Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 586 What Can I Do? !

Chapter 586 What Can I Do? !
Ye Wenxuan was doing warm-up exercises by himself on this side, while Miyamoto Koten was closing his eyes and resting his mind in the rest area of ​​the Japanese players on the other side.

Although he looked down on Ye Wenxuan and didn't feel that Ye Wenxuan could threaten his status, Miyamoto Haotian never underestimated every opponent. This is the rule his master taught him since he was a child.

Both sides are relieving the pre-match pressure in their own ways, while the rest are maintaining a quiet environment for both sides.

Even Yue Ziang, who was usually cheerful, stayed quietly at the moment, escorting Ye Wenxuan.

Reporters around wanted to come in for interviews, but Yue Ziang declined them all.

More than an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and it was past ten o'clock in the morning, and it was finally time for the match between Ye Wenxuan and Miyamoto Haotian.

Walking out of his rest area, Ye Wenxuan was greeted by a dense array of microphones, all of which were reporters from various countries.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think of this competition, how long do you think you can last in the hands of Miyamoto Haotian?"

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you once provoked Mr. Miyamoto before the game. I wonder if you regret your behavior now?"

"Mr. Ye, I wonder if you are ready to admit defeat?"

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you used to disdain Japanese karate. If you lose the game, what will you do with those words?"


All the questions were bad-mouthing Ye Wenxuan, and instantly surrounded Ye Wenxuan.

Journalists are such creatures. When they like you, all kinds of good words will make you extremely pleasing to the ear.But when you're in a bad situation, what they say always makes people want to throw their shoes in each other's faces.

Even Ye Wenxuan's good attitude collapsed when asked these boring questions.

Ye Wenxuan stopped suddenly, and said coldly to the reporter in front of him: "I... Ye Wenxuan will defeat him!"

After speaking, Ye Wenxuan strode onto the ring, ignoring the many reporters who were surrounded in place.

Many reporters were a little stunned by Ye Wenxuan's words.

"Oh, is this young man in Huaxia crazy? What is he talking about? Defeating Miyamoto Haotian? He can't be dreaming!"

"It seems that he has been dazzled by the recent victories, and he may not be able to distinguish his own strength."

"I really want to see how he explained this sentence when he was kicked off the ring by KO."


A group of reporters made no secret of their sarcasm, and fired at Ye Wenxuan's back in place.

The two sides entered the venue, and the audience cheered overwhelmingly.

Most of the cheers were for Haotian Miyamoto. As a veteran martial artist in the world, Haotian Miyamoto has a great reputation in the whole world, let alone in Asia, that is even more so. The popularity is overwhelming.

At least in terms of popularity in Asia, Ye Wenxuan is definitely not as good as Miyamoto Haotian. This is the attention and influence brought by the World Martial Arts Conference!

At least 40.00% of the people present were fans of Miyamoto Haotian, or martial arts fans.

There are currently tens of thousands of viewers at the scene, and 40.00% of the data is already thousands of fans.

Thousands of people shouting a person's name at the same time, it is really a huge momentum.

Under such circumstances, Marven Ye's fans were suppressed to the point where they couldn't hold their heads up.

This made Ye Wenxuan's fans very angry. As Ye Wenxuan's fans, when have they ever been suppressed, they have always been the masters of suppressing others, but today they are suppressed here!
Many of Marven Ye's fans secretly made up their minds, thinking to themselves: Hmph, wait until Beijing North's home court, and we will let you know what desperate suppression is!

Facing the overwhelming cheers, Miyamoto Haotian obviously enjoyed this feeling of attention, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Miyamoto Haotian looked at Ye Wenxuan with undisguised contempt, which was basically obvious.

The two sides check the body, and the two sides approach.

Miyamoto Haotian looked at Ye Wenxuan coldly while cooperating with the referee's inspection.

Facing Miyamoto Haotian's cold stare, Ye Wenxuan didn't care.

"It's really unfortunate that I met me here." Miyamoto Haotian sneered at the corner of his mouth, slowly as if he was telling a very sad thing.

"But you are such a strong and powerful person, you won't admit defeat!" Miyamoto Haotian suddenly raised his head slightly, stared at Ye Wenxuan, and said provocatively.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Miyamoto Haotian for a while, and sneered.

"You don't need to play this aggressive method, I won't admit defeat, how can I give up if I don't beat you to death..." Ye Wenxuan also responded coldly.

"Do you have this strength?" Miyamoto Haotian was not angry, as if he was asking a question objectively.

"Won't you know soon if you have this strength?" Marven Ye also asked back.

Seeing that Ye Wenxuan's tough attitude was somewhat different from what Miyamoto Haotian originally imagined, Miyamoto Haotian straightened up slightly.

"Since you've stayed in the ring, I'll show you what Japanese karate is, and let you know that karate is not to be insulted!" Miyamoto Haotian said sternly with a flash of anger on his face.

Hearing Miyamoto Haotian's harsh words, Ye Wenxuan's mouth curled into a disdainful arc, and he said softly: "I insulted you two years ago, you...what can you do to me?"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's rampant words, Miyamoto Haotian was instantly filled with anger, and even looked at Ye Wenxuan with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

Ye Wenxuan didn't care at all about Miyamoto Haotian's eyes that seemed to kill someone.

In this game, from the very beginning, only one person can stand and go out, and the other will definitely lie on the ground, there is no doubt about it.

Because of the hatred between the two, there will be no room for the other to stand up.

This is about the glory they represent, and it also represents the grievances and grievances of their respective countries. For both of them, this battle can only be won but not defeated!

The referee looked at the way the two were facing each other, and did not stop them, just stood aside and looked at the two.

Because the two people were talking in Japanese, the referee couldn't understand it at all, but looking at the expressions of the two, it is estimated that what they said would not be very kind.

Pull the two into the corner and count down for the final minute.

At this time, all the live broadcast equipment was placed on the game, and the ratings of China CCTV5 were also rising wildly at the moment.

But at this moment, few people cared about the ratings at all, including the channel director, they were all focused on the arena of the World Martial Arts Conference, and their eyes were firmly on the young man on the arena.

This young man has created one miracle after another, this time... it should be possible!
(End of this chapter)

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