Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 582 Is it really... a woman? !

Chapter 582 Is it really... a woman? !
On the second day, Marven Ye did not choose to rest in the room, but chose to go shopping.

After the competition tomorrow, Marven Ye will return to Hong Kong and won't stay in Bangkok for too long. After all, the matter of the album is imminent and there is no time to waste.

As the second largest city in Thailand, Bangkok is also the economic center of Thailand, and many well-known shopping malls are world-famous.

Since Ye Wenxuan came to Thailand once, he naturally wanted to bring some things back.

Ye Wenxuan wandered around the city of Bangkok by himself, and bought many items with Thai characteristics.

Thailand's latex pillows and latex mattresses are very famous, Ye Wenxuan naturally picked the best ones when buying things for the people around him.

Although latex products are very common in Thailand, the real products are undoubtedly of great value.

Any pillow costs around a few thousand Chinese dollars, and that kind of mattress is even more expensive, basically more than ten thousand yuan.

But for Ye Wenxuan, a local tyrant, the money is small money.

Ye Wenxuan bought a set for each of his parents, as well as his grandparents, aunts and uncles. Anyway, Ye Wenxuan bought a bunch of them and asked the store to post them home.

Ye Wenxuan spent nearly 20 Huaxia coins on the purchase of latex products alone. Later, Ye Wenxuan bought a lot of precious essential oil products for his daughter-in-law, as well as many jewelry with Thai characteristics.

In the end, Ye Wenxuan bought some clothes and accessories for himself. After entering the shopping mall, Ye Wenxuan's desire to buy increased infinitely. Basically, when he saw good things, Ye Wenxuan would directly swipe his card to buy.

In the end, after more than three hours of shopping, Ye Wenxuan spent nearly 200 million yuan before returning to his hotel contentedly.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the hotel. Ye Wenxuan simply tidied up, found some more formal clothes, and waited for the fourth prince to come to pick him up in the evening.

After receiving the invitation from the fourth prince yesterday, Ye Wenxuan simply searched for news about the fourth prince on the Internet.

The fourth prince of Thailand is named Prince Lalong, who currently controls the import and export of Thailand's vehicle management, and the profits in it are extremely huge, which has also led to the current wealth status of the fourth prince.

The fourth prince's reviews on the Internet are not bad, but it's just a little introduction, not detailed.

Ye Wenxuan simply tidied up. It was nearly four o'clock when a phone call came in, telling Ye Wenxuan that there was a car waiting outside the hotel.

Ye Wenxuan knew that it was sent by the fourth prince Lalong, so he took the room card and walked out of the hotel.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel, Marven Ye saw an orange Ferrari parked at the door. Its handsome body made Marven Ye a little envious.

A driver stood at the door of the car, holding a photo in his hand, which was exactly what Ye Wenxuan looked like.

Seeing Marven Ye, the driver walked up slowly and asked with a smile, "Hi, are you Mr. Ye from Huaxia?"

Marven Ye nodded lightly, confirming his identity.

The smile on the driver's face was even wider, he opened the co-pilot's door and made a gesture of please.

"Mr. Ye, please get in the car, I was sent by Prince Lalong to pick you up for the banquet."

Marven Ye was not pretentious either, and got into the car.

Seeing that Marven Ye was seated, the driver gently closed the car door, then returned to his main driver, and sped off into the distance.

Although the car is a sports car, it allows the driver to drive very smoothly without feeling any bumps at all.

Accompanied by a light breeze, the sunset on the horizon gradually began to descend. The depths of the Chao Phraya River were fiery red, and the river water that reflected the Chao Phraya River was also fiery red.

Rows of willow trees along the road and fewer and fewer vehicles add to the mood.

When Marven Ye arrived at the Fourth Prince's Manor, it was already past five o'clock in the evening. It was officially the time when the sunset was infinitely beautiful, and the beautiful scenery at dusk was too beautiful to behold.

The fourth prince's manor is very large, and at a glance, there is no end in sight.

There is a European-style gate at the entrance, and a huge fountain is blooming at the main entrance.

The water columns of various colors seem to be dancing like graceful girls, exuding hazy water vapor, which makes people indulge in this beautiful scenery.

There are two long tables on both sides of the fountain, with a variety of champagne and some exquisite snacks on them.

Standing by the wine table are men and women in bright clothes, all of whom are beautiful and elegant.

Some men are extremely handsome, some are full of bearing, some are graceful and elegant, and there are various appearances.

Marven Ye walked into the manor, feeling a little strange about this kind of foreign reception.

Walking to the wine table, picked up a glass of champagne, wandering among the crowd.

Marven Ye didn't know any of these people either, so naturally he didn't have the desire to talk.But Ye Wenxuan vaguely knew some of them.

There are several men and women who are very famous celebrities in Asia, but at the moment they are like ordinary men and women in the banquet, talking with their respective friends.

Ye Wenxuan stood for a while, and was finally found by Shaman who had been looking for him.

Shaman was also dressed in a fancy dress today, and he looked quite handsome.

"Brother Ye, I finally found you. It's all my fault that I didn't exchange contact information with you yesterday. It's embarrassing..." Shaman patted his forehead and blamed himself.

"Haha, it's okay, it's fine for me to see the beauties here." Marven Ye didn't care at all, and said jokingly.

When Shaman heard Marven Ye's words, he laughed, put his arms around Marven Ye's shoulders and whispered in Marven Ye's ear: "The people here are all ladies from Bangkok, or women from high society in Thailand, and some celebrity models and so on. We pay attention to your love and my wish here, as long as Brother Ye and that beauty match each other, our manor has plenty of rooms."

"Of course, we can't use force. But Brother Ye, you are so handsome, there must be some beauties sticking to you. Look at those around you, all of them are aiming at you!" Shaman began to say a little indecently , and then handed Ye Wenxuan a look you know.

Ye Wenxuan smiled bitterly when he heard Shaman's words, but there was a question in his heart that was getting bigger and bigger.

"Brother Shaman, are the women here really...women?" Marven Ye finally couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked Shaman.

After all, a certain surgery in Thailand is world-famous, and the women here are so beautiful, Marven Ye had to doubt it.

Originally, Shaman thought that Marven Ye was going to ask something, but when he heard Marven Ye's question, Shaman couldn't laugh or cry.

"You boy, don't worry, the person who can be at the fourth prince's dinner, how could he have that gender, just put your heart in your stomach..."

(End of this chapter)

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