Chapter 563 Fired!
Just last night, the director Lu Wei came to Mengtong's room.

Originally, Mengtong thought that the director had something to do, but Lu Wei smelled of alcohol, which was normal at first.But who knew that the topic would gradually get off topic while chatting, and the eyes became dishonest, and in the end they even wanted to touch their hands.

Meng Tong panicked all of a sudden and scolded him to go out.

But Lu Wei, who has a brain and a sperm, can't care about Mengtong anymore, only Mengtong's moving face is in front of him.

Naturally, it was impossible for Mengtong to let him succeed, so she took out the anti-wolf spray and sprayed it on his eyes, and then called her own bodyguard over.

Originally thought that this incident could teach Lu Wei a lesson.

But who knows, this Lu Wei didn't restrain himself at all, but intensified it.

He also used the usual routines he originally used on wild models on Meng Tong, and he was harsh on Meng Tong in the crew, and even said that if Meng Tong didn't show up in his room tonight, then Meng Tong's play would be Don't even think about taking a good picture.

Meng Tong was angry, and argued with Lu Wei, but was slapped backhand by Lu Wei.

So the current situation appeared, and it was finally reported to the company.

This matter is very simple. It is nothing more than that the director wants to unspoken rules for female stars. This matter is naturally not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

Many women use their bodies to please the director in order to get a good role in order to achieve such an exchange of benefits.

This kind of thing is voluntary on both sides.

Of course, there are also directors who forcibly force actresses to have sex, but those are all famous directors of prominent parties, and the actors have no foundation.

Just relying on Lu Wei, a second-tier young director, want to unspokenly rule Meng Tong, a first-tier popular actress?

This is simply a fantasy, even Ye Wenxuan is admired by this director's boldness.

Ye Wenxuan listened to everything, then raised his head, and asked Zhao Dongxing, "Where were you and the bodyguards when Meng Tong was beaten?"

Ye Wenxuan asked lightly, with a silent tone.

Ye Wenxuan's words made Zhao Dongxing's heart tremble slightly.

Facing Ye Wenxuan's inquiry, Zhao Dongxing could only bite the bullet and respond: "We were standing behind Mengtong, but we were far away at that time, so..."

Ye Wenxuan stopped Zhao Dongxing's defense with a wave of his hand, his eyes were indifferent.

"As a manager, protecting the artists is the most fundamental bottom line. Don't give me any excuses. Meng Tong has suffered such a big grievance. This is your manager's dereliction of duty. No reason is important."

"Go back to Jingbei and resign by yourself. You know how to do it yourself, and don't do anything unwise. You know, in my capacity, it should be easy to block you, an unknown agent, right? So, if you If you still want to hang around in this circle, don’t make mistakes.”

There was a warning look in Ye Wenxuan's eyes, which made Zhao Dongxing feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Although Zhao Dongxing is not very old, he is almost 30 years old.But standing in front of Ye Wenxuan, he didn't have any momentum at all, he could only passively listen to Ye Wenxuan's reprimand, and didn't even dare to refute it.

It's not good to get this result, but it's not too bad either.

If Ye Wenxuan said anything about him casually, it would be really difficult for him to move forward in this circle in the future.

What's more, this time it was indeed because of his cowardice that Meng Tong was beaten, and it is normal to be fired. This Zhao Dongxing has long been mentally prepared.

As for Ye Wenxuan's warning at the end, Zhao Dongxing knew what it meant. It was nothing more than telling Zhao Dongxing not to go out and talk nonsense. It seemed that Ye Wenxuan wanted to handle this matter secretly.

Facing Ye Wenxuan's warning eyes, Zhao Dongxing nodded and said, "I understand..."

Ye Wenxuan nodded, then turned his gaze away from Zhao Dongxing, and looked at Mengtong.

Looking at Mengtong's red and swollen right cheek, Ye Wenxuan sighed.

Touching Mengtong's right cheek with his right hand, the inner strength circulated to help Mengtong reduce swelling.

At first, Meng Tong was still a little shy, but soon felt the warmth on the right side of his face, which was very comfortable.

The original swollen feeling on the right face gradually subsided, and a cool feeling appeared.

After about 5 minutes, Marven Ye took his hand off.

Looking at Meng Tong's originally red and swollen right cheek, it has returned to its original whiteness and smoothness at this moment, and the original redness and swelling have all dissipated like the snow in spring.

Seeing this miraculous scene, Xu Rou couldn't close her mouth in shock.

Meng Tong took a look in the mirror, and was equally astonished.

Seeing the surprised looks of the two, Ye Wenxuan shook his head lightly, and said, "This is just a small trick with successful Chinese martial arts, so there is no need to make such a fuss."

After letting Meng Tong relax for a while, Ye Wenxuan stood up and said: "After changing clothes, let's go meet that ignorant Lu Wei, and let him know who can touch him and who will die if touched!"

A cold light flashed in Ye Wenxuan's eyes, for Lu Wei, Ye Wenxuan had already sentenced him to death.

Dare to use such nasty means against the artistes under his company, how dare he beat them!
If this venue is not restored, it will appear that everyone in Times Entertainment can be bullied in the future.How to recruit artists in the future!

This kind of precedent cannot be set, this time Ye Wenxuan intends to do absolutely nothing.

Let everyone know that he, Ye Wenxuan, protects the calf!
Anyone who dares to touch Times Entertainment in the future has to think about whether they can withstand Ye Wenxuan's thunderous wrath!
Kill the chicken and the monkey!
This is Ye Wenxuan's plan, and it also lays the foundation for the future development of the company!

Ye Wenxuan's thoughts were fleeting, and he looked at Meng Tong.

Mengtong heard Ye Wenxuan's words, got dressed obediently, and followed Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan asked Nie Qian to put some light makeup on Mengtong to cover up the tired eyes. Mengtong is a public figure, and image is very important to an actress.

After all, if an ugly photo is taken, it will always be with the actress. I don't know when someone will bring it up, so I have to guard against it.

For Nie Qian, light makeup is just a trivial matter, and it will be done soon.

The five people walked out of the room, drove directly to the location where the crew was filming, and drove away.

In the room, only Zhao Dongxing was left with a mournful face.

With a sigh, he turned and left the house, and went back to pack his bags.

After finally entering Times Entertainment, something like this happened.

Originally following Mengtong who had a bright future, the future was bright, but because of his momentary cowardice, it led to the current ending, which made Zhao Dongxing feel very uncomfortable.

However, many times it is often just a matter of a moment, and sometimes, if you miss it... you just miss it!

(End of this chapter)

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