it would be more reliable to talk directly about music, if the other party liked it, then it would be easy to talk about anything.If the other party is not optimistic, no matter how much you talk about it before, it will be empty talk.

The music producers of both sides took the two notebooks from Ran Yirou.

The music producers of both parties know Ye Wenxuan quite well, because Ye Wenxuan already has a good reputation among music producers in terms of music production.

Even they didn't dare to underestimate him. After all, the other party won the rank of major of Huaxia by relying on three songs. This is not bragging, but real strength!

The two music producers received the notebook and immediately started to read it.

Both of them were soon immersed in the music, and the room was silent.

The other four people drank tea silently, leaving the quiet environment for the two of them to taste.

Ye Wenxuan sat alone on one side, watching the changes in the faces of both parties, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Since the two parties entered the room, Ye Wenxuan didn't intervene too much, basically it was Ran Yirou who was manipulating the situation, because it wasn't the time for Ye Wenxuan to come forward.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and everyone was waiting for the reaction of the two of them.

An hour passed quickly, and both parties turned the pages from the beginning to the end, and read all ten songs carefully.

Huang Hanxin put down the notebook in his hand, he let out a long breath with the unconcealable shock in his eyes.Looking at Ye Wenxuan again, it was no longer curious, but a respectful look instead.

The reaction of the music producer facing Chiyo was similar to that of Huang Hanxin, with a shocked expression on his face.

The reason why the two were able to achieve this position is naturally that they have real talents and real learning, and they have a clear understanding of the distinction between these ten songs.

Huang Hanxin and Nishizawa saw that their respective music producers had finished watching, with questioning eyes.

But here, the two sides are not easy to communicate, so the two took their respective music producers and went out to find a place to communicate alone.

Ran Yirou and Ye Wenxuan were left in the room. Seeing the two groups go out temporarily, Ran Yirou let out a sigh of relief.

"Wenxuan, are you sure?" Ran Yirou asked Ye Wenxuan, still not confident.

Marven Ye nodded, with a serious look on his face.

"Don't worry, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"Don't worry about it for a while, be careful they are cheating..." Ye Wenxuan thought for a while, and ordered.

Ran Yirou nodded, showing that she knew what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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