Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 585 The last round!

Chapter 585 The last round!
The future situation is very good, and Ye Wenxuan's mood also improved a lot, and he couldn't help but raise the wine glass several times.

Feeling the atmosphere of the exotic dinner party, Marven Ye couldn't help being a little immersed in it.

Soon after nine o'clock in the evening, saying goodbye to Prince Lalong, Ye Wenxuan was sent back to the hotel by the driver who had picked him up earlier.

Back at the hotel, Ye Wenxuan simply tidied up and went to bed early. After all, tomorrow is the last day of Asian selection, so it's better to pay attention to it.


On the second day, Marven Ye arrived at Siam Sports Center as before.

At present, there are only forty players left in the whole of Asia, which is very rare, but each of them is the strongest among the strongest.

More media reporters came today, and many reporters from TV stations from various Asian countries kept wandering in the center of the venue.

There were also a lot of local audiences in Bangkok. To Marven Ye's surprise, Marven Ye actually saw his own fans!
It turned out that his fans spontaneously organized a wave and came to the scene to cheer Marven Ye.

Marven Ye has as many as 5000 million fans, and there are always some rich fans among them.

Moreover, the air ticket from Huaxia to Bangkok is not very expensive, and the one-way ticket is estimated to be only 2000 yuan Huaxia currency.Maybe 2000 yuan is very expensive for some working-class people, but for some people, it is just the price of a meal or an accessory for many people.

There were more than 100 fans who came, and they were all wearing fiery red clothes with Ye Wenxuan's name printed on them.

Now Ye Wenxuan's fan cultural shirts, there are dozens of different styles of clothes, very many.

What these fans are wearing now is a new style that Ye Wenxuan has never seen before. It is estimated that it has just been designed not long ago.

Fans saw Ye Wenxuan looking over, and excitedly waved the small national flags in their hands, and waved the LED signs in their hands.

This is the largest group among them, and Marven Ye looked around again, and found that there are scattered fans about Marven Ye in many places in Thailand. They are all foreigners from the looks of them, and they should have been fans of Marven Ye not long ago. people.

Ye Wenxuan saw that there were so many people supporting him, which made Ye Wenxuan happy.

Many contestants entered the arena, received a wave of cheers from the audience, and the big screen began to randomly distribute again.

Many contestants were a little nervous looking at the big screen, because this was the last round, and it was about whether everyone could enter the World Martial Arts Championship, so they couldn't help being nervous.

But compared to the others, Marven Ye is normal.

It's normal to be normal, but the result came out, which still surprised Ye Wenxuan.

As the saying goes, if enemies don't get together, Ye Wenxuan's opponent in the last round is...Miyamoto Haotian!
The strongest in Japan!
No.4 in the last World Budo Championship!
Known as the seed player who is expected to win the championship this year!

All kinds of halos shrouded Miyamoto Haotian's bragging about it.

And Miyamoto Haotian did have this strength. In the first two rounds, his opponents were basically swept away by him without any resistance. Basically, no one could survive 1 minute.

Originally, it should be very difficult for the two to meet each other on the Asian level. Basically, it is only possible in the final arena, but at this erroneous timing, the two met!

Ye Wenxuan froze for a moment, then looked at the leader of the Japanese team.

Miyamoto Haotian also looked over like Ye Wenxuan, and the eyes of the two met in the air.

Miyamoto Haotian showed an inexplicable smile, quite a feeling of winning.

Ye Wenxuan was just a little surprised, but he was not afraid of Miyamoto Haotian in his heart at all. Instead, the fighting spirit in his heart burned fiercely, and a smoldering heat flashed across his eyes.

The two looked at each other wordlessly, as if blocking the surprised eyes around them.

Regarding this result, nothing was more shocking than the media at the scene. Originally, they were very optimistic about the two, but they did not expect to meet in the last round!

Although the reporters present were quite optimistic about Ye Wenxuan as a rookie, no one thought that Ye Wenxuan could be compared with the long-famous Miyamoto Haotian!
From their point of view, if Marven Ye is lucky, after losing the game, he can challenge again and get a chance to qualify.But if he is unlucky and gets injured in the match with Miyamoto Haotian, he will undoubtedly miss the final match!

From the current point of view, Ye Wenxuan's best solution is to admit defeat, then save his strength, and finally compete for a seat.

Everyone didn't think Marven Ye could win, they all felt that Marven Ye was a pity.

On the side of CCTV's live broadcast, the commentators also had serious expressions when they received such news, and analyzed the current situation for the audience quite rationally.

However, the commentator of CCTV's live broadcast did not mention the matter of making Ye Wenxuan admit defeat, because as long as he is a Chinese, he would not be such an idiot.

The grievances between China and Japan have existed since ancient times.

Asking Marven Ye to admit defeat would be a slap in the face, and it would have a huge impact on Marven Ye.

Even winning or losing this game is very important, because facing Ye Wenxuan, a Japanese warrior,
You can only win, not lose!
Ye Wenxuan once established a heroic image in the hearts of countless Chinese people. If he is defeated by Miyamoto Haotian on this world-famous stage today, he will undoubtedly fall from the altar and lose his popularity.

The commentator of CCTV's live broadcast is also well aware of this reason, and can't help but sweat for Ye Wenxuan.

Seeing the results of the battle on the spot, they immediately locked on a few matches with the most attention.

But to count the best, it is undoubtedly the match between Ye Wenxuan and Miyamoto Haotian, which received the most attention.

The on-site staff immediately started to start the ring, preparing for the competition for a while.

In the last round of competitions, there were only [-] games in total, so the game was played one game at a time, so as to maximize the enjoyment of the game.

And it can also give players enough rest time to prepare for the final challenge.

The match between Ye Wenxuan and Miyamoto Haotian was in the seventh match, neither too far ahead nor too far behind, just right.

Ye Wenxuan returned to the venue and began to prepare for it.

Although the fighting spirit was fierce in his heart, Ye Wenxuan did not dare to take it too seriously.

Miyamoto Haotian's strength lies there. If Ye Wenxuan's guess is correct, Miyamoto Haotian is definitely a master at cultivating inner strength.

It was the first time to fight against a master of inner strength, which made Ye Wenxuan extremely cautious.

But it all depends on man's effort, Ye Wenxuan feels that his inner strength will definitely not be inferior to Miyamoto Haotian.

So for the next battle, Ye Wenxuan decided to do his best!
(End of this chapter)

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