Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 574 Philippines - Gabriel!

Chapter 574 Philippines - Gabriel!
Time passed slowly.

Huaxia's contestants came to the stage one by one. This time, they were all carefully selected by Huaxia. Naturally, they are different, and each of them has achieved a lot of results.

Except for Marven Ye who has not played yet, the other nine have all passed the first round of competition.

I don't know if it's the luck of these nine people, or the heaven is looking after Huaxia. None of these nine people have encountered strong opponents, and they are basically ordinary people.

After a simple lunch at the venue, the game came to the afternoon schedule.

And Ye Wenxuan's game was also the first game in the afternoon. Ye Wenxuan just ate some at noon, and then began to do warm-up activities in the audience.

Yue Ziang stayed by Ye Wenxuan's side after eating, just like a younger brother.

At this moment, the reporters from Huaxia TV also pointed their cameras at Ye Wenxuan, and even a female reporter from the Central Committee wanted to interview Ye Wenxuan, but Yue Ziang stopped him first, and any interviews had to wait until after the game.

Although Yue Ziang had great confidence in Ye Wenxuan's strength, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

The strength of No. 20 in the world ranking is enough for anyone to take it seriously.

And in the CCTV5 live broadcast room far away in China, two senior commentators were replaced at the moment to prepare for the next game.

The two commentators who came up were Wan Long and Zhu Xiaosong.

Wan Long used to be a senior player in the World Martial Arts Championships. Now that he has retired, he has changed to be a commentator.

And Zhu Xiaosong is a very senior CCTV commentator, who has mastered various professional skills proficiently.

This combination of the two is very common in sports events.

The two sat together and began to discuss.

"Teacher Wan, how likely do you think Marven Ye will win against Gabriel?" Zhu Xiaosong asked with a smile.

Wan Long frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "As for the match between the two, I am more optimistic about Gabriel."

"I'm not saying bad things about Marven Ye, it's really about the difference between the two. As we all know, Marven Ye's weight is only 75 kilograms, while the other party weighs 95 kilograms. There is a difference of [-] kilograms, which is a huge difference for Marven Ye. Absolute disadvantages are hard to make up for."

Wan Long talked eloquently, analyzing from his own "professional" perspective.

Hearing this, Zhu Xiaosong still kept a faint smile on his face, and asked Wan Long: "But Teacher Wan, in the competition between Ye Wenxuan and Xu Dong a year ago, Xu Dong's weight was even more than two hundred Didn’t Marven Ye kick up the limit of Jin? How can this be explained?”

Hearing Zhu Xiaosong's questioning, Wan Long's smile froze.

"The difference between Xu Dong's strength and Gabriel's is too great. How can the two be compared. Moreover, Xu Dong's center of gravity may have been unstable at the time, which is why such an exaggerated scene occurred." Wan Long forcefully explained.

Seeing this, Zhu Xiaosong smiled slightly, and instead of entangled too much on this topic, he switched to another topic.

However, the conversation between the two just now made Ye Wenxuan's fans in front of the TV very angry, and they all despised this commentator named Wanlong.

Ye Wenxuan's game in the afternoon obviously attracted people's attention even more.

After two years, Marven Ye will make another move. For many fans of Marven Ye, this is simply something that cannot be missed.

Ye Wenxuan's performance last time is something that many people will never forget.

Domineering, cold, masculine!
The kind of male hormones that seem to be able to see through the screen is still engraved in the hearts of many Huaichun girls.

Fans are faithfully waiting before the TV festival, and many people who are interested in the martial arts competition also set their sights on the CCTV5 channel.

Many of Ye Wenxuan's friends, relatives and friends also did the same thing and watched the game one after another.

At the moment, the Yu family in the north of Beijing and the Ye family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are sitting with many people watching the game.

The screen had already been placed on the arena where Ye Wenxuan was about to compete in a while. The white and green martial arts arena radiated a shining light, waiting for the fighters to enter the field.

Finally, when everyone was looking forward to it, it was one o'clock in the afternoon.

After Ye Wenxuan put on the equipment, he took off half of his sleeves, revealing his streamlined muscles, eight-pack abs, and sharp muscle lines. In an instant, many girls in front of the TV almost fainted with excitement.

What's more, some rotten girls took out their mobile phones and desperately took pictures continuously to cherish this scene.

Ye Wenxuan strode forward, the CCTV reporter in front of him retreated as Ye Wenxuan advanced, and the camera in his hand was also constantly shooting.

However, compared to China's side, Marven Ye's opponent Gabriel's momentum is much stronger than Marven Ye's.

The media from many countries gathered in front of Gabriel and kept taking pictures of Gabriel.

In their view, this game is also very interesting.

Gabriel, ranked No.20 in the world, will challenge the unknown boy from the East!
This gap in strength made them guess how many seconds Marven Ye could last in Gabriel's hands!
That's right, how many seconds!

Gabriel has always liked to challenge opponents with a violent and crushing attitude, especially those who are weaker than him, he likes this even more.

And Gabriel has anti-China sentiments, which is well known by many media, so everyone is looking forward to this scene.

In the first game in the afternoon, Gabriel and Ye Wenxuan were the most interesting, so basically all the live broadcast equipment, large and small, gathered here, making this place a focal point for the time being.

Gabriel currently has a lot of fame in Asia, and his popularity is no less than that of some second-tier Asian stars.There are always a lot of endorsements and advertisements, which were brought to Gabriel in the last World Budo Competition.

Just when both sides were paying attention, the two entered the ring.

The two walked to the center of the ring. First, the referee checked their bodies as usual to see if they were carrying illegal items.

During the inspection, Gabriel looked at Marven Ye with a playful expression on his face.

Due to the height difference, Gabriel looked down at Marven Ye a little bit, as if looking at his beloved toy.

His eyes were full of contempt and neglect, as well as a hint of disgust in the depths of his eyes.

Marven Ye also noticed Gabriel's eyes, and Marven Ye was no stranger to such eyes.

Marven Ye looked at Gabriel coldly, his eyes were also sharp...

(End of this chapter)

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