Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 573 The first round, start the war!

Chapter 573 The first round, start the war!
Soon, Ye Wenxuan's opponent's information was also matched.

"Marven Ye VS Gabriel!"

Seeing his opponent, and then seeing the nationality behind the opponent, Ye Wenxuan's mouth curved slightly.

"Philippines?" Marven Ye muttered to himself.

Yue Ziang also saw the information on Ye Wenxuan's opponent, after thinking about it, he quickly took out a notebook from his bag and looked it up.

After watching for a while, Yue Ziang whispered: "Brother Ye, you have a good idea. The first contestant I met was the strong man from the last World Martial Arts Championship. This Gabriel was ranked No.20 in the world last time. Very strong!"

Marven Ye frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised at his own contestant.

A person who can rank No. 20 in the world is not considered an unknown person, and his strength is definitely beyond doubt.

But Ye Wenxuan was only a little surprised, and the pressure was not too much.

Thousands of people followed Ye Wenxuan. As soon as the information about Ye Wenxuan's opponent came out, Huaxia Sports Channel broadcast it back immediately.

Many people looked at Marven Ye's battle information, and most of them didn't feel any pressure. They were loyal fans who were blindly optimistic about Marven Ye.

Looking at Marven Ye's game time in the afternoon, many of them complained.

But there is also a small part who really understand the situation.Seeing that Ye Wenxuan's first contestant was Gabriel from the Philippines, they were a little worried.

The commentator of the live TV broadcast also explained the information about Gabriel and his past brilliant achievements to everyone at this moment.

After hearing this, many people had a general understanding of Marven Ye's opponent.


The voices of discussion on the Internet have also gradually become high-spirited, and there are speculations about the situation of the battle.

"I checked this Gabriel, and he has a brilliant record. He weighs nearly 95 kilograms and is nearly 1.9 meters tall. He is definitely a walking violent bear."

"This Gabriel is not only powerful, but also has some anti-China sentiments. Marven Ye is probably going to suffer this time."

"Ye Wenxuan can definitely defeat the opponent, isn't he a player from Xiaoguo, he beats him like a mouse!"


Ye Wenxuan, who was far away in the venue, became a little interested after knowing his opponent, and turned back to the rest area belonging to Huaxia.

The game information on the scene has basically been released, and the players have all returned to the rest areas of their respective countries.

The five groups of contestants in the first wave of the first round have already stood on five rings, ready to start the competition.

Ye Wenxuan sat on the chair, holding a glass of watermelon juice in his hand, and watched the competition on the court leisurely.With that leisurely look, it doesn't seem like he's here for a competition, but for a vacation.

Yue Ziang sat beside Ye Wenxuan, and there was no pressure on his face.Because his opponent's information has also been matched. He is just an unknown person from a small Asian country with mediocre strength. He came here to make up the numbers. Naturally, Yue Ziang has no pressure.

The two picked the key points to watch, there were five rings in total.Although it is very large, it is still a bit too small for Siam Sports Center.

But at the top of the Siam Sports Center, there are many huge screens, which show the competition of the five rings, so that every audience in the audience can see clearly.

Although Ye Wenxuan and Yue Ziang were sitting in the infield, they still needed to look at this kind of display to see clearly.

It is very interesting to watch the players above come and go, each fighting style has its own style.

Soon the first wave of five groups was over, and the staff immediately went to the stage to clean up the ring and keep it dry.

The following second wave of five groups of contestants took to the stage again and continued to compete.

Soon, a Huaxia player came on stage, and it was Dong Hairong!

The contest between Dong Hairong and Hadatu!

The two were shirtless, wearing combat shorts, and both had free combat gloves on their hands, facing each other from a distance.

The dense scars on Dong Hairong's body, including gunshot wounds and knife wounds, added a kind of ferocity to Dong Hairong out of thin air, and his momentum immediately skyrocketed.

Hadatu looked at the scars on Dong Hairong's body and was secretly startled.

Where did this Huaxia man come from, this injury on his body... Hadatu was secretly puzzled.

Dong Hairong's face was cold, without any expression, but the energy all over his body locked onto Hadatu from afar.

Everyone in the country, seeing their own country's players on stage, naturally burst out with the greatest enthusiasm.

CCTV5 was also the first to point all the live broadcast equipment at Dong Hairong's arena, ready to broadcast the whole process.

The narrator also began to explain, analyzing the situation of both sides.

On the online video live broadcast platform, at this moment, the barrage is densely packed, all of which are written in red, with the words "Huaxia Xiongqi" written all over it!
In such a highly anticipated situation, the game began.

At the beginning of the match, Dong Hairong rushed out and approached Hadatu.

Hadatu is also a veteran. When the game started, his energy was fully concentrated.

As soon as the distance between the two sides approached, Hadatu directly approached Dong Hairong.

The left arm passed over Dong Hairong's right shoulder, pressed forward, cut and pressed his neck, and pressed down with all the strength of his body.

Cut off!

It is a very common move in Mongolian wrestling, but it is used very skillfully by Hadatu at the moment, as if instinctively.

Marven Ye in the audience frowned, a little puzzled.

"It's impossible for Brother Dong not to know that the other party is a wrestler. Since he knew that the other party was a wrestler, why did he stick to him? Could it be a scam?" Ye Wenxuan thought secretly.

Looking at the situation on the field, Dong Hairong was about to be overwhelmed by Hadatu.But at this time, the situation changed suddenly.

Dong Hairong's originally trapped body suddenly withdrew from Hadatu's downward pressure.

The right hand hit directly, and the right hand went from bottom to top, directly hitting Hadatu's jaw.

Powerful strength, when Hadatu leaned back directly, the balance of his body collapsed instantly.

Dong Hairong seized the opportunity, clenched his right hand again, and quickly struck Hadatu's abdominal cavity.

No matter how strong a person is, the abdominal cavity is the most vulnerable.Hadatu was no exception, his abdominal cavity suffered continuous attacks from Dong Hairong, so naturally his fighting strength was completely empty.

Hadatu was lying on the ground, curled up like a prawn, covering his abdomen with his hands, his face was a little painful.

Dong Hairong quietly stood aside, watching the referee count the seconds.

Ten seconds later, Hadatu... KO!

From the beginning to the end, it only took a few minutes, so it can be said that the speed is very fast.

Many people were a little unresponsive. They were worried when they saw Dong Hairong being restrained, but they all let out a long breath at this moment.

Ye Wenxuan also had a smile on his lips, admiring Dong Hairong's tactics.

First lure the enemy with your body, and then design the opponent, induce, etc., step by step, seamlessly.

Dong Hairong actually applied the jungle tactics to the boxing ring. This kind of tactics made Ye Wenxuan feel like his eyes were wide open.

Dong Hairong walked off the ring easily, greeted Ye Wenxuan, and returned to his gang of five.

(End of this chapter)

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