Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 555 Language Proficiency!

Chapter 555 Language Proficiency!
The two of Caesar left, leaving only Marven Ye and four in the whole teahouse.

Huang Hanxin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interjected: "Marven Ye, are you really the one who sang these ten songs?"

But at this moment, Huang Hanxin is no longer speaking Chinese, but fluent Korean, but the pronunciation is a bit awkward, but communication is definitely not a problem.

Ran Yirou's eyes opened slightly, but she didn't understand what Huang Hanxin was talking about.

Ye Wenxuan also didn't react, but subconsciously responded in Korean, saying: "Of course, these ten songs are all carefully produced by me."

Ye Wenxuan's Korean is not only fluent, but also very smooth, even the pronunciation is extremely standard, just like a real Korean sitting here.

But after speaking, Ye Wenxuan knew that Huang Hanxin was testing him!

Because he took out four languages ​​at a time, it was too shocking.

It would be okay if he was an older person, but Ye Wenxuan is only 21 years old, which is very shocking.

Ye Wenxuan saw Huang Hanxin testing himself, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and asked: "Mr. Huang, what do you think of my ten songs? Are they worthy of Mr. Lin's contract?"

It was still in Korean just now, but this sentence has become Japanese, and it is also extremely fluent.

Facing Ye Wenxuan's challenge, Huang Hanxin was also full of interest.

"These ten songs are really classics. I am really interested in Mr. Ye. If Mr. Ye is free, you can come to Hong Kong to play with me, and we can discuss music together."

Huang Hanxin is also Japanese, and he is relatively fluent.

After that, Marven Ye spoke in English, Thai, Cambodian, Russian and many other languages.

At first Huang Hanxin was able to cope with it, but later the cold sweat started to flow down.

He is still very good at some mainstream languages.But some minor languages ​​are not so involved for him.

But even though he didn't know him, he could vaguely understand the language Ye Wenxuan spoke, and it was definitely not nonsense, but he really understood it!
Ran Yirou and Lin Xuhua stared at each other, except that they could understand Chinese and English, the other two couldn't understand what they were talking about at all, like two fools, it seemed that they were not on the same plane at all.

"Stop, stop, can you two have a normal conversation, let Mr. Ran and I also participate." Lin Xuhua said dumbfounded.

Hearing Lin Xuhua's words, Ye Wenxuan and Huang Hanxin were a little embarrassed.I started playing it before I knew it, and I kind of forgot the timing.

"Xiaoyou Ye is really amazing. I admire him for being able to master so many languages." Huang Hanxin said sincerely.

"Oh, how do you say it?" Lin Xuhua asked Huang Hanxin a little puzzled.

"I talked with Ye Wenxuan just now. Ye Xiaoyou spoke nearly fifteen languages, not only including many major languages, but also very proficient in many small languages. It's amazing." Huang Hanxin praised.

Facing Huang Hanxin's praise, Ye Wenxuan just watched with a smile and didn't interrupt.

The reason why Ye Wenxuan is proficient in so many languages ​​is because he purchased a skill book with a complete set of languages ​​in the system.

It contains almost all languages ​​in the world, not to mention all of them.

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that Ye Wenxuan is a language proficient.

Although Huang Hanxin is also a language proficient, there is a gap compared with Ye Wenxuan.

Hearing Huang Hanxin's words, not only Lin Xuhua was surprised, but even Ran Yirou was also surprised.

Before Ye Wenxuan said that he could speak many languages, Ran Yirou always thought that Ye Wenxuan was bragging, but she didn't expect that he really could speak so many languages.

"How did you manage to learn so many things?" Lin Xuhua asked in surprise.

Ye Wenxuan spread his hands, and said helplessly: "I don't know, maybe I am very talented in languages, and I can learn them quickly."

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's explanation, the corners of the mouths of the three twitched.

This explanation...

Well, that's the only way to explain it!
"Okay, let's stop gossiping, let's talk about business." Lin Xuhua became serious.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou also became serious, as for Huang Hanxin, he carefully studied Ye Wenxuan's songbook.

His work has come to an end, and the rest of the negotiation is Lin Xuhua's business and has nothing to do with him.

"I am very optimistic about this album. If possible, I hope that the timeline can be extended a little bit, so that the best publicity can be achieved, and it will also be a good sales volume at that time." Lin Xuhua now expressed the general idea in his heart. out.

"Brother Lin, when do you plan to release the album?" Marven Ye asked back.

Lin Xuhua pondered for a while, calculated carefully, and said, "I think it's best for you to release it in October this year, so that we have enough time to prepare."

Ye Wenxuan shook his head slightly, and said to Lin Xuhua: "Brother Lin, our latest deadline is the end of June, please understand."

"June?!" Lin Xuhua jumped a little.

"Are you kidding me? Even if it is released at the end of June at the latest, there will only be three months between now and the end of June. This is too hasty!" Lin Xuhua asked a little puzzled.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou looked at each other and said, "There is no other way. I want to compete for the Best Male Singer Award at this year's Asian Music Festival. The end of June is the latest deadline!"

"You want to compete for the best male singer at the Asian Music Festival? You..." Lin Xuhua couldn't deny Ye Wenxuan's ambition, but if this album is really well done, there might be a slight chance, after all, The songs on this album are really classic.

"In fact, you can go to the next Asian Music Festival. You are still so young, so there is no need to be so anxious. Even if it is the next one, you are only 23 years old. Why are you so anxious?" Lin Xuhua was a little displeased. I feel that Marven Ye is a little too anxious.

Ye Wenxuan was silent for a while, and responded: "I was blocked by all the music festivals in Huaxia, I want to prove myself!"

Ye Wenxuan's simple words showed a kind of stubbornness in his heart.

Lin Xuhua opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

After all, what Ye Wenxuan said made him wonder how to comfort him.

It is indeed a torment for such a talented young man in music, but he does not receive any recognition or any awards that should belong to him.

Presumably, his heart has always longed for the highest stage, Lin Xuhua looked at Ye Wenxuan's young face, and thought to himself...

(End of this chapter)

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