Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 578 Muay Thai Master - Shaman!

Chapter 578 Muay Thai Master - Shaman!
Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Ran Yirou also suddenly remembered this matter.

Ran Yirou was a little excited, and said, "Wenxuan, do you mean to launch a TV series based on the novel "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?"

Ye Wenxuan nodded, and said as a matter of course: "It's natural, this drama is still playing. I don't have time to shoot right now. Instead of wasting it, it's better to generate some income for the entertainment of our era."

Ran Yirou was speechless, Ye Wenxuan regarded such a popular TV series as a casually discarded item, if those TV series directors knew about it, they would definitely have to jump their feet.

"Alright then, I'll let the people below make plans for this matter first, and I'll talk about the specifics in detail when you come back." Ran Yirou said.

"Okay, Zheng Yufei and Bai Haoyu are going to direct this movie. These two boys, after such a long time of tempering, should come up with some decent works." Ye Wenxuan directly clicked, and his two good partners sent out.

Since the filming of "Remaining Sin", the two have become hot new directors.

However, at this time, Ye Wenxuan did not let the two continue to expand, but suppressed them and asked them to patiently polish their directing skills.

If you can't cut a jade, you can't make a tool, this is something that a director must experience.

When Ran Yirou heard that Ye Wenxuan actually wanted to use the two, she was a little surprised, but also a little worried, after all, the two were still a little too immature.

"Wen Xuan, is it okay to let them do this movie? I think it's better to be directed by a foreigner." Ran Yirou suggested conservatively.

Ye Wenxuan shook his head with a chuckle, and said, "Mengtong needs to be cultivated, and these two people also need to be cultivated, both of them are the same."

Ye Wenxuan's words made Ran Yirou a little discouraged.

Can training directors be the same as training actors?

But now that the two of them are far away in another country, it's too much effort to say anything now, let's talk about it when we return to our country.

Ran Yirou felt relieved, and then gave Ye Wenxuan a few instructions before hanging up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Marven Ye smiled slightly.

There were not too many activities, Ye Wenxuan rested in the hotel, and practiced singing in his free time, but his day was very fulfilling.

Soon, the day of rest was fleeting, and a new day came, which was also the second round of the Asian trials!
In the second round, eighty to forty!
The big screen was still matched immediately, and the [-] contestants were quickly matched.

Marven Ye's opponent this time is a Thai player!

The opponent's name is Shaman, and he is a Muay Thai master.

This person has never shown up at the World Martial Arts Competition, and he looks like a complete newcomer.

But Ye Wenxuan would not despise the other party just because he was a newcomer, and was still doing preparations very seriously.

Ye Wenxuan's schedule is the sixth group in the morning, and it will be Ye Wenxuan's turn in about an hour and a half.

The audience at the scene today is more than that of the first round, and they are even more eager.

The enthusiasm of the media at the scene was not dispelled because there were fewer games and fewer players. On the contrary, the enthusiasm of everyone was even higher.

Because what is left now are strong players who have been carefully screened, and the game will only be better.

Soon, more than an hour passed, and it was almost time for Marven Ye to compete.

Just when Ye Wenxuan was about to play, the team leader Hu Mingyu ran over in a panic.

Ye Wenxuan was doing stretching exercises at the venue, and seeing Hu Mingyu's appearance, he was a little puzzled.

"Leader Hu, why are you in such a panic?" Ye Wenxuan asked with a smile.

Seeing that Marven Ye was still calm, Hu Mingyu sighed.

"Ye Wenxuan, you will be in big trouble soon!" Hu Mingyu was a little annoyed, he didn't know whether he was annoyed by Ye Wenxuan's luck, or that the opponent's strength was so strong.

Hearing Hu Mingyu's words, Ye Wenxuan became serious and looked at Hu Mingyu seriously.

"Leader Hu, what's the matter? Tell me." Marven Ye asked.

Hu Mingyu took a notebook he was holding, handed it to Ye Wenxuan, and turned to the fifth page.

"Neng, look. Your next opponent, Sharman, is very tricky!"

"This Shaman is the retainer of the fourth prince of Thailand, and the number one fighter under the fourth prince of Thailand. He has practiced Muay Thai since he was a child, and has been practicing Muay Thai for nearly 24 years. Competition, but the strength is definitely strong and straight!"

"And according to rumors, this Sharman has been serving as the personal bodyguard of the fourth prince, and has... had a life on his hands!"

At the end of Hu Mingyu's speech, his tone even trembled a little.

It's no wonder that Hu Mingyu is afraid. In today's society ruled by law in China, not to mention human life, even seriously injuring others will be sentenced to ten or eight years. Hu Mingyu didn't panic.

And Ye Wenxuan is China's biggest hope this time, if he has any accidents, it will be difficult to explain.

Hearing what Hu Mingyu said, Ye Wenxuan also carefully looked at the information that Hu Mingyu handed over.

About 5 minutes later, Marven Ye closed the file and put it back in Hu Mingyu's hands.

"Leader Hu, don't worry, it's okay, we can win!" Marven Ye said still calmly.

Hu Mingyu looked at Ye Wenxuan still full of confidence, and was a little puzzled. He didn't know where Ye Wenxuan's confidence came from!

To be honest, Marven Ye was a little nervous when he first heard it, but he immediately relaxed.

So what if you have a life on your hands, none of Dong Hairong's five soldiers has a few lives on his hands, so it's not normal to get along with each other.

Except for this one, Marven Ye was not afraid of Sharman at all.

As for his Muay Thai status and level, that's what Ye Wenxuan thinks.

Who can stand on this stage is not a leader in each country, and who is not a character who has won various awards.

In the end, you still have to speak with your strength!
However, he underestimated the other party psychologically, but Ye Wenxuan paid more attention to it tactically.

Ye Wenxuan was thinking about tactics while doing warm-up exercises.

Hu Mingyu watched Ye Wenxuan studying on his own, and didn't disturb Ye Wenxuan, but stood by Ye Wenxuan's side, preventing outside reporters from disturbing him.

As a dark horse born the day before yesterday, Ye Wenxuan now received far more attention than the rest of the players.

Compared to Sharman, who is not well-known, Ye Wenxuan is obviously a favorite, and the media from many countries gathered around to prepare for the live broadcast for a while.

The live broadcast room of Huaxia CCTV5 also began to explain, introducing the strength of the players of both sides.

After the last complaint from the public, Wan Long, who was a naysayer, was "invited" away, and a new professional commentator was replaced.

The two commentators also began to pave the way for the next game...

 I don't know if everyone is against the plot here?If anything, I'll try to minimize some of this in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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