Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 554 Promotional resources at the level of Asian kings!

Chapter 554 Promotional resources at the level of Asian kings!
Nishizawa thought about it for about 5 minutes, gritted his teeth, pretended to be reluctant, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "Mr. Ye, I can offer [-] to [-] cents, which is our bottom line for Chiyo. No matter how good your songs are, after all, they haven’t been tested by the market, so it’s useless to say more, so I think April [-] is already fair.”

"And I hope that Mr. Ye can look at it from a long-term perspective. The strength of our Chiyo Records is definitely superior to some records. No matter in the future or now, Chiyo Records is your best choice."

Caesar was persuading him sincerely, but he didn't forget to step on Universal's side.

When Caesar said that, Lin Xuhua was naturally very upset and snorted coldly.

"Casizawa, don't scare me here, how come our Universal cannot compare to you Chiyo? It's so funny!" Lin Xuhua said bluntly.

Caesar shrugged his shoulders, and said with a natural look, "Lin, am I wrong?"

"Whether it is in terms of market share or the competition of the group's top artists, you Universal and our Chiyo cannot be compared. I know you don't want to admit it, but this is the truth?!"

Lin Xuhua choked on Caesar's choking, and opened his mouth, a little frustrated.

Indeed, what Caesar said was indeed true.

In terms of market share, Chiyo can occupy 40.00% of the Asian market, while Universal can only occupy 30.00%.

Although the difference of [-]% is not big, it is a huge gap when it is expanded to the entire Asian market.

And in terms of top artists, there are many Japanese and Korean artists under Chiyo, as well as some stars from Singapore and Thailand.They are all powerful and have a great reputation in Asia.

And Universal is mainly in China, accounting for a large proportion.

For example, China's Xue You is an Asian superstar single-handedly held by Universal.There are many others who are artists from Universal.

But compared to the entire Asian market, it is undoubtedly still a bit too thin.

Lin Xuhua didn't respond to Caesar's words, and said to Ran Yirou and Ye Wenxuan: "The gap between our two families is not that big at all, it's just the turn of Feng Shui. When we suppressed Qiandai ten years ago, it was enough to prove that our strength."

Ye Wenxuan put his hands together, leaned back on the back of the chair, pondered for a while, and said, "I know the strength of both of them. As long as the conditions are the priority, I have no objection to either of them."

Ye Wenxuan's words have come to this point, both of them know that the only way to win this album is to have a higher price than the other.

"Ye Wenxuan, we can accept [-] to [-]% of the price. It really can't be higher. Your share is not enjoyed by the top Asian stars. It's really high." Lin Xuhua didn't plan to raise the price any more. I still don't know how much to add.

Caesar also agrees with Lin Xuhua's words.Obviously two enemies, but at this moment they reached a unified opinion.

Seeing the two people staring at him, Marven Ye nodded lightly, leaned forward, and said, "Let's make it clear that people don't speak secretly, and I'll just tell my conditions. As long as any of you can agree to my conditions , whoever I will cooperate with.”

When the two of them heard Ye Wenxuan's words, they were puzzled. They didn't know what kind of medicine Ye Wenxuan was selling in his heart.

Seeing that the two were silent, Marven Ye said in a deep voice: "If anyone promises me a [-]-[-] share, I will work with him on this album."

"I'm six, you four!"

As soon as Marven Ye's words came out of his mouth, two firm voices sounded from both sides instantly.


"Are you playing a joke?!"

Caesar had an extremely ridiculous smile on his face, and Lin Xuhua also frowned, with a firm attitude.

"Mr. Ye Wenxuan, you have to know. Even Asian singers at the level of kings and queens cooperate with us for [-]-[-]% of the cooperation. Very few top singers only get [-]-[-]% of the cooperation. So you should think about it. It is absolutely impossible for us Chiyo I agree." Caesar's attitude was very clear.

Lin Xuhua didn't speak, but frowning tightly, he also agreed with Caesar's words.

Ye Wenxuan spread his hands and said, "Then this is nothing to talk about, is it?"

"Yes!" Caesar said affirmatively.

Ye Wenxuan sighed, and said to Ran Yirou: "Sister Yirou, let's go, this negotiation can't go on."

Ran Yirou didn't understand Ye Wenxuan's intention, but she still listened to Ye Wenxuan's words and got up to leave.

At this moment, Lin Xuhua said aloud: "Wait a minute!"

Ye Wenxuan turned his head, looked at Lin Xuhua, and asked with interest: "Is Mr. Lin interested?"

Lin Xuhua sighed, and finally compromised.After all, the current Universal really needs a high-quality album to stimulate the market and restore customers' confidence in Universal Music.

Although Ye Wenxuan was a bit arrogant, Lin Xuhua really felt that this album was worth the money.

"I really can't promise you about Siliu, and it's not up to me. If you want to sign such a contract, you need to upload it to the headquarters, and it needs to be evaluated by the headquarters before it can pass, so Siliu is very difficult to achieve." Lin Xuhua said in a deep voice.

Ye Wenxuan frowned, thinking that Lin Xuhua must have something to say, so he didn't interrupt, waiting for Lin Xuhua's next words.

"Although we can't give you four or six, we can give you five or five. Also, I can make the decision and give you... Asian king-level promotional resources!"

For the last sentence, Lin Xuhua looked straight into Ye Wenxuan's eyes and said each word in a word.

"Intercontinental King-level publicity resources?!"

"Lin Xuhua, are you crazy?"

Caesar shouted in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The promotional resources of Intercontinental Heavenly King can be said to be terrifying!
Thinking about investing a lot of money in publicity in the main markets of Asia, that kind of manpower and material resources is a huge loss.

If Ye Wenxuan's sales are poor this time, then Lin Xuhua will probably suffer heavy losses, and if he fails to do so, he will be impeached as the general manager.

Of course, risks and benefits always coexist.

If Universal succeeds this time, it is estimated that it will be a huge boost to the promotion of the entire Asian market of Universal!

For the first time, Caesar had an intuitive understanding of Lin Xuhua's courage, but he did not have such courage.

Hearing Lin Xuhua's words, Marven Ye's eyes sparkled.

Lin Xuhua's offer was simply impossible for Ye Wenxuan to refuse!
Such publicity resources, so what if [-]% of the profit is given up, what Ye Wenxuan wants is this kind of channel, otherwise he would not cooperate with world-class record companies such as Universal and Chiyo.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Caesar, and said, "Mr. Caesar, if you have better conditions than Mr. Lin, you can say so now, because I am already moved by Lin Xuhua's conditions."

"Oh, Ye. I think Lin has gone crazy, I'm sober, sorry." After Caesar finished speaking, he stood up with the music producer beside him, ready to leave.

"Ye, if Lin is cheating, you are welcome to come to me, and we can give it to you in fifty-fifths." Nishizawa said with a smile.

"Hmph, when will I, Lin Xuhua, go back on my word? Caesar, you can go first, we are going to start a formal discussion about cooperation!" Lin Xuhua was very happy, and after winning this album, Lin Xuhua felt that he did not lose money.

Caesar shrugged, turned around and took his music producer with him, and left the Moxuan Teahouse...

(End of this chapter)

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