Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 562 Mengtong gets beaten!

Chapter 562 Mengtong gets beaten!

"I know about this matter, I'll be there right away, you can take care of the whole situation in the company with peace of mind." Ye Wenxuan said to the phone with a somber face.

Huang Hanxin, who was sitting behind Ye Wenxuan, was adjusting the accompaniment. Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, he put down the equipment in his hand.

Pushing his glasses, Huang Hanxin asked in surprise, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Marven Ye turned around and nodded with a sullen face.

"A female artist in our company had an accident, and someone actually stretched out her claws on the body of Our Times Entertainment. It's really reckless." Speaking of this, Ye Wenxuan's eyes flashed a gleam.

The call just now was Ran Yirou's call.

Meng Tong has become popular recently, and the number of film appointments has gradually increased.

The affectionate female singer and the sweet Bai Fengjiu have made Mengtong's current popularity steadily squeezed into the front line.

But being popular does not mean that the status is also comparable to the first-line.

First-line artists, who doesn't have many works as a background, this is a level that is easy to enter but not easy to maintain.

For example, Ye Wenxuan already had a first-line popularity since the Voice of China.But even with Ye Wenxuan, who hit the top with good songs one after another, it took more than two years in the front line before he stabilized his position, and only started to climb up again last year.

Therefore, Mengtong is in urgent need of various works to fill her foundational falsehood.

It is precisely because of this that the company chose the best for her for various film appointments.

But unexpectedly, in an inspirational idol drama "Youth Blooming", the director actually bullied her.

The unspoken rules failed, and they actually beat people.

Do you really think that Meng Tong is the kind of person who has no roots?What status does Times Entertainment place? !

And the location where the other party was filming was in Hong Kong, so it could be said to be beside Ye Wenxuan.

Ran Yirou knew that Marven Ye was here, so she called Marven Ye directly.

Marven Ye was naturally furious about this kind of thing.

Huang Hanxin on the side looked at Ye Wenxuan's gloomy face, and knew that this matter seemed to be quite a big deal.

"Do you need me to talk to Brother Lin? Ask him to find a relationship?" Huang Hanxin asked with concern.

Marven Ye forced a smile and waved his hand.

"No need, I'm just a second-tier director. If I can't deal with him well, I don't have to mess with him." Ye Wenxuan said casually.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Huang Hanxin didn't force himself, and after a few instructions, Ye Wenxuan walked out of the recording studio.

Walking out of the recording studio, Ye Wenxuan called and handed over Huang Tianlei, Xu Rou and Nie Qian.

Huang Tianlei drove towards Kowloon in Hong Kong.

Since it was afternoon, the car drove very fast, and arrived at the crew's residence in about 15 minutes.

On the way here, Ye Wenxuan also simply told a few people what happened.

After listening, the three of them were also extremely angry.

Especially when he heard that the director was still beating someone, Huang Tianlei was furious.

Mengtong is straightforward and kind.He is sincere to everyone, so Huang Tianlei also has a great affection for this little girl.

Just like a little sister, but she was beaten today!

The four got out of the car and went straight to the interior of the crew.

Soon they came to a hotel where the crew was stationed, and the four of them went straight to Mengtong's room.

During the period, some people also wanted to come up to question them, but seeing the aggressiveness of the four people, they were not kind. The key point is that everyone is dressed in extraordinary clothes, and they look like they are either expensive or rich, and they just pretended not to see anything.

Fearing that Yang Chi would be harmed, he quickly disappeared from the sight of the four of them.

Coming to Meng Tong's room, Marven Ye knocked on the door.

A male voice came from inside and asked, "Who is it?"

Hearing this voice, Marven Ye frowned slightly. How could there be a male voice here?
Seeing Ye Wenxuan's lame eyebrows, Xu Rou said, "This is Mengtong's manager Zhao Dongxing, don't worry."

Hearing Xu Rou's explanation, Marven Ye nodded.

"Open the door, I'm Marven Ye." Marven Ye's faint voice sounded.

As soon as I heard it inside, I immediately opened the door, revealing a man about 1.7 meters five, but with a relatively thin body.

Zhao Dongxing looked at the four people at the door and became nervous.This is the big boss of the entire company, and there are three people close to him, each of whom is a big shot he can't afford.

Unexpectedly, these four people came to this matter in person, which made Zhao Dongxing very uneasy.

Glancing at Zhao Dongxing, Ye Wenxuan walked into the room without any extra words.

The rooms are nice, big and nicely decorated.

Walking into the back room, Ye Wenxuan saw Meng Tong.

Meng Tong, who was originally lively, now seemed particularly depressed.

A pair of big eyes, now also because of crying, the eyes and around the eye sockets are red, looking very pitiful.

The most glaring thing is that the right cheek, which was originally white and clean, now has a red palm print, which shows how powerful the person who hit Meng Tong was.

The fire in Ye Wenxuan's heart had already reached his throat at this moment, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan and Xu Rou coming, Meng Tong burst out the grievance that had been suppressed all the time, and fell into Xu Rou's arms, crying silently.

Xu Rou looked at Meng Tong in her arms with distressed expression, and she was also furious in her heart.

While comforting Mengtong, Xu Rou raised her head to look at Zhao Dongxing, and scolded, "Zhao Dongxing, how did you become a manager? You can't even look after Mengtong well. Where are the bodyguards for you? What are you eating!"

Ye Wenxuan also looked at Zhao Dongxing with a gloomy expression, the anger on his face had already spread on his face, and his aura was very scary.

When Zhao Dongxing heard that he was being held accountable, his heart trembled slightly.

"Tell me exactly what happened. If you lie a little bit, I will make you no longer have a foothold in the entertainment industry!" Ye Wenxuan looked at Zhao Dongxing coldly.

For this Zhao Dongxing, Ye Wenxuan has already given him the death penalty in his heart, no matter what the reason is.

Meng Tong has suffered such a big grievance, this manager is not qualified, no matter what the situation is this time.This manager, Marven Ye will definitely fire him.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Zhao Dongxing nodded quickly, and explained to Ye Wenxuan in detail.

Ye Wenxuan listened carefully to what happened, and the gloomy expression on his face became more and more serious.

After listening for about 10 minutes, Marven Ye finally understood.

This "Youth Blooming" is a youth idol drama invested by Xinyu Entertainment, the investment is only 1000 million, the investment is not small, but it is not too big, it is only a medium investment.

Mengtong here is the female number one, and Xinyu Entertainment is also a company that has always been better than Times Entertainment.

Back then, Mu Bin and Bai Mengying were artists of their company, so this time can be regarded as an exchange of benefits.

This director is a young director who has been in the second tier. This time, he got the chance to direct this TV series.

If this TV series is done well, it may become a big hit.This director is no less than reaching the sky in one step, but this director suddenly got this opportunity, but... Inflated! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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