Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 572 Siam Sports Center!

Chapter 572 Siam Sports Center!

On the second day, compared to everyone's activity before, all the players basically seldom went out on this day, and they all recharged their batteries in their respective rooms.

Even Ye Wenxuan stayed at the hotel with peace of mind, calmed down his impetuousness, and prepared for the next day's competition.

But the players are quiet today, which doesn't mean the outside world is also quiet.

Outside the Siam Sports Center, there are already dense police patrols at this moment.

The live broadcast trucks of TV stations marking various countries surround the Siam Sports Center, and reporters from various countries are doing location interviews outside the Siam Sports Center.

The whole of Bangkok fell into a lively atmosphere, and many local people in Bangkok also stepped out of their homes to see this grand ceremony.

Although it is only an Asian-level martial arts conference, it is only for the selection of places for the World Martial Arts Conference.But the Thai royal family still attaches great importance to this competition. On the night of May [-]th, an opening performance of about two hours was arranged.

The outside world is paying attention to Bangkok and Siam Sports Center.

Finally, after a series of grand ceremonies, the competition finally kicked off.


May [-]th, early morning.

Players from various countries walked out of the room one after another, stood up with their team leaders, and officially entered the Siam Sports Center.

Siam Sports Center is a large open-air stadium, which should have been a football field in the middle.But at this moment, it has been transformed into five huge arenas by specialized personnel.

The light green arena caters to the theme of the entire Siam Stadium and exudes a high-spirited atmosphere.

The surrounding area is also filled with dense crowds of spectators at the moment, and as far as the eye can see, there are basically no empty seats.

Ye Wenxuan made a rough estimate, and visually estimated that there are more than 2 viewers watching.

Following Ye Wenxuan's gaze, he saw that all the live broadcast equipment had been set up, and the cameras were all pointing at the many players on the scene.

A smile appeared on Ye Wenxuan's face. He was no stranger to such battles, so he readjusted his mentality, and then followed Hu Mingyu's footsteps and walked forward.

This selection at the Asian level, although very grand.But it is not very troublesome, and basically there is not much difference from domestic selection.

He will not compete for the first and second, he will only decide the top twenty players.

As for the top twenty rankings, it doesn't matter at all.

At present, a total of 25 countries have participated in the selection of this Asian-level martial arts competition, but the number of players from each country is different.

Asian powerhouses like China, Japan and South Korea naturally have a full quota of ten people.But the rest of the countries are not necessarily, some have five people, some have seven people, and some even have only one person.

But according to the final statistics, there are a total of 160 players participating in this competition.

In other words, after participating in three rounds, the top [-] will be determined again, that is, they will finally get tickets to participate in the World Martial Arts Competition.

However, compared to the rough domestic selection, this time the Asian level selection in Bangkok is much more formal.

Players who fail in each round can get the right to challenge once.

In other words, there are three rounds in total, and the winner of each round will face the challenge of the loser.

Challenges are inevitable and must be accepted.

Of course, multiple people are not allowed to challenge one person in a row.After challenging a person each time, the challenged person can rest for half an hour.

The challenger has only one chance, and if he fails, he will be completely out.

This system maximizes fairness.

This is to avoid the possibility that the two powerhouses will meet and cause the powerhouse to lose.

However, although the system is relatively complete, in this level of competition, it will easily hurt the muscles and bones.Once an injury occurs, it will have a great impact on a person's strength.

After all, this is unlimited fighting, and the chance of injury is very high.

Therefore, every year, there will be many high-profile players who accidentally lose Waterloo. There are not many such things, but there are definitely many.

At present, all players will be pulled to the center of the competition.The computer will randomly assign the respective players on the main screen, and then find their respective arenas by themselves according to the game time.

The game is divided into six days, one day of competition, one day of rest, a total of three rounds.

Soon, following everyone's attention, the computer soon began to match each player with their opponent.

Yue Ziang stood beside Ye Wenxuan, looking at the novelty in front of him, with a look of curiosity in his eyes.

"Brother Ye, this place is really big. Wouldn't it be too exciting to compete in front of so many people?" Yue Ziang said a little excitedly, with a rosy complexion.

Ye Wenxuan glanced at Yue Ziang, seeing his excited appearance, slightly amused.

"Don't worry about useless things, calm down and concentrate on the game later!" Marven Ye instructed.

Yue Ziang was very obedient and nodded heavily.


With the matching of the big screen, many matching combinations have gradually appeared.

"Bruchino VS Pu Huida!"

"Aykuye VS Chinoshi!"


"Dong Hairong VS Hadatu!"

"Hey, Brother Ye, it's Brother Dong!" Yue Ziang suddenly saw a familiar name, and shouted at Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan also saw Dong Hairong's match, looking at the nationality behind his opponent's name, it was Mongolian nationality.

Mongolia is a nomadic people, wrestling is popular, and they are very skilled in close combat.

Moreover, Mongolian men are generally burly, so they should not be easy to deal with.

Ye Wenxuan secretly analyzed it in his heart, and felt that Dong Hairong's chances of winning should be very high. After all, the opponent is just a character he has never heard of, and he should not be too strong.

"Calm down, don't make a fuss. There are so many live broadcasts, your current appearance may be watched by audiences all over the country, pay attention to your image!" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

Yue Ziang scratched his head, smiled, and gradually calmed down.But a pair of eyes kept searching for information about himself.


Domestically, the time difference between Thailand and China is only one hour, so now it is more than nine o'clock in Thailand, and it is only more than ten o'clock in China.

Today is Saturday, and many people are idle at home, preparing to watch the recently publicized Budo Tournament in full swing.

After all, this is China's unprecedented live broadcast of such a game, which is very rare.

Looking at the ten Chinese players in the Siam Sports Center, all wearing fiery red military uniforms, many men felt somewhat excited.

A man's martial arts dream!
This is the dream of 80.00% of men. Even as they grow older, this throbbing of the past is firmly rooted in their hearts.

So as soon as the live broadcast started, the ratings of CCTV5 began to rise in a straight line, and the rate of increase made people dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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