Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 560 The first ceremony before the soldiers!

Chapter 560 The first ceremony before the soldiers!

After repeated failures, they found that the security of Times Film and Television was too good, and finally returned without success. They could only watch Times Entertainment with envy.

Zhang Kaisheng's words were tantamount to igniting the longing and greed that had been dormant in everyone's hearts again.

Everyone's eyes flickered, but no one said anything, waiting for Zhang Kaisheng's next words.

Zhang Kaisheng was treacherous and cunning, looked at the flickering eyes of everyone, and felt a little confident in his heart.

"It seems that you all know something about Times Film and Television, so I can talk about it." Zhang Kaisheng coughed dryly and continued.

"Time Films can independently develop world-leading 3D technology, which is of great help to China's film and television industry, and even China's cultural economy.

But I think such a technology, Times Film and Television should not build a car behind closed doors, it should be announced, and we all study it together.Only in this way can we keep ahead of the US emperor and keep developing China's film and television industry, don't you think so! "

Zhang Kaisheng's words are righteous, but the content is in sheep's clothing and dog meat.

He obviously wanted to take by force, but he said it so righteously, which made the corners of the mouths of the rest of the people twitch.

If everyone was so righteous, the world would have been peaceful and everyone was equal by now.This is just a cover for Zhang Kaisheng, he needs this cover, and the rest of the people also need this cover.

At the same time, everyone secretly speculated that Zhang Kaisheng was also frustrated in the film and television of the times, otherwise he would not have united with everyone.

But even though he was muttering in his heart, on the surface he was not ambiguous at all.

"Old Zhang is right. This kind of good deed that benefits the country and the people should not be kept private, it should indeed be shared!"

"In this era, film and television are really inappropriate. Where does this kind of practice put the great cause of the nation!"

"I think this technology should be shared. Only when we develop and research together will we have a future!"


Everyone's approval sounded one after another.

It is obvious that they are doing the things of robbers, but they insist on putting on the cloak of saints. This is something that many capitalists are willing to do.

Looking at the reactions of the crowd, Zhang Kaisheng was very satisfied, and the hypocritical smile on the corner of his mouth became bigger and bigger.

For the technology of Times Film and Television, Zhang Kaisheng is naturally salivating.

Shengkai Group, which started from theaters, has gradually developed into a bottleneck period.

More and more entertainment groups that started as theater chains have started to invest in the film and television industry, and Shengkai Group is also a part of them.

However, Shengkai Group did not do very well, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

In this aspect, Huaying Group is doing the best.

Over the years, Huaying Group has invested in many film and television projects and achieved very good results.

Last year, Huaying invested in "Wolf Warrior", which broke the record of Huaxia's box office.

Under such ebb and flow, the gap between Huaying Group and Shengkai Group gradually became wider and wider.Gradually, Huaying Group surpassed the rest of the theater groups, and its status was detached.

How could Zhang Kaisheng be reconciled?
The emergence of film and television in this era gave Zhang Kaisheng a glimmer of hope.

If you can get the technology of Times Film and Television, catching up with Huaying will no longer be a dream, but a reality that can be touched.

With this kind of technology, coupled with the strength of the Shengkai Group, it would be strange if it didn't make a splash in movies!

Zhang Kaisheng's thoughts flashed by, and then he continued: "But... hey... What if people in the film and television industry of this era are not willing to share technology with us? To be precise, what should a young man like Ye Wenxuan not want to do... "

Zhang Kaisheng pretended to be concerned about the country and the people, and said in a low voice.

"Hmph, how dare Marven Ye disagree. If he disagrees, we will jointly block him and his company."

"That's right, as long as he doesn't agree, then his future movies will still have movies produced by their company, and all of them will be banned. Let's see how he can still hang out in the entertainment industry!"

"With him as a 21-year-old boy, how can such an important technology be entrusted to him for preservation? It's too risky. It's safer to leave it to us to preserve together!"


When it comes to fundamental interests, everyone shows an ugly face.

Perhaps it is difficult for one of them to block Marven Ye, but if these theaters unite.Then Ye Wenxuan will indeed struggle in the film and television industry, and it will be difficult to develop at all.

The so-called more courageous people, this theory is applicable no matter what level you are at.

A group of people give each other confidence, and this unprecedented expansion of strength often makes people do unwise things.

It's like why group fights always cause the most casualties, because of this.

This group of people has been blinded by money, and they can't wait to get Marven Ye's technology.

As for that layer of hypocritical cloak, I don't know where it was left for a long time.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Kaisheng felt relieved, and finally had a bottom line in his heart.

"Since everyone has reached an agreement, let's study the plan. How can we let Marven Ye willingly hand over this technology and share it with us?" Zhang Kaisheng no longer concealed it, and asked directly.

Wang Shaokang, the chairman of Yixin Group, pondered for a while, and said: "I think we can do the courtesy first and then the soldiers, and we can completely overwhelm people with power, let Marven Ye weigh the pros and cons, and then hand over things."

Hearing what Wang Shaokang said, Li Baosheng, chairman of Xinyao Group, also felt that what Wang Shaokang said was right.

"Boss Wang is right. After all, Ye Wenxuan is also famous recently. If he directly robbed him, it would be ugly. We really should think of a way." Li Baosheng talked eloquently.

Everyone was simply excited for a while, and then calmed down the excitement in their hearts. After all, no one is a fool to be able to achieve this position.

Now that everyone is tied to the same chariot, it is natural to find a way to implement it with low risk and high profit. For a while, everyone began to pool their efforts and continuously make suggestions.

After about half an hour, everyone finally came to a unified opinion.

That is to negotiate with Ye Wenxuan to see if he can sell the shares in his hand, and then the major theaters will acquire technology by buying shares.

Of course, at this price, they will naturally not buy it with the stock price in the market, they naturally want to be empty-handed.

As the saying goes, courtesy first and soldiers later, this is their courtesy!
But if Marven Ye disagreed, they would use some simple and crude methods.

For example, Ye Wenxuan's next movie "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" is going to be released in June?
If more than a dozen giant theaters refuse to show this movie, it is conceivable that this movie, no matter how good it is, if there is not enough film production, it will definitely end up on the street!

(End of this chapter)

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