Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 581 The 4 Prince's Invitation!

Chapter 581 The Fourth Prince's Invitation!
Ye Wenxuan and Shaman walked out of the ring, and they were greeted by a dazzling light curtain, which was the result of the flash lights connecting together.

Ye Wenxuan is full of experience, keeps a smile on his face, and keeps his image perfect at all times.But Sharman on one side has no such experience, and subconsciously raised his hand to block the dazzling light curtain.

The reporters were all very excited. The super-level performance of the two just now made everyone present shout with enthusiasm. Even these reporters felt their blood boil.

Many reporters surrounded the two of them again and kept interviewing them.

However, facing the reporters' interviews, Ye Wenxuan still avoided the interview, but when he returned to the rest area, he accepted the interview with CCTV reporter Yang Yue again.

Back at the resting place, Ye Wenxuan sat on his seat and began to recover his strength.

After all, the battle just now consumed a lot on Ye Wenxuan.Even Ye Wenxuan consumed one-fifth of his internal strength, which was already a great consumption for Ye Wenxuan.

It will take a long time to make up for this one-fifth of the internal strength.

While Marven Ye closed his eyes and meditated, the game was still going on.

Huaxia's players came to the stage one by one, but the winners and losers began to appear in the second round.

In the end, there were only six people left, Ye Wenxuan, Yue Ziang, Zhou Tai and the three internal masters all stayed, and the remaining three were the three in the army, namely Dong Hairong, Gao Xiangyu and Zheng Xin.

These six are the last remaining Chinese players. As for how many of these six will be able to enter the final top [-], it is hard to say.

Up to now, the resilience and stability of martial arts masters have gradually become prominent.

Ye Wenxuan and Yue Ziang are all equipped with national skills, so it is basically difficult to get injured, and their resilience is also very strong.

On the other hand, the other three were more or less tired.Now they are just relying on their extraordinary willpower to hold on, and there are already big problems with physical strength and endurance.

For these, Marven Ye has no choice but to hope that more people from Huaxia will enter the World Martial Arts Competition in the end.

Ye Wenxuan stayed until after five o'clock in the afternoon, and the whole second round was completed. There was still no one to challenge, and Ye Wenxuan entered the final round unscathed.

Among them, Shaman, who was defeated by Ye Wenxuan, also succeeded in the challenge at the last moment and successfully entered the final round.

Back at the hotel, Marven Ye washed up briefly, and was about to go to bed when the doorbell rang suddenly.

Marven Ye was wearing a clean white bathrobe. He was a little confused about who came, but he still went to the door and opened it.

Seeing the people outside the door, Marven Ye was a little surprised.


The formal Sharman standing at the door, but at the moment, the Sharman is wearing a lot of formal clothes. Without the wildness on the ring, there is a kind of power pervading him.

When Shaman saw Marven Ye, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ye, I'm really sorry to bother you so late." Shaman put his hands together and said apologetically.

Ye Wenxuan laughed, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Brother Shaman, you are welcome, I haven't slept yet, don't bother me, come in and talk."

After speaking, Marven Ye was about to welcome Shaman into the house.

Shaman waved Marven Ye so enthusiastically.

"Ye, I was entrusted by the fourth prince to send you an invitation this time, so I won't go in and disturb you."

Sharman quickly took out a bronzing invitation card from the back, embroidered with traditional Thai patterns on it, which was beautiful and quite formal.

Hearing Shaman's words, Marven Ye was slightly taken aback.

Fourth prince?
Shaman is a member of the fourth prince, Marven Ye inquired about it from the previous information.But Ye Wenxuan didn't know any fourth prince, why did this fourth prince invite him.Marven Ye was a little puzzled.

Seeing Marven Ye hesitate, Shaman smiled slightly and explained: "Ye, don't think too much. The Fourth Prince is such a person, very hospitable, and this banquet is a private one.

This time, not only you are invited, but the fourth prince also invited many internationally renowned martial arts masters, as well as some local Thai star models, etc. There will be many people coming tomorrow night. "

"Ye, your performance in these two games is so amazing, naturally it also made the fourth prince look at you with admiration, so the fourth prince specially asked me to invite you, I hope you can go to tomorrow's banquet, it is a relaxation." Shaman Said to Ye Wenxuan.

After listening to Ye Wenxuan's explanation, Ye Wenxuan's heart was a little bit different.

This kind of banquet is nothing more than a banquet set up by some rich people, mainly to satisfy the wishes of some rich people, and generally there is no problem.

This kind of banquet is very common abroad, but it is relatively rare in China.

Foreign celebrities generally have a great relationship with some local rich people, and many of them are even good friends.

What the rich look at is the influence of the celebrity, and the star is the economic connection of the rich. The status of the two parties is relatively equal, and there will be no situation where one is superior to the other.

Ye Wenxuan thought briefly, then nodded.

"Okay, then I will go there on time tomorrow, thank the Fourth Prince for his kindness." Ye Wenxuan took the invitation from Shaman and said with a smile.

Shaman also smiled when he heard Marven Ye agree.

"Ye, the Fourth Prince will send a car to pick you up tomorrow, so you can just follow the car. The Fourth Prince's manor is not very far from here, so it's very convenient to go back and forth." Shaman said with a smile.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, it would be best if someone came to pick him up, it would save trouble.

Then Shaman and Marven Ye exchanged a few simple greetings, and left Marven Ye's room.

Ye Wenxuan returned to the room with the invitation card, but he didn't pay much attention to this matter.

It's just a fourth prince, and it doesn't have any deterrent effect on Ye Wenxuan.

There are many heirs of the Thai emperor this year, and the fourth prince is just one of the princes who has no real power, but has a lot of wealth in his hands.

If you talk about it in a more general way, it's almost the same as a dude, so Ye Wenxuan didn't think the other party would be so noble in terms of status.

With a peaceful mind, Ye Wenxuan lay on the bed, called Lin Xuhua, and asked about the progress of the album.

Lin Xuhua received a call from Ye Wenxuan and praised Ye Wenxuan.

Originally, Lin Xuhua had some objections to Ye Wenxuan's participation in the World Martial Arts Conference, but now he is extremely supportive.

The reason is that Ye Wenxuan performed brilliantly and successfully entered the eyes of people in many Asian countries.

With Ye Wenxuan's popularity and Universal's publicity, the effect is double the result with half the effort. It's no wonder Lin Xuhua is so happy...

(End of this chapter)

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