Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 588 32 hands decide the world!

Chapter 588 32 hands decide the world!
On the ring, Ye Wenxuan was calm and calm, and Miyamoto Haotian back and forth, constantly colliding with each other on the ring.

Although Miyamoto Haotian's hands were injured, he was experienced and calm, and kept looking for Ye Wenxuan's flaws.

Feeling the inner energy in his body that was about to be exhausted, Miyamoto Haotian's heart sank even more, and he gritted his teeth, Miyamoto Haotian decided to fight.

No matter what the reason is, he, Miyamoto Haotian... can't afford to lose this battle!

Thousands of Chinese people were watching behind Ye Wenxuan, and there were thousands of Japanese people watching behind him, Miyamoto Haotian.

He Miyamoto Haotian can lose to the Hercules of the US Emperor, but he must not lose to the Chinese team!

Absolutely not!
The fierce light in Miyamoto Haotian's eyes became more and more Yu Sheng's, and he turned his palm again, as if his whole body turned into a Japanese samurai sword, and slashed at Ye Wenxuan in the middle.

Miyamoto Haotian used all his strength in this palm, which can be said to contain all his energy.

At the same time, this move has indeed reached one of his peak states, the whole person is unstoppable, and he rushed towards Ye Wenxuan with such a speed that people only saw a white shadow fleetingly, stabbing towards Ye Wenxuan.

Miyamoto Haotian's sudden move made Ye Wenxuan's scalp tingle instantly, and his whole body felt an unprecedented pressure.

Danger!Extremely dangerous!
The blood all over Ye Wenxuan seemed to be howling, and he was fully focused on dealing with Miyamoto Haotian's strongest blow.

Ye Wenxuan took a long breath, his eyes changed instantly, they were full of dignity, only Miyamoto Haotian in front of him.

The right leg was withdrawn sharply, and the left leg was forward, forming a bow-like horse stance.

The Qi sank to the dantian, and all the inner strength in his body was mobilized by Ye Wenxuan, and gathered on Ye Wenxuan's right hand.

As a boxing style with a long history in China, Hongquan is naturally broad and profound, and it is one of the best boxing skills in China in terms of toughness.

Gu There has been a saying since ancient times, "Hongmen is a bull, if you kill it, you won't turn back"!

It also has the reputation of "32 hands determine the world"!

And the strongest of these 32 moves is Hong Quan's Dragon Fist!

The inheritance of China is the dragon, and it is also the spiritual totem of China.

Hongquan's Dragon Fist has existed since ancient times, but it was lost hundreds of years ago, and there is no boxing record at all.

And this move, Ye Wenxuan has practiced hard for a long time to master the ultimate move, it can also be said to be the most essence of the whole Hongquan, it is this dragon fist!
In Ye Wenxuan's opening gesture, his right hand seemed to carry a kind of dragon power, which gradually spread.

The inner strength in the body also seemed to be summoned by some kind, and rushed towards Ye Wenxuan's right hand, and the power continued to increase.

Ye Wenxuan felt that he was stronger than ever before, and then looked at Miyamoto Haotian who was approaching rapidly, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

The final confrontation between the two sides is just a matter of a moment.

Miyamoto Haotian's eyes were even bloodshot, it can be seen that this blow put a lot of pressure on him, and this kind of pressure made him a little unsustainable.

Finally, Miyamoto Haotian arrived, and Ye Wenxuan also punched out.

The fists and palms faced each other, and the strength of both sides was raging. In an instant, the sleeve of Ye Wenxuan's right arm burst open, exposing Ye Wenxuan's strong right arm.

Marven Ye only took two steps back before stopping his steps.

However, Miyamoto Haotian was extremely miserable, and was sent flying by Ye Wenxuan's punch.

Ye Wenxuan's fist hit his chest, several ribs were broken in an instant, and he spit blood and flew away.

It seemed that Marven Ye won the game with an absolute advantage, but in fact, only Marven Ye knew that winning this game was not easy.

Miyamoto Haotian's internal energy entered Marven Ye's body along Ye Wenxuan's right hand. At this moment, Ye Wenxuan's body was so empty that he couldn't suppress the flowing internal energy at all.

The throbbing pain in his veins made Ye Wenxuan only hold his breath and stand on top of the ring!

Miyamoto Haotian was lying in the ring, pumping all over his body without time, obviously Marven Ye's powerful strength was still raging in the opponent's body.

Miyamoto Haotian looked at Ye Wenxuan standing not far away with blank eyes, feeling powerless in his heart.


Being suppressed from the beginning, even if he tried his best in the end, it would not help.The gap between the two is not a little bit at all, but like a natural moat.

There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky...

This was the last thought of Miyamoto Haotian, and then his vision went dark, and he passed out.

The entire Siam Stadium fell into a kind of silence, and after about half a minute, strong cheers erupted.

"Marven Ye!"

"Marven Ye!"

"Marven Ye!"


Many people were attracted by Ye Wenxuan's invincible figure, and they became fans of Ye Wenxuan on the spot.

Young, handsome, bold and powerful!
All kinds of performances are more attractive than Miyamoto Haotian, and more in line with the standards of contemporary young idols.

There were bursts of frenzy at the scene, as if they had fallen into some kind of madness.

The reporters who were awakened by the cheers at the scene also reacted, and frantically took pictures with the camera equipment in their hands, constantly recording the photos at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan's figure seemed to be frozen for eternity!

In China, at the moment Ye Wenxuan knocked Miyamoto Haotian into the air, seeing the blood Miyamoto spit out in the sky, and the scene of fainting at the end, many people only felt refreshed from bottom to top.


This is the most direct heart of all Chinese, and it is not an exaggeration to be proud.

Many people were calling Marven Ye's name loudly. They didn't feel ashamed, because everyone could understand the mood when looking at the two excited commentators in the live broadcast room.

This long-suppressed victory really made it difficult for many people to boast.

The Yu family compound in the north of Beijing.

At this moment, Yu Junjie was also very happy. The smile on the corner of his mouth was obviously that the old man was very happy.

By Yu Junjie's side, Ye Wenxuan's grandmother, two older brothers, and uncle Yu Tianlong were also by his side.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan win a big victory, the whole family was sincerely happy.


On the arena, Marven Ye took a short break, and then slowly walked out of the arena.

After stepping out of the ring, the reporters rushed towards Ye Wenxuan immediately. There were so many of them, all of them were national-level media from various Asian countries.

However, there were security measures at the scene. The moment they surrounded him, four big men in black came up and surrounded Ye Wenxuan to protect Ye Wenxuan from being attacked.

The eyes of these media reporters were full of excitement.

The current seed player of the World Budo Championship, the No.4 Miyamoto Koten of the previous World Budo Championship was actually KO'd in the second round.

And it seems that the next challenge will not be able to participate, such a strong player actually stopped the selection of the Asian level.

Big news! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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