Chapter 579 Fierce!

"Okay, audience friends. There is still one minute before the time for our Huaxia player Ye Wenxuan to enter the court, and the match is about to begin!"

"Yes, today's competition can be said to be very intense. Many famous players have begun to show their unique skills, and the competition can be said to be even more exciting!"

"The player Marven Ye will be fighting in a while is called Shaman. He is a local Muay Thai master in Thailand. He is a tenth-level heavyweight. Although he is not well-known, he also killed his opponent in seconds in the last match, but the opponent is relatively weak. , so there was no storm."


The two commentators started a heated conversation, which ignited the pre-match atmosphere first.

However, since today is Monday, many people are at work, and the ratings have dropped significantly compared to the day before yesterday.

But the ratings dropped, and the number of real-time viewers of the live webcast was increasing crazily at this moment.

Obviously, they all received the news that Ye Wenxuan was about to play. Many people probably clicked on the mobile phone live broadcast platform to watch the game during work or class.

At this moment, a strange phenomenon has appeared in many cities in China, that is, many company employees find that the company's toilets are all full, no matter which floor the toilets are full, and they can't squeeze in at all.

And if the teachers of the school communicate with everyone, they will also find that the students who have stomach pains at this moment are suddenly increasing exponentially.

It is precisely because of the existence of this group of people that the number of real-time viewers of the webcast is so high.

The Internet became popular, and Ye Wenxuan's fans were still cheering for Ye Wenxuan as always.

1 minute was up soon, Ye Wenxuan was not topless this time, but was wearing a very delicate Chinese military uniform.

On the pure white military uniform, from the chest to the trousers, there is a Chinese dragon depicted in gold thread, and the dragon embroidery is very realistic.

This military uniform was made by Ye Wenxuan after crowdfunding by Ye Wenxuan's fans, and invited famous experts to make it for Ye Wenxuan!

After Ye Wenxuan received this battle robe, he also liked it very much, and immediately prepared it as his own battle uniform.

This is also the heart of the fans, Ye Wenxuan was deeply moved by this.

Ye Wenxuan got up and walked towards the ring, the military uniform on his body was spread to thousands of households from the live broadcast equipment.

Many Ye Wenxuan fans saw their idol wearing the jersey made by him and others, and the sense of honor in their hearts was bursting at this moment.

Huang Xiao, who is located in Xia Ning, saw Ye Wenxuan's clothes, jumped up from the TV, and shouted to his father: "Dad, look. This is the shirt we crowdfunded for Brother Wenxuan. I paid 50 yuan for your girl!"

Huang Xiao's father looked at Ye Wenxuan on the TV, and then at his own girl, the good feelings he had for Ye Wenxuan disappeared in an instant.

I always feel in my heart that I have raised the cabbage for more than ten years, but it is so silently offered!


On the field, Ye Wenxuan stood in the ring.

Marven Ye also saw his opponent, Shaman, wearing a red headband and red armbands on his arms.This represents the Muay Thai level of the opponent and is very formal in Muay Thai.

The opponent's skin is dark, especially the elbows and knees, which are even darker.The texture seems to be like cowhide, and it looks like a part that has been tempered.

In addition, Sharman's skeleton is very wide, and wherever he stands, there is a kind of wildness.


Marven Ye narrowed his eyes, and Marven Ye reassessed the degree of danger of this Sharman again.

Both of them were looking at each other, and the other was also looking at Marven Ye.

However, both parties are very polite, and their eyes are relatively hidden, and when there is eye contact, Ye Wenxuan can feel the respect of the other party.

It is customary for referees to check whether there are any violations on both sides, and then ask both sides to return to the corner.

The bell is ringing, and the game begins!
At the start of the match, Sharman clasped his hands together formally, and saluted Ye Wenxuan with a muay thai salute.

Facing the other party's respect, Ye Wenxuan also gave a hug ceremony.

The two sides stood up, and the game officially started.

Since it is an away game and Sharman is playing at home, the benefits will emerge at this time.

Ye Wenxuan felt the shouts of the audience around him, more than half of them were shouting Shaman's name to give Shaman support, but Ye Wenxuan seemed a little helpless, only Yue Ziang and others could shout so much in the audience. Voice.

Sharman's eyes are like eagles, sharp and sharp!
Ye Wenxuan also looked at Shaman cautiously. After all, the lethality of Muay Thai is really terrifying. If he gets hit like that, Ye Wenxuan will be ruined too!

The two wandered around for a while, and suddenly Sharman attacked forward.

With one step, Shaman rose into the air, raised his right knee, and directly hit Marven Ye's chest.

Muay Thai - flying knees!
Flying knee is a very difficult movement in Muay Thai. If the strength is not enough, it may be self-defeating.But at this moment, under Sharman's legs, it is completely different, like a flying missile, "bombing" fiercely.

Marven Ye dodged Sharman's flying knee at the critical moment.

Sharman's flying knee directly hit the surrounding iron cages, which were all made of thin iron. When Sharman's flying knee hit, there was a gap in the middle, which shows the power of Sharman's blow.

If this hits an ordinary person, it will definitely end up with several ribs reimbursed.

Seeing this scene, Yue Ziang and Dong Hairong in the audience were heartbroken. They all stood up, gathered around the ring, and watched the battle on the stage nervously.

The audience before the TV festival also saw this scene, and had a clear understanding of Sharman's brutality.

I didn't expect such a quiet person to be so powerful. This made many girls who were worried about Ye Wenxuan very anxious, for fear that something would happen to Ye Wenxuan.

Many people were sweating for Marven Ye, and for the first time realized the viciousness of Muay Thai in actual combat.

At this moment, Marven Ye concentrated all his energy and locked on Sharman firmly.

Shaman missed a blow and didn't even look at it. He just elbowed it back and went straight to Marven Ye's temple.

Faced with this blow, Ye Wenxuan was naturally invincible, and continued to retreat.

Taking advantage of the victory, Shaman pursued and launched a Muay Thai move at Marven Ye.

Sweeping elbows, picking elbows, oblique elbows, chopping elbows, smashing elbows...

Forward step, flash step, circle step, sprint step...

All kinds of muay thai skills were displayed with ease in the hands of Sharman, and each move was a move with huge lethality.

Ye Wenxuan, on the other hand, seemed a bit weak, constantly avoiding Sharman's attack, and for a while it seemed that Ye Wenxuan fell into a disadvantage...

(End of this chapter)

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