Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 577: "Sculpture of the Gods" Plan Restarts!

Chapter 577: "Sculpture of the Gods" Plan Restarts!
The real meaning behind Chinese Kung Fu!
This sentence undoubtedly touched many people, and Yang Yue also had a different look in his eyes.

"Mr. Ye, your ideal is really very noble, and I very much hope that you can realize this ideal and show the prestige of our country!" Yang Yue said with a smile.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wenxuan's mouth, and he nodded.

"Mr. Ye, I have another question here. That is, there is a lot of controversy on the Internet about whether you will participate in the opening ceremony of the Beijing World Martial Arts Conference. I wonder if you will participate in the opening ceremony of the World Martial Arts Conference?" Yang Yue asked with a smile.

Opening ceremony?

The World Martial Arts Conference will be held at the Bird's Nest in Beijing. Such an international event will naturally have an opening ceremony.

However, preparations for the opening ceremony have already started, Ye Wenxuan didn't hear Ran Yirou say that someone invited him.

Faced with Yang Yue's question, Ye Wenxuan was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and responded, "Well...the organizers haven't invited me so far, but I think I might appear at the opening ceremony as an athlete."

After hearing Marven Ye's words, many people were a little disappointed.

Many Marven Ye fans complained.

"Xuanxuan is so outstanding, and now he is playing for the country again. He is also a leader in the music scene of China's young generation. Why didn't he invite Marven Ye as the guest of the opening ceremony!"

"That's right, I really don't know what the organizers think, what a good candidate!"

"It's a pity, if Xuanxuan performed at the opening ceremony, it would definitely be a climax!"


Yang Yue was also a little disappointed, but as a reporter, it is necessary to keep one's demeanor unobtrusive.

"Okay, then I wish Mr. Ye a successful start in the competition." Yang Yue gave the concluding blessing.

Marven Ye smiled slightly, and then returned to his seat.

Seeing Marven Ye come back, Yue Ziang quickly approached and said with a smile, "Brother Ye, why are you so rough this time, this is not your normal feel!"

Ye Wenxuan glanced at Yue Ziang, and responded: "I'm not here for a quick victory. Besides, I hate that big guy, so naturally I will attack harder."

Suddenly, Yue Ziang said with a smile: "Brother Ye, did that big guy scold you? If so, then he really deserves a beating."

Marven Ye smiled slightly, but did not respond.

Watching the match going on in full swing, listening to the exclamations around him one after another, and feeling the warm atmosphere of the arena, Marven Ye enjoyed it quite a bit.

Soon the top [-] players in the first round will be announced, and the challenge will follow.

The 80 people who have been eliminated will have a chance to challenge the [-] contestants on the stage.

However, this match has nothing to do with Marven Ye. Marven Ye killed Gabriel with one blow before, which really shocked many people.

Gabriel, who is ranked No. 20 in the world, is definitely not in vain, but he was directly KO'd by Marven Ye, which made them young players how to challenge.

Therefore, Ye Wenxuan returned to his place leisurely.As for the other nine Huaxia players, they have all been challenged before.

In the end, Huaxia's Zhao Han was successfully challenged, but regrettably stopped in the first round.

The challenge lasted until nearly seven o'clock in the evening, and Ye Wenxuan and others did not return to the hotel until seven o'clock.

The contestants who were exhausted all day basically went back to their respective rooms to rest.

This kid Yue Ziang was also exhausted, he was no longer as lively as before, so he obediently went back to his room to rest.

Because at the end, Yue Ziang was challenged three times in a row. Although they all won a complete victory in the end, it was very exhausting to the body.

On the contrary, the easiest one among them is Marven Ye.

With internal strength to nourish the body, I was not tired in the first place, and now I don't feel tired at all.

Back at the hotel, Ye Wenxuan briefly browsed his Weibo, and then interacted with several popular comments.

Afterwards, he started chatting on the phone with his two daughters-in-law, and the conversation lasted until very late before hanging up. In the end, Ye Wenxuan also went to bed very early.


The next day, the sun shone over the Chao Phraya River.

The sparkling water of the river, which is illuminated by the sun, exudes a charming brilliance.

Reflected into the room with tulle curtains, Ye Wenxuan who was sleeping was slowly awakened.

Ye Wenxuan sat up from the bed, sat on the bed in a daze for a while, and gradually recovered.

Take the phone over to see if there is any missing information.

Looking at the screen of the phone, Ye Wenxuan saw Ran Yirou's caller ID, and called back without thinking too much.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hey, Sister Yirou, I'm calling." Ye Wenxuan's voice was a little weak, after all, he was still very sleepy in the morning.

"Yes, seeing if you don't answer, I guess you are still sleeping." A ruffled voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Haha, indeed." Ye Wenxuan let out a haha, and then asked, "Is there something wrong with Sister Yirou's phone call?"

After hearing Ye Wenxuan's question, Ran Yirou stopped delaying.

"It's like this. I want to ask you how you planned Meng Tong's development. Now I'm a little undecided." Ran Yirou asked with a headache.

When Ye Wenxuan heard Ran Yirou's question, he hesitated for a moment, but did not respond rashly.

After about 5 minutes, Ye Wenxuan responded: "I think Mengtong should focus on film and television, and supplement other aspects."

Ran Yirou was quite surprised by Ye Wenxuan's decision, because the current situation of the company is indeed very lacking of a film and television actress who can stand on her own.

In terms of singers, Tianyu Group and Ye Wenxuan are both leaders in this field, so Meng Tong is really not needed.

"However, we need to train in film and television. Currently, we don't have any good scripts suitable for Mengtong. Now Mengtong only has one masterpiece "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom", and the status is rather embarrassing."

"Some big productions only give supporting roles, so it's very difficult for them to shine." Ran Yirou explained the current embarrassment to Ye Wenxuan.

Marven Ye pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Haha, Sister Yirou, who said we don't have a good script, there is a script that can definitely be a hit right now, and the heroine in it is very suitable for Meng Tong!" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile, his tone relaxed.

Ran Yirou on the other end of the phone was also aroused by Ye Wenxuan's words, and asked in surprise, "What script? Why don't I know!"

"Sister Yirou, have you forgotten the script of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"? We adapted and filmed it ourselves, plus my huge fans of novels and books, plus the excellent processing of the film and television of the times, do you think this movie can be done?" fire?!"

Ye Wenxuan has published the novel "The Legend of Condor Heroes" for more than a year.Originally, Ye Wenxuan planned to directly undertake TV series after the novel, just like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

But later, due to various delays, this plan was almost left behind by Marven Ye.

But it is still not too late to come up with this script, and it will be a great help to Meng Tong's cultivation.

Now after Ran Yirou's reminder, Ye Wenxuan suddenly remembered...

(End of this chapter)

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