Chapter 564 Two slaps!

The location of the crew is naturally very close to the hotel of the crew, and it takes only 10 minutes to drive to the location of the crew.

After getting out of the car, Marven Ye took the lead, Mengtong followed behind Marven Ye step by step, followed by Huang Tianlei and the others.

With a cold face, Ye Wenxuan walked directly inside wearing sunglasses.

The crew members who came and went saw Ye Wenxuan and his party, and originally wanted to stop them.But seeing Meng Tong behind Ye Wenxuan, this thought was extinguished again.

Many people have vivid memories of what happened this morning. Even if they didn't see it, they all know what happened after the whole morning's rumors.

Judging by Mengtong's appearance, it seemed that he was looking for a place. Many people were secretly watching the movements of Mengtong and his party with the mood of watching a show.

This TV series is a youth idol drama, and the required scenes are all in modern buildings.

The scene being filmed at the moment is located in a coffee shop, with the second female and the first male.

The whole crew was proceeding in an orderly manner, but the sound of footsteps from far and near interrupted the shooting.

The scene that could have been played was interrupted, no matter which director it was, it must be furious, and Lu Wei was naturally even more furious.

"Who doesn't have long eyes, didn't they see that the filming was taking place!" Lu Wei stood up directly from the director's chair, and cursed without looking behind him.

However, Ye Wenxuan who was behind did not pay attention to Lu Wei's abuse, but walked directly in front of Lu Wei.

Coming in front of Lu Wei, Ye Wenxuan also met this director for the first time.

An ordinary face with no distinctive features. The only distinctive feature is that there is a mole on the right side of the face near the chin, and he wears a peaked cap that directors often wear.

He is about 1.8 meters tall, only half a head shorter than Ye Wenxuan, and his figure is a bit fat, probably because he rarely exercises.The feet are weak and feeble, and it can be seen that the body has been hollowed out by years of drinking and sex.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Lu Wei, and Lu Wei also looked at Ye Wenxuan and others.Looking at Meng Tong behind Ye Wenxuan, Lu Wei knew that the visitor might be unkind.

But Lu Wei is not afraid, this is the crew, and the director is the biggest in the crew!
Even if the other party has a background, Lu Wei is also a person with a background, and Xinyu Entertainment is also standing behind him to support him, so he doesn't think he has anything to be afraid of.

Lu Wei looked at Ye Wenxuan idly, and asked Ye Wenxuan: "Who are you kid? What do you want to do!"

Lu Wei spoke very bluntly and arrogantly.

Ye Wenxuan, who was wearing sunglasses, looked at Lu Wei coldly under the sunglasses, and asked Lu Wei, "Are you Lu Wei?"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Lu Wei was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, he subconsciously nodded and replied, "I am."

Ye Wenxuan's mouth curved dangerously, and he muttered: "That's good."

Lu Wei didn't hear what Ye Wenxuan said.

As soon as Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he raised his right hand abruptly, and slapped Lu Wei on the right cheek.



With this slap, Ye Wenxuan used all his strength to slap Lu Wei down, and his right cheek immediately became red and swollen.

This slap can be said to be extremely loud, and the sound can be heard far away.

Ye Wenxuan didn't know how strong Ye Wenxuan was, but Ye Wenxuan knew that this slap was made by him in anger. Even if he didn't use dark energy, the strength was not something ordinary people could bear. If he didn't get a concussion, he was already very good up.

Just now Lu Wei just felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his right cheek was hit hard. Now his head just feels like countless flies are flying in his head, and the buzzing sound is continuous.

Ye Wenxuan moved his right wrist. He hit too hard just now, which made Ye Wenxuan's hand a little numb.

The people around were shocked from ear to ear by such a sudden situation.

There was not a single sound at the scene, only the crisp sound just now echoed in my ears.

Many people looked at Ye Wenxuan, and then at Meng Tong behind him, and many people seemed to understand what was going on.

Mengtong's revenge!
All the people present were silent and did not dare to step forward to intervene in this matter.

Whether it is Lu Wei or Meng Tong, they are not something they can afford.

At this moment, the whole scene seemed to freeze, and the people in the room seemed to be petrified.

At this moment, Lu Wei stood up unsteadily from the ground, covered his face with his right hand, and pointed at Ye Wenxuan with his left hand, his eyes were full of resentment.

However, Lu Wei just stood up with great effort, and before he could stand still, he was hit hard again on the left side of the face, with the same force as the previous blow.

Originally, his head was buzzing, but now his head was like the scene of a car accident, there were all kinds of sounds, and his body fell to the ground again.

After two slaps, Ye Wenxuan put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at Lu Wei coldly.

These two slaps shocked everyone, even Meng Tong behind Ye Wenxuan was shocked from ear to ear.

Meng Tong's impression of his boss Ye Wenxuan has always been very gentle. Ye Wenxuan, who is always smiling, showed a completely different look today.



No mercy!
With this style of doing things, Mengtong almost doesn't know this big brother.

And Xu Rou and the three behind Meng Tong were also shocked, but they were still within the acceptable range.

They have been by Marven Ye's side the longest, and they have been by Marven Ye's side for the longest time. They know that once Marven Ye gets angry, it will be terrifying.

Back then in Chenjiagou, Nie Qian was also bullied by others, but in the end, those people were all carried away. This Lu Wei is not bad.

Last year in Huashan, they also faced a group of unruly bandits, and the end was even more miserable. Basically, no one who was hit by Ye Wenxuan could stand up again.

But Ye Wenxuan's ruthlessness, in the eyes of Xu Rou and others, did not show a trace of fear, but felt extraordinarily at ease.

Because every time Marven Ye came out, it was basically to protect his employees or friends.

This is why Ye Wenxuan is so popular, and his image among the company's employees is always so high.

At critical times, if there is one person who is willing to shield you from the wind and rain, that person will definitely be... Ye Wenxuan!

Ye Wenxuan's protector, they are no strangers to it.

But they are not surprised, it does not mean that the rest of the people are the same, many people have been quite frightened.

Seeing Lu Wei lying on the ground with a pale face, he was very scared.

The scene was quiet, only Lu Wei's heavy breathing continued to sound, and there was no more sound.

Ye Wenxuan was not in a hurry, and quietly stood beside Lu Wei with his hands behind his back, waiting for Lu Wei to stand up...

(End of this chapter)

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