Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 575: Eight Pole Reappears!

Chapter 575 Octopus reappears!

Looking at Marven Ye's eyes, Gabriel frowned slightly.

This look made him very uncomfortable!

Shouldn't the Huaxia man in front of him be trembling when he met him?He actually dared to look at himself with such eyes, which made Gabriel very upset.

"Boy, if you look at me with such eyes, your end will be miserable!" Gabriel showed a row of big white teeth, and smiled ferociously.

Gabriel spoke English, and Marven Ye could understand it naturally.

Facing Gabriel's threat, a trace of disdain flashed in Marven Ye's eyes.

Ye Wenxuan didn't even bother to respond to such a provocation, it was useless in Ye Wenxuan's view.

On the contrary, Ye Wenxuan felt a little sad about the status of Chinese martial arts in the world. When was it possible for a foreigner to laugh at Chinese warriors so brazenly on the world stage?

If this goes forward 100 years, in the land of China, someone will definitely teach him to be a man!
But today, Ye Wenxuan feels inexplicably heavy to be looked down upon so much.

Originally, Marven Ye felt that he should restrain himself and keep a low profile.But at this moment, Ye Wenxuan felt that he should change his tactics.

Fight beautifully!
To win openness!
Ye Wenxuan decided to let everyone in the world see what is called Chinese martial arts and what is called China kongfu!

Ye Wenxuan stepped back, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

When he looked at Gabriel again, an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes.

"Unlucky child, who let you hit the muzzle, admit your bad luck..." Ye Wenxuan sighed slightly in his heart.

Looking at Marven Ye's eyes, Gabriel felt inexplicably cold, and for some reason, there was an ominous premonition in his heart, as if he was being targeted by a prehistoric monster.

The two sides retreated to their respective positions, the referee gave an order, and the game began!
Ye Wenxuan let out a slight breath, swung his right hand forward, squared his feet, and was full of breath, locking Gabriel in the distance.

That's right, Ye Wenxuan planned to use Bajiquan this time!
Bajiquan is the most vigorous boxing technique in Huaxia boxing. It is good at opening and closing, and it is most suitable for a strong player like Gabriel.

Since Ye Wenxuan intends to fight violently, it is natural to show the essence of the national quintessence, so that people in the world cannot underestimate it.

Bajiquan is also a well-known boxing technique in China, and it is the essence of China's essence!

Gabriel, who was facing each other from a distance, was still a little bit suspicious at first, thinking that Marven Ye was some kind of master.But seeing Ye Wenxuan's airs, he sneered.

"So what kind of Chinese 'national martial arts master' is it? Putting on airs..." Gabriel murmured, somewhat dismissively.

But Gabriel doesn't know the goods, but it doesn't mean that others don't know the goods.

Yue Ziang and Zhou Taihe in the audience, who are proficient in Chinese martial arts, all had eyes shining at this moment.

"Bajiquan, what an authentic Bajiquan!" Zhou Taihe, this low-key uncle, was a little restless at the moment, and his eyes were bright.

"Brother Ye's Bajiquan is so authentic, even more authentic than the Wu family's Bajiquan. Who the hell is this elder brother..." Yue Ziang didn't have his usual laughing at this moment, and muttered to himself. language.

During the domestic selection, Ye Wenxuan didn't show any kung fu at all, basically relying on Wing Chun to solve 80.00% of the battles.

This time, Ye Wenxuan really took out the means.

Dong Hairong, the top soldiers in the army, also nodded slightly, looking at Ye Wenxuan who was as stable as Mount Tai on the stage, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although they don't know what kind of martial art it is, after all, they are all combatants in the army, and they may be able to recognize it if they use boxing skills, but it is still a bit difficult for them to rely on just a stance.

But even if you can't recognize it, you know that this set of martial arts should be extraordinary.

Not only people from Huaxia, but also martial arts masters from other countries, many people were surprised by Ye Wenxuan's stance.

Among them, Miyamoto Haotian was one of them. Originally, he was only a little interested in Ye Wenxuan, a small character, but now his eyes became serious.

"Huaxia... Neijiaquan!" A flash of memory flashed in Miyamoto Haotian's eyes, as if he had thought of something, but at this moment, the look he looked at Ye Wenxuan was no longer as contemptuous as before, but serious.

There are also many people in Thailand, South Korea, India, Brunei and other places who paid attention to this place and recognized Ye Wenxuan's posture.

Of course, the most excited ones were Ye Wenxuan's fans in front of the TV.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's attacking style exactly the same as two years ago, many people jumped up and down excitedly, their faces flushed, and they were full of anticipation for the next battle.

Even the Wanlong on TV still used his "professional" experience to sing bad words about Marven Ye, and everyone automatically blocked him.

On the live video website, the barrage is even more overwhelming, full of barrage.

"Marven Ye is cool, that's the feel, fuck him!"

"Marven Ye will win, blow up the Filipino bear on the opposite side, he looks so hot and ugly!"

"It's this opening gesture again, exactly the same as Omiyamoto Ichiro two years ago, why do I feel like crying!"


Many people have great expectations for the imminent battle.

And with this expectation, Marven Ye moved!

Ye Wenxuan did not choose to be passive, but chose to take the initiative to attack!
Move like a bow!

It's like thunder!

This is the profound meaning of Baji, and it is also the essence of Baji boxing.

Only by mastering this point can one master the most quintessential power of Baji - tension!
Stretching strength is also one of the eight strengths, and it is a very advanced method of power delivery.

Marven Ye rushed out like a shadow. Even though there was a distance of four or five meters between the two sides, Marven Ye seemed to lose the distance limit under Marven Ye's feet, and he came to Gabriel's side in the blink of an eye.

Gabriel was startled, but his good fighting qualities made him react immediately.

He raised his right leg high and smashed it at Marven Ye's head.

Modern Fighting - High Whip Kick!

Just like the name of the kick, this kick is like a steel whip, full of violence and threats.

An extremely fast high whip kicked towards Marven Ye's head.

If Marven Ye still chose to get close, he would definitely face this heavy blow.

The closer Marven Ye got, the more he could feel the power brought by Gabriel's leg, and the wind gusts from his leg.

Marven Ye also understood Gabriel's intentions, but it was impossible for Marven Ye to just give up.

The right hand turned into a palm, and raised high above the head, as if turning into a mountain-breaking axe, instead of retreating, it slammed down on Gabriel's right leg.

Octopus-Splitting Mountain Palm!

(End of this chapter)

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