Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 565 Is 1 Yuan Enough?

Chapter 565 Is 1 yuan enough?
Many crew members looked at Lu Wei lying at Marven Ye's feet.

Some people are indifferent, some people are excited, some people are angry, all kinds of expressions are there.

But at this moment, no one dared to stroke Marven Ye's beard at this moment, for fear that Marven Ye would do the same to them.

The scene was silent for about 5 minutes. An assistant director ran outside, looked at Ye Wenxuan with some fear, and then helped Lu Wei up from the ground.

Lu Wei, who had been slow for a long time, also regained some sanity at this moment, looking at Ye Wenxuan with blood red eyes.

Compared with the physical pain, the spiritual humiliation was even more difficult for Lu Wei to accept!

With so many people watching, if this kid is not taught a lesson, then how will Lu Wei hang out in the circle in the future.

"Boy, do you dare to report your name!" Lu Wei stretched out a finger tremblingly, and said viciously.

Seeing Lu Wei pointing at himself, Marven Ye frowned slightly.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's movement, Lu Wei and the assistant director hurriedly took two steps back.

The fat face of the assistant director was trembling at the moment, and the cold sweat on his head couldn't stop flowing down, afraid that Ye Wenxuan would do the same to him.

" calm down, we've already called the police, it's against the law for you to do this!" the assistant director said timidly, but he didn't have any momentum in his words.

Seeing everyone around him looking at him curiously and fearfully, Ye Wenxuan's mouth curved slightly, and then he slowly took off his sunglasses.

Ye Wenxuan, who showed his true colors, stunned the people around him for a moment, and then whispered discussions one after another in an instant.

"I'm going, it's Marven Ye. It's been rumored that Marven Ye is very gentle. This is just a rumor. It's just too scary!"

"Look, this must be Marven Ye coming to find a place for Mengtong. Mengtong is a female artist that Ye Wenxuan single-handedly promoted. Ye Wenxuan is here to stand up!"

"It's Lu Wei's bad luck, the pervert who has a brain, finally messed with someone he can't mess with!"


Whispering voices can be heard all around.

When Lu Wei and the assistant director saw Ye Wenxuan, their faces turned pale instantly.

It was Marven Ye!

Behind Ye Wenxuan's hands, there was no expression of joy or anger on his face, his eyes exuded a sharpness, and he looked directly at Lu Wei.

"Lu Wei, right? You...are the first person who dares to touch the entertainment of my era!"

Marven Ye's words without warmth echoed in the small coffee shop.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, the people around became quiet and returned to their original quiet state again.

"If you slap an entertainer in our era, I will give you two slaps. One slap is what you owe to Meng Tong, and the other slap is what you owe our era entertainment."

"As an old man, you still beat women. It really taught me a lot. You are the first man to be such a scumbag!"

Ye Wenxuan's eyes were sharp, as if he was looking down on Lu Wei, and the aura on his body gradually became bigger and bigger with each sentence.

The atmosphere of the entire coffee shop seemed to freeze together. Even the people standing on the side felt a pressure, which made people breathless.

Lu Wei's cheeks were already swollen like steamed buns and flushed red.

Ye Wenxuan hit him first, and then he preached to him, which made Lu Wei's eyes turn red, and he wished he could eat Ye Wenxuan!

"Ye Wenxuan, don't be crazy. Although you have a high status in the entertainment industry, this world is governed by the law. If you hit me, you will be legally responsible!" Lu Wei roared.

"Law?" Marven Ye sneered.

"When you wanted to unspoken rules Mengtong, why didn't you talk about the law?"

"When you slapped Meng Tong in public this morning, why didn't you talk about the law?"

"Is the law written for you? As long as you break the law, no one else is allowed to break it?"

Ye Wenxuan's series of rhetorical questions left Lu Wei speechless.

Lu Wei was anxious for a while, and looked at Meng Tong's clean white cheeks, his eyes lit up, and he shouted: "You are lying, I didn't hit her at all, and there is no scar on her face, why do you say I hit her?" ! Do you have evidence?! You slandered me!"

Lu Wei directly cheated and refused to admit it.

Seeing Lu Wei's lack of taste, Ye Wenxuan's face became even colder.

"Okay, then we will act in accordance with the law. According to your injury, even a minor injury is not counted, and it is estimated that you will only pay some money."

As Ye Wenxuan said, he turned around and took out a bundle of RMB from Xu Rou's bag, about 1 yuan.

As soon as Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, Ye Wenxuan directly smashed the bundle of Huaxia coins at Lu Wei's face, so fast that Lu Wei had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the money in the face.

What a shame!
First he was slapped in the face, and then he was slapped with money. Either of these two things was an act of trampling on self-esteem.

"1 yuan, your medical expenses, you don't need to look for more." Ye Wenxuan put his hands in his pockets after leaving the money, and looked at Lu Wei indifferently.

Lu Wei was about to vomit blood in his heart, he was so aggrieved that he couldn't help it.

The rest of the people around saw Ye Wenxuan's actions, and many of them had strange expressions on their faces.

Although they were all on Lu Wei's side, seeing Ye Wenxuan's actions made them feel very refreshed.

Many men are complaining in their hearts, to the point where they can't express themselves.

That is: Tai Nima can pretend to be aggressive!

Boys have this idea, but girls are completely different. Many young girls' eyes are shining.

The heart is full of spring, and the eyes are full of love.

"So handsome, he is a model of a man!"

"Not only is he talented, but he also acts like a man. Isn't this the domineering president I dream of!"

"It's so cool. If I find a boyfriend in the future, I must find someone like this!"


The hearts of many girls were filled with excitement, and they especially admired Ye Wenxuan.

Girls are creatures that are easily infected by the environment, and their resistance to this kind of passionate plot has dropped to the lowest.

There were even many girls who couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts, and whispered how handsome Ye Wenxuan was.

The environment of the coffee shop is so quiet, the voices of these girls are naturally very clear.

These words reached Lu Wei's ears, and directly caused him another [-] points of damage.

"Ye Wenxuan, don't be too rampant. Yes, I, Lu Wei, can't afford to offend you, but Xinyu Entertainment is not a vegetarian, so wait for Xinyu Entertainment's sanctions!" Lu Wei yelled at Ye Wenxuan with eyes full of ferocity. Dao, obviously out of breath.

Ye Wenxuan frowned when he heard Xinyu Entertainment in Lu Wei's mouth, but recovered in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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