Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 580 Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, scouting the sloppy cannon!

Chapter 580 Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, scouting the sloppy cannon!

After a while, the sound of Sharman's fists and feet hitting the iron cage kept coming out, and every time it made the iron cage tremble.

This kind of berserk attack made the reporters who were surrounded by the iron cage take several steps back, their faces turning pale.

Although Ye Wenxuan kept dodging, his footsteps always imply a wonderful rhythm, and he can always avoid Sharman's attack at the critical moment.

Shaman was also a little depressed. He attacked more than 20 times in a row, but he didn't hit the opponent once. Instead, the opponent kept dodging like a swimming fish.

The reason why Ye Wenxuan kept dodging was because he had never played against Muay Thai masters before, and he was a little unfamiliar with Muay Thai routines.But at this moment, Ye Wenxuan gradually felt a little more or less.

Then... the counterattack can begin!

Sharman's attacks still maintained a very fast frequency, constantly attacking Marven Ye's whole body.

Just when Sharman used the forward kick again, Ye Wenxuan went uncharacteristically and directly approached Sharman's side.

An arm, like a horse flying from the sky, swung at Sharman's head.

Split Mountain Palm!
It is still this move, but it is still very powerful at this moment, and its lethality is also very terrifying.

Ye Wenxuan's big hand was like a big knife slashing at Sharman's head. If he hit him, Sharman would definitely faint.

Shaman was also startled, but his enthusiasm was still there, and his body was still moving forward as usual, so he could only resist with his hands.

Shaman put his hands above his head, trying to resist Marven Ye's sudden palm.

In the blink of an eye, the two meet.

Marven Ye felt as if two ancient branches had been split with his palm, hard and textured.

A very strong resistance came, blocking Ye Wenxuan's mountain splitting palm.

But splitting the mountain palm lies in splitting characters!

How could it be so easy to be resisted? !
Even after Shaman's heavy resistance, his head was still chopped off by Marven Ye.

Immediately, a blood-red scar appeared on Sharman's forehead, and he stepped back several steps in succession, only then did Ye Wenxuan's palm force subside.

The situation at the scene changed suddenly, and the surrounding media reporters were in an uproar, pressing the shutters in their hands one after another to record this scene.

Sharman, who was still in the upper hand, was directly injured!

Many viewers who watched the live broadcast were extremely excited by Ye Wenxuan's sudden counterattack.

In some toilets, there were screams one after another, and the howling of ghosts and wolves almost scared some men who were going to the toilet to "wilt"...

Although Shaman was injured, his eyes were still staring at Marven Ye like a wolf, and he didn't care about the injury on his head.

Marven Ye also narrowed his eyes and attacked again!

This time compared to the subtlety before, Ye Wenxuan opened and closed even more, walking with an unparalleled ferocity.

Vajra Eight!

Vajra Eight Form is the most basic boxing frame in Bajiquan, and it is also the fundamental boxing frame in Bajiquan.

But even though it is basic, its power is not small at all.

While walking, his fists and feet seem to be transformed into King Kong in the world, fierce and invincible!

Cooperating with the shining dragon on his body, it looks even more extraordinary.

Feeling Ye Wenxuan's ferocity, the blood in Shaman's heart was also aroused. With a loud shout, he fought with Ye Wenxuan.

The two of them fought to the flesh, and soon their exposed skin became red and swollen.

Sharman's fists and feet are exceptionally hard, and each blow has great lethality and aggressiveness.

Ye Wenxuan had no choice but to use the power of dark energy to keep his body healthy.

After all, Ye Wenxuan might not lose in such a fight, but the damage to his body is definitely unavoidable.

It is a last resort to use dark energy!
But Ye Wenxuan, who used his dark energy, was nothing compared to before.

The lethality, reaction speed, and strength are all steadily increasing at an abnormal speed, making Shaman miserable every time.

It is a very clear rule in the Chinese martial arts circle how one can beat the internal boxing with manpower.

That's why 100 years ago, any little old man who didn't show his face could have the strength to make thousands of troops terrified. This is the dark energy!
The battle between the two made many viewers in front of the TV excited. Compared to Ye Wenxuan's first kill, this time it was undoubtedly much more beautiful.

Ye Wenxuan's Bajiquan was fully deployed this time, and many boxing techniques were used by Ye Wenxuan.

Subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger, detect the sloppy cannon!
The head and feet are the universe, the shoulders, knees, elbows and hips are the four directions!

Ye Wenxuan fought more and more smoothly, and the air of a master in his body gradually became deeper and deeper.

The rhythmic beauty of the movement is full of movement and setbacks, which makes many foreigners feel a little crazy.

For the first time, they discovered that there is such a kind of kung fu in the world, which is both beautiful and generous, but also has terrible lethality. Could this be the legendary kongfu of Zhonghuaxia? !
At this moment, many foreigners focused their eyes on Marven Ye, a young man. Their eyes were deeply attracted by Marven Ye's every move, and their mouths couldn't stop praising him.

"Oh, this Chinese is really good at kung fu. Is this the Chinese kongfu? It really is as mysterious as in the legend!"

"It's amazing, cool and handsome, I really want to learn it!"

"Why didn't I meet him in Huaxia before, no, next time I go to Huaxia, I must see such kung fu!"


Many foreigners have become very interested in Ye Wenxuan's kung fu, or Huaxia's kung fu.

The battle was still going on, and Ye Wenxuan's dark energy stopped at about the initial stage.

Because Ye Wenxuan saw that An Jin's strength in the early stage was already very reluctant for Sharman. If he tried harder, Sharman would probably kneel on the spot.

Ye Wenxuan is currently fighting in full swing, but he doesn't want to end the battle so soon.

Ye Wenxuan is now quite touched by that old saying, Wen has Tai Chi to secure the world, Wu has Baji to fix the universe, it really is well-deserved!

This kind of Bajiquan is enough for many people to study for a lifetime. With continuous polishing, there will always be new things to be discovered, and the wonders are endless!

Ye Wenxuan and Sharman fought against each other for dozens of rounds. Finally, Shaman exhausted his strength and showed his flaws, and was sent flying by Ye Wenxuan's punch.

Looking at Shaman lying on the ground, Marven Ye was panting heavily, but Marven Ye still respected Shaman very much.

No matter what the disadvantage was, Sharman never showed any killing intent from the beginning to the end, and he restrained himself very much, which made Ye Wenxuan very admired.

Stepping forward to pull Shaman up, Marven Ye patted Shaman on the shoulder, and praised in Thai: "Brother, you are great, if there is a chance, we will communicate with each other again!"

When Shaman heard Ye Wenxuan's words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"it is good."

The two became friends through martial arts, and walked out of the ring side by side...

(End of this chapter)

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