Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 557 "Happy Club" premieres!

Chapter 557 "Happy Club" premieres!
Looking at the two beautiful wives in nightdresses in front of him, Ye Wenxuan felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Zhao Fei'er was wearing a pink nightdress, combined with the charm of Zhao Fei'er's frowns and smiles, she was so beautiful.

And Wang Shiyu is wearing a white nightgown, as holy as a green lotus, as beautiful as a fairy who has descended into the world.

Seeing the two of them busy, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wenxuan's mouth.

"Don't be too busy, you two, hurry up and sit down, the show will start soon, and you two will be going to record in two days, why don't you hurry up and ask your husband for advice!" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's shout, Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu responded one after another.

Zhao Fei'er brought a large plate of exquisite fruit plate, which contained all kinds of fruits and everything, which had been neatly cut, and some salad dressing was sprinkled on it.

Wang Shiyu brought a large pot of honey grapefruit tea, which Wang Shiyu made himself.

The two took things, put them on the guest table in front of the sofa, and then snuggled up to Marven Ye's sides.

Zhao Fei'er, who had just sat down, suddenly thought of something, stood up again, and ran towards the inside with her bare feet.

Soon he ran back again, carrying a large bag of snacks in his hand.

Hey hey, and then put it on the other side of the sofa.

Seeing the snacks, Wang Shiyu's eyes lit up, and the two of them turned a blind eye to Ye Wenxuan's black face, and divided the spoils among themselves.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Marven Ye stretched out his hands and pinched their little faces.

"If you still eat, you two will become little fat pigs if you eat any more." Marven Ye said "viciously".

The two gave Ye Wenxuan a blank look, and then slapped Ye Wenxuan's hand off.

"Hmph, even if we become chubby pigs, you still don't want us!" Zhao Fei'er snorted, still flipping through the snacks.

"That's right, you dare not want us!" Wang Shiyu snorted arrogantly, not afraid of Ye Wenxuan at all.

Seeing how tired the two were, Ye Wenxuan held his forehead, a little speechless.

But at this time, "Happy Club" also officially started broadcasting.

"Stop making trouble, watch TV, and watch your husband perform live!" Ye Wenxuan smiled triumphantly.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu stopped making trouble, turned their eyes to the TV, and watched the TV in a calm manner.


At the same time, after Nanhu Satellite TV warmed up for a long time, many people have paid attention to this program early.

After all, in this society where comedy elements are scarce, joy can only be found in movies or various evening parties at the end of the year. In the rest of the time, it is really difficult to find such a program.

Shen Yuehua is one of them. Shen Yuehua is 43 years old this year.My daughter has just sent off to college, not yet a year old.

After leaving her daughter, Shen Yuehua was very uncomfortable at first, because she always felt that many things were empty, and her life suddenly became idle.

But after nearly a year, I have gradually adapted to this kind of life.

Going out for dinner with friends and outings with parents has gradually become the main theme of life.

Today Shen Yuehua was at home alone again, her husband went out to socialize, leaving her alone.

Lying on the bed, watching TV programs, Shen Yuehua flipped through them randomly, and soon found Nanhu Satellite TV.

Seeing that the show seemed to have just started, Shen Yuehua looked at the name of the variety show, called "Happy Club", and Shen Yuehua felt a little interested.

For some singing competitions, Shen Yuehua has no interest at all, because watching and watching, Shen Yuehua tends to fall asleep.

And this show, it looks like a comedy show at first glance, this is the first time Shen Yuehua has seen it.

Staying at Nanhu Satellite TV, Shen Yuehua saw the host Xu Chang, thought for a while, and then remembered the name and the person.

Isn't this the young man from the Spring Festival Gala last year? The skit he performed was very interesting, and Shen Yuehua's family was very happy at that time.

Then the angle of view changed on the TV, and seeing other people, familiar comedians one by one, gradually made Shen Yuehua's curiosity grow bigger and bigger.

These well-known young comedians are all gathered together!
Under the joy of this group of people, Ye Wenxuan's figure gradually appeared, accompanied by Li Guanghe.

Li Guanghe and Shen Yuehua didn't know each other very well, but Ye Wenxuan and Shen Yuehua did.

Because if your daughter's room is full of posters of a boy, any mother will recognize it.

Ye Wenxuan is Shen Yuehua's daughter's loyal fan, a super Xuan fan!
Originally, Shen Yuehua didn't like her daughter chasing stars very much, but because her daughter's character is too stubborn.

And Shen Yuehua got to know this Marven Ye in a special way, learned about Marven Ye's deeds, and felt that Marven Ye was a good idol.Hardworking and talented, low-key and humble, and self-made, he has become the most potential rich man in the younger generation of China!

Shen Yuehua felt that her daughter's liking for such a person should greatly promote her, so Shen Yuehua did not refuse.

When Ye Wenxuan held a concert in Shanghai, Shen Yuehua even asked her daughter and her friends to watch Ye Wenxuan's concert together.

Therefore, Shen Yuehua was no stranger to Ye Wenxuan.

Seeing so many acquaintances on TV, Shen Yuehua was a little curious.

Soon the show started, from the full improv at the beginning to the dramatic improv at the end.

Among them, Ye Wenxuan's reaction speed is extremely quick, and he can even draw inferences about these routines, and even counterattack the opponent and set traps for the opponent.

The two sides battled wits and courage, each plot made the corners of Shen Yuehua's mouth unable to close at all, and he laughed from beginning to end.

Soon the first commercial was ushered in, Shen Yuehua rubbed her face stiffened from laughing, and felt that this program was simply too interesting.

With the mentality that it is better to have fun alone than to have fun with others, Shen Yuehua called a few of his good friends and recommended this program to them, asking them to watch it too.

When several good friends heard Shen Yuehua's recommendation, they were a little curious about their usual friend.

Shen Yuehua has always been a person who has one is one and two is two, and generally would not recommend anything to others.But this time, they actually recommended a comedy show to them, which made them curious.

But as they watched, everyone was laughing from ear to ear, it was so interesting.

With the enthusiastic characteristics of Chinese people, this program slowly spread among the crowd, and news about "Happy Club" even appeared on the Internet.

It can be said that "Happy Club" is going to be popular!

(End of this chapter)

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