Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 587: The Strongest Japanese Karate!

Chapter 587: The Strongest Japanese Karate!
The atmosphere on the field was very solemn, Ye Wenxuan and Miyamoto Haotian were making final preparations.


The martial arts bell rings, and the competition officially begins!
The moment the bell rang, Ye Wenxuan and Miyamoto Haotian collided directly like two arrows leaving the string.

Both sides chose head-to-head confrontation at the same time!

Miyamoto Haotian's speed was very fast, and he basically appeared in front of Marven Ye in the blink of an eye.

His right hand was like a knife, and he slashed at Ye Wenxuan's head.

Japanese karate!
Karate is divided into the most basic thirteen moves, as well as advanced 36 moves, secret 72 moves, and the most advanced core martial arts secret [-] moves!

Different gestures will have different changes, and there will also be different offensive paces.

Ever-changing, ever-changing!
Although the karate of the Japanese country was spread in the Ryukyu Sanshou of China, it has been developed into a very complete system after generations of martial arts masters of the Japanese country, and it is full of power.

Miyamoto Haotian in front of him has learned the highest inheritance of Japanese karate. According to rumors, Miyamoto has successfully mastered the most core inheritance of Japanese karate, one hundred and eight moves!

Ye Wenxuan looked at the thunderbolt in front of him, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

This palm looked ordinary, but Ye Wenxuan saw more, saw the deep meaning behind this palm.

If Marven Ye retreats or dodges, the opponent will have corresponding moves one after another, and the follow-up changes are endless.

But since he planned to confront the tough, Ye Wenxuan didn't plan to hide.

In terms of stamina, Ye Wenxuan, who carries the inheritance of Chinese martial arts, has never been afraid of anyone.

Facing the menacing palm, Ye Wenxuan sank into his dantian, and his internal energy circulated like a rushing river, and even the vigorous internal energy supported Ye Wenxuan's original loose military uniform, and the black hair on his forehead was covered. An invisible force blew up.

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan did not hold back, and did his best!
Hong Fist—Two-Shaped Tiger and Crane!
Ye Wenxuan's right hand suddenly grabbed it, as if it really was a crane's claw, with endless sharpness, it pecked towards Miyamoto Haotian's palm.

The speed was so fast that Miyamoto Haotian was unable to dodge at all, he could only watch helplessly as Ye Wenxuan's hand collided with his own.

When both hands touched, Miyamoto Haotian withdrew his hand like lightning, and the whole person also retreated quickly, with endless horror in his eyes.

Dark master!

Miyamoto Haotian couldn't believe that Ye Wenxuan was actually a master of Anjin at such a young age, and his Anjin cultivation level was even higher than his own!
Miyamoto Haotian drew his right hand behind his back, and there was a smear of blood on the palm of his hand, which was the scar injured by Marven Ye's strength.

As soon as Ye Wenxuan came into contact with Miyamoto Haotian in his heart, he knew the level of the other party.

The other party has practiced dark energy, but it should have just stepped into this level, and the level of dark energy is far less than Ye Wenxuan.

If Ye Wenxuan's dark energy is like a torrential river, then Miyamoto Haotian is like a small stream, which is completely different.

Ye Wenxuan understood Miyamoto Haotian's cultivation in his heart, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. He will not be soft-hearted just because the other party is not as good as himself.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
Ye Wenxuan's figure flashed, he approached Miyamoto Haotian again, and launched another attack.

Hongmen Quan, Qinglong Shou, Wu Songshou, Baihu Chui, Ziwu Chui and other wild and fierce moves were directly used against Miyamoto Haotian.

Ye Wenxuan's fierceness also stimulated Miyamoto Haotian, and his blood was aroused, and he directly fought with Ye Wenxuan.

Although his internal strength was far inferior to Marven Ye's, his experience was much higher than Marven Ye's, and the fight between the two was inseparable.

Moreover, with internal strength, the resilience of the body is also very strong. The fist-to-body fight between the two sides completely stunned the surrounding onlookers.

The audience who originally cheered for Miyamoto Haotian also fell silent at the moment, staring blankly at the young man who was comparable to Miyamoto Haotian.

They suddenly discovered that their idol was actually... suppressed!

The strongest of the Wa Kingdom was actually suppressed!
Miyamoto Haotian, known as the favorite to win this year, was suppressed by China's Ye Wenxuan and couldn't hold his head up!

Am I dreaming, I probably haven't woken up yet!
This was the thought of many people, and the reporters around the ring were all a little shocked and speechless at the moment.

Many reporters suddenly thought of Marven Ye's confident words before he took the stage.

"I will beat him!"

This sentence was originally thought to be young and frivolous, but I didn't expect that it was someone who really had this ability!

Surrounded by them, they could clearly see Miyamoto Haotian's bloody hands, which were the hands targeted by Marven Ye.

As long as Miyamoto Haotian uses his palm technique, Ye Wenxuan will use the claw technique in Huaxia martial arts to target him, basically one hit with one accuracy, and directly abolish half of Miyamoto Haotian's abilities.

Miyamoto Haotian felt aggrieved by this fight, but he couldn't find a good way, so he could only trust Ye Wenxuan here to find an opportunity.

At this moment, in Huaxia's live broadcast room, the two commentators are completely excited, and they are explaining in full swing, and they can't even sit still.

"Ye Wenxuan's beautiful blow made Miyamoto Haotian's wound expand again, and the victory is approaching again..."

"Okay, Marven Ye is now firmly suppressing Miyamoto Haotian, as long as we keep doing this, the victory must belong to our side!"

"The two sides have been fighting for almost 6 minutes now, and the two sides still don't feel tired. Let's cheer for Marven Ye!"


The commentator's words in the live broadcast room aroused the blood in the hearts of all Huaxia viewers who watched, and they all cheered for Ye Wenxuan loudly at home.

This is the fourth Miyamoto Haotian in the world!

In the past, Huaxia didn't say that it was a game against such a strong player, but even the tickets for the World Martial Arts Competition were not available. This kind of world's top duel has never been a matter of Huaxia players.

But this time, Ye Wenxuan actually suppressed Miyamoto Haotian, the favorite to win this year, to such an extent, which made all the Chinese excited. The sense of pride was no less than that of a Chinese athlete winning the championship in track and field.

It is even more exciting than Huaxia athletes winning the track and field championship. After all, Huaxia has always been known as the hometown of martial arts and the birthplace of martial arts.But there is no strength that can match this title at all, which makes all the Chinese not hold their breath.

However, Wa Kingdom, which has always been looked down upon by Huaxia, can get good grades every time. This kind of contrast makes everyone in Huaxia hold their breath.

But Ye Wenxuan at this moment made everyone feel elated!

(End of this chapter)

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