Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 591 Invitation to the Opening Ceremony!

Chapter 591 Invitation to the Opening Ceremony!
Marven Ye smiled slightly and said, "Mr. John, isn't this price a little bit high? You also know that China's tariffs are very high, so this price..."

At present, the international exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and Huaxia currency is 500:[-], which means that the price offered by John is [-] million yuan in Huaxia currency!
This is nearly 500 million higher than the normal quotation.However, rare things are more expensive, Ye Wenxuan can also understand.After all, it is impossible for someone to make a fuss and not make any money.

But Ye Wenxuan, as a buyer, should suppress the price.

Sure enough, upon hearing Marven Ye's words, the wry smile on the corner of John's mouth became stronger.

"Mr. Ye, the price of this car is really not high. Only 53 of this car have been released in the whole world, and this one is four, so it is normal for the price to be higher."

"Besides, Prince Lalong and I have always had business dealings, so I gave this opportunity to you, Mr. Ye. In this way, we don't want to write any more. The $600 million and 20 really can't be less. What do you think?" "John gritted his teeth and directly quoted a low price.

Ye Wenxuan looked at John's expression and felt that the price was about the same.

"Okay then, deal." Marven Ye stretched out his right hand and held John's hand together.

After the transaction was completed, a smile appeared on John's face.

Even though the price has been suppressed a bit, John is still very happy when the car is sold.

Although this car is very rare, people who can afford it are even rarer. John has already made a lot of money by selling it at this price.

"Haha, Mr. Ye has a happy cooperation. Don't worry, I will send this car to Huaxia as soon as possible." John said heartily.

Marven Ye smiled and nodded, then Marven Ye and John signed some contracts, and then paid a deposit of 50 US dollars.

As for the rest of the money, Ye Wenxuan would hand it over to him when the car arrived in Huaxia Jingbei.

Moreover, the car still needs to undergo various tests. Only when all the data is in front of Ye Wenxuan can Ye Wenxuan completely trust the other party.

After the money was traded, Ye Wenxuan watched with some reluctance as his beloved car gradually disappeared before his eyes.

Declining John's invitation, Marven Ye returned to the hotel, packed his bags briefly, and boarded the plane back to Hong Kong.

The flight lasted five hours, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

The four of Ye Wenxuan and Xu Rou hailed a car and returned to the hotel where they were originally staying.

Ye Wenxuan returned to the room, before he could pack his things, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Ran Yirou on the caller ID, Ye Wenxuan connected the call without thinking too much.

With the phone in his ear, Marven Ye answered Ran Yirou's call while taking off his clothes.

Ran Yirou's tone was a little excited, and she quickly told Ye Wenxuan the good news.

"What? I need a program for the opening ceremony of the World Martial Arts Conference?!" Ye Wenxuan was a little unbelievable.

When is this? There is only one month left before the opening ceremony of the World Martial Arts Competition, and now I am telling myself that I want to add a program, is this reliable...

"Hey, I didn't ask you to appear on your own, but added you to a program. It's just that I didn't think about how to add it. Didn't the director team ask for your opinion? Let's see if you have any good suggestions .” Ran Yirou said with a light smile.

"What program? You send me the specific plan of the program, I'll study it, and then I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Marven Ye said to Ran Yirou while packing his luggage.

He didn't come back for a week, and the room was still cleaned very cleanly. Marven Ye didn't have any worries about putting away his clothes.

"Okay, then hurry up and get some snacks. This opportunity is rare, and it is definitely an opportunity for you." Ran Yirou was a little worried, and emphasized the importance of this matter.

"Okay, don't worry, I will take it as the top priority." Ye Wenxuan smiled to comfort Ran Yirou.

Afterwards, Ran Yirou briefly reported on the recent situation, then hung up the phone.

Marven Ye put down the phone and continued to tidy up the room.

After waiting for half an hour, Marven Ye took a shower, sat on the bed in a bathrobe, and turned on his laptop.

After receiving the encrypted file from Ran Yirou, Ye Wenxuan carefully looked at the planning of this program.

The opening ceremony of the World Martial Arts Conference, as a world-class competition, the scale of the opening ceremony is unprecedentedly powerful.

It is not inferior to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games and the World Cup. At that time, there will be politicians and wealthy businessmen from all over the world to watch, and important leaders of the Chinese country will also attend.

Therefore, every program at the opening ceremony is very important.

Some programs even started rehearsing two years in advance, which shows the importance of this opening ceremony.

Every program at the opening ceremony represents the characteristic culture of Huaxia and the sports spirit of Huaxia.

Stars from all walks of life in China have also accepted the invitation to the opening ceremony of the World Martial Arts Conference a long time ago.

However, every invited star is an artist who has truly achieved fame in the world.And these guys will all be performing together, not just individually.

It can be said that Ye Wenxuan is the only star who has been awarded a solo role, which shows that the director team attaches great importance to Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan watched this program carefully, and a hint of shock flashed in his eyes.

This program is composed of 99 students from martial arts schools. The performance is the Chinese Kung Fu that has been passed down for thousands of years in China!
The 99 martial arts school students will form various formations and perform continuously for a full 10 minutes.

Moreover, this program will also use China's latest 3D virtual light and shadow imaging technology, and will present a light and shadow giant ten meters high and two meters wide on top of 99 martial arts school students.

The light and shadow giant will synchronize with the movements of the martial arts school students below, showing a shocking performance.

This is the outline of this program. The program is perfect, so perfect that Ye Wenxuan feels that it is a bit redundant to join in.

The information sent by Ran Yirou is very complete, not only written information, but also some rehearsal video materials.

Marven Ye read these materials while thinking.

How can you let yourself join in without destroying the original harmony and highlight yourself?Marven Ye fell into deep thought, not knowing what to do.

After showing it over and over again, Ye Wenxuan suddenly felt that there was something missing, but for a while he couldn't tell where it was missing.

And this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, Marven Ye feels more and more that this program is a bit awkward.

Ye Wenxuan racked his brains and began to think, and couldn't help but think of some martial arts performances in his previous life.

Thinking about it, Ye Wenxuan couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Suddenly, Marven Ye slapped his forehead fiercely, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


What is missing is a suitable music, no wonder it is so awkward!

The weirdness in Ye Wenxuan's heart finally found the source of the problem, and he knew where the awkwardness was.

After figuring this out, Marven Ye was suddenly enlightened, and countless thoughts flooded into his mind instantly.

Especially the melody that has been echoing in his head made Ye Wenxuan's heart excited...

(End of this chapter)

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