Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 558 "Xuan Era"!

Chapter 558 "Xuan Era"!
On the second day, about the news about last night's "Happy Club", there was a lot of hustle and bustle.

It can be said that "Happy Club" has filled the vacancy in the current domestic comedy variety show, and naturally the ratings are soaring.

Not only young people like to watch it, but some elderly parents are also willing to watch it.

The age span is very large, from teenagers to middle-aged, I like this program very much.

At the same time as the rave reviews, the ratings are naturally a matter of great concern to the domestic media.

After a whole morning of deliberation, I finally got the news from inside Nanhu.

The ratings on the first day broke eight!
The ratings of the first episode alone were so high, which made Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV beat their chests a little bit.

Such an impressive achievement instantly made investors feel as if they saw Jinshan, and once again rushed to the gate of Nanhu Satellite TV, scrambling for advertising space.

Nanhu Satellite TV is a hot place, and so is Times Entertainment.

Numerous companies have come to the door of Times Entertainment, wanting to place advertisements in the program, and those who want to be named, all ask for cooperation.

The people who came were all in suits and leather shoes, and they all seemed to be from big companies.But at this moment, the previous demeanor is gone, and there is basically one thought in his mind.


A popular variety show can bring unprecedented attention, and there is nothing faster than this way to promote a company.

It is precisely because of the existence of such people that every popular variety show is rich and powerful, and it becomes bigger and bigger.

Don't you see that a program in the previous life once revealed that the sponsorship fee was as high as [-] million!
It can be seen that the money-making ability of variety shows, if well-operated, is not inferior to other entertainment models at all.

Ran Yirou and Ye Wenxuan were naturally prepared for this situation.

Invite these people to the conference room and talk slowly.However, Ye Wenxuan didn't need to worry about this kind of thing. Naturally, there was a special person to negotiate, and even Ran Yirou didn't need it.

Ran Yirou has more and more things to do now, if she has to do this kind of thing herself, she will be exhausted.

As for Marven Ye, after a few days of rest, he got on the flight to Hong Kong.


Hong Kong, as a city that invested heavily in the country that year.

Unlike the previous life, which was full of disasters and disasters, Hong Kong has developed very smoothly in this life.

Hong Kong and Taiwan have become China's gateways to Southeast Asia.

As a gateway, it is naturally inclusive, in Hong Kong and Taiwan.On the street, you can often see tourists from all over the world wandering on the street.

As an economic center, many of the world's top [-] companies also have branches in Hong Kong or Taiwan.

Universal Music, one of the world's four major record companies, has also set up an Asian branch in Hong Kong.

In an area like Hong Kong, where land is very expensive, there is a single building, which shows the wealth of Universal.

Marven Ye arrived at the airport, and then headed straight to the Universal Branch.


Dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, Ye Wenxuan didn't bring many people with him this time, but Xu Rou, Nie Qian, and Huang Tianlei.

The four of them walked into Universal's gate. After entering, Xu Rou directly found the person in charge, and then led them to Lin Xuhua's office.

Seeing Marven Ye coming, Lin Xuhua also seemed very happy.

"Xiaoye is here, sit down and talk." Lin Xuhua said enthusiastically.

Ye Wenxuan was not hypocritical, and sat opposite Lin Xuhua.

"Time is tight, I think we can start recording songs right away, and I'm ready." Marven Ye went straight to the point and said ably.

Lin Xuhua nodded, and said: "Yes, I have already prepared the recording engineer and your music producer. We are already working on the accompaniment master tape, and we have already produced two songs."

Marven Ye frowned, feeling a little worried.

"In just a few days, you have made two songs? Can the quality be guaranteed?"

Although Ye Wenxuan was in a hurry, he had to speed up the progress as much as possible under the quality assurance.

It doesn't mean that Marven Ye will sacrifice quality in exchange for speed.

As the saying goes, haste makes waste, which is exactly the truth.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's worry, Lin Xuhua had a smile on his face.

"Xiao Ye, don't worry. This accompaniment tape is definitely made carefully. If you think there is any flaw, I will immediately ask someone to remake it."

"And the person who made this master tape is Huang Hanxin. Don't you know him? If the quality of the music is not good, he will never release it!"

Lin Xuhua said with a smile.

Hearing that it was Huang Hanxin, Ye Wenxuan felt a little relieved, after all, Huang Hanxin's appearance was that of a music idiot.

For the obsession with music, I will never make a journal.

"Okay, Brother Huang is doing things, I'm still very relieved." Ye Wenxuan replied.

"This time your music producer is him, and he volunteered to fight. He even let go of his words. Whoever fights with him is his enemy, and it will be full of storms." Lin Xuhua said with a wry smile.

Ye Wenxuan was overjoyed when he heard that it was Huang Hanxin.

Being able to be the chief music producer distributed around the world is definitely not a small skill.

Being able to become his own music producer, Ye Wenxuan is very confident in quality control.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan so happy, Lin Xuhua was a little depressed.

Ordinary people would cry when they heard Huang Hanxin recording.

Although he is capable, Huang Hanxin is very stubborn.If he feels that the quality is not good, he will never let go. For this reason, he has fallen out with several artists.

Lin Xuhua felt that it was better to say some things earlier, so that Ye Wenxuan could be prepared.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuhua told Ye Wenxuan the history of Huang Hanxin.

After Ye Wenxuan listened, he still had a smile on his face.

"This is just what I want. Brother Huang is the only one. The stricter the better, I like it." The smile on Ye Wenxuan's face grew stronger.

Lin Xuhua was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly.

"All right, all right, you go, Huang Hanxin is already waiting for you in the recording studio."

Marven Ye nodded, then stood up and walked out the door.

But just as Ye Wenxuan was about to walk to the door, Lin Xuhua suddenly stopped Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan turned around in doubt when he heard Lin Xuhua's shout.

"Xiaoye, what is the name of your new album?" Lin Xuhua asked loudly.

Ye Wenxuan was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

About 5 minutes later, Marven Ye, who was standing at the door, said to Lin Xuhua with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"How about calling it..."Xuan Era"!"

(End of this chapter)

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