Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 559: Undercurrent Conspiracy!

Chapter 559: Undercurrent Conspiracy!

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he left Lin Xuhua's office, leaving Lin Xuhua alone.

Upon hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Lin Xuhua's eyes slowly glowed with a look, and he muttered, "Xuan Era?"

"Marven Ye's era?"

After repeating it twice, a smile appeared on Lin Xuhua's face, and he shook his head lightly.

"This kid is really confident, but with this kid's talent, maybe... really can..."


Marven Ye walked out of Lin Xuhua's office and went straight to his recording studio.

Reunited with each other, Marven Ye and Huang Hanxin chatted for a while.

But time waited for no one, Ye Wenxuan and Huang Hanxin threw themselves into work and started recording songs.

Time passed slowly.


A certain villa in northern Beijing.

In a small conference room, there are several middle-aged men sitting at the moment.

Everyone here, if seen by the outside world, is someone who can cause a huge commotion.

Every one of them is a tycoon worth tens of billions, and in the entertainment circle, they are all trembling existences when they stomp their feet.

In the conference room, there is an old man who is about 60 years old.

Even though the rest of the people were all of high status and high net worth, the man who looked at the main seat was full of awe in his eyes.

This old man is the original person who created Kaisheng Entertainment.

Kaisheng Entertainment is currently the No. [-] theater chain under Huaying, with a wide range of theaters, even extending into Southeast Asia.

Although Kaisheng Entertainment is slightly inferior to Huaying Group, it is also a giant of Huaxia Entertainment.

Every year, the money earned by theaters alone is as high as tens of billions.What's more, there are surrounding benefits, and the annual income can be called terrifying.

And this old man is Zhang Kaisheng!
Today's small meeting was also hosted by Zhang Kaisheng, and everyone was contacted.

However, although everyone respects Zhang Kaisheng, they are not afraid, because each of them is also a powerful person.

Wang Shaokang, Chairman of Yixin Cinemas, Chen Jianxiang, Chairman of Ruian Cinemas, Dong Hui, Chairman of Hengsheng Cinemas, Li Baosheng, Chairman of Xinyao Cinemas...

There are nearly ten chairman of the board, all of whom are giants of China's theater chains, and all of them are among the top [-] theater giants in China.

It can be said that it is the existence of these people that guarantees the normal release of the movie.

If these people unite, they can definitely kill anyone.

At this moment, many people have their own thoughts.

For them, interest is the eternal bargaining chip.

They have also discovered at this moment that there are no people from Huaying Group among the people here.

It was obvious that Zhang Kaisheng wanted to do something, but they couldn't guess what it was, but for them, they had no position.

As long as you can make money, it doesn't matter who you follow.

The sunshine in the room is just right.

It is bright without being dazzling.

Antique furniture, and cups of steaming tea are placed in front of everyone.

Zhang Kaisheng did not speak, but kept a gentle smile on his face.

Zhang Kaisheng watched the scene gradually quiet down, and everyone's eyes were on him, Zhang Kaisheng smiled slightly.

"I invited everyone here today. I really want to discuss something with you. It is a matter that can make a lot of money. I hope everyone can listen to my thoughts." Zhang Kaisheng said.

The voice is not loud, but it has a restrained majesty.

As soon as Zhang Kaisheng finished speaking, the people around him nodded frequently.

"Mr. Zhang is too serious. If there is something to do, Mr. Zhang is fine to say it." A middle-aged man on Zhang Kaisheng's right hand side said, it was Wang Shaokang, the chairman of Yixin Cinemas.

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you discuss it or not, Mr. Zhang just says it doesn't matter."


Everyone responded one by one, giving Zhang Kaisheng a lot of face.

Seeing this group of people like this, Zhang Kaisheng smiled even more.

"Recently, the Times Film and Television has emerged recently... I think everyone is familiar with it?" Zhang Kaisheng said slowly, speaking slowly, but the point of the finger in his words was directed at the Times Film and Television!
As soon as Zhang Kaisheng's words came out, the people below all looked up and narrowed their eyes slightly.

How could Times Film and Television not know about it, the hottest film and television company recently.

Mastering the epoch-making technology is enough to become a milestone in the history of 3D movies.

The scenes in the movie are grand and shocking, realistic and delicate.This kind of movie technology is indeed shocking to everyone who has seen the movie.

This kind of technology is simply a golden chicken that lays golden eggs.

No, to be precise, this is a chicken farm that lays golden eggs!

There are still prospects for the profits inside, and even the entertainment giants like them are greedy.

Hearing that Zhang Kaisheng was talking about this matter, many people became energetic.

In fact, they have also tried to steal the technology of Times Film and Television in the past.

Basically, as long as companies with some strength have done this kind of thing, everyone is tacitly aware of it.

Stealing core information, poaching people, and buying commercial espionage and other means are useless.

The technicians of Times Film and Television bought it, but it was useless at all.Because they can only operate these technologies, but they don't know the principles of these technologies.

Just like a racing driver, he can play various tricks with the car.But if you ask him how this car was built, he naturally doesn't know.

This is also the principle, technicians are like race car drivers, they can only operate but not build.

Therefore, digging it over is useless at all.

As for commercial espionage, it also returned in vain.

In today's era, the security level of film and television is extremely strict.

The security guards are basically patrolled by teams, and the bodyguards are all recruited from retired soldiers at a high price, and each of them is of extraordinary strength.

With this level of security, there are only a handful of people who can sneak in.

Even if you get in and get the technology, but when you come back and copy it, it's useless at all, it's just a bunch of useless gibberish.

Now they all understand that this technology is only in the hands of one person, and that is Marven Ye.

If you want to get the technical information, you have to take it from Ye Wenxuan, or move out the huge mainframe in Times Movies and TV.

Neither of these two conditions is realistic.

If you want Marven Ye to hand over the technology, as long as Marven Ye is not stupid, Marven Ye will never agree.

Even if they want to steal it, there is no way, because they don't know where Ye Wenxuan hid the technical information, so the first one doesn't even need to be thought about, there is no possibility of operation!
As for stealing the host?
Who can move the mainframe weighing more than ten tons?
Do you want to go to armed robbery?

In China, if you do this kind of thing in Beijing, the capital, it is no different from suicide...

(End of this chapter)

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