Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 592: Song of a Man!

Chapter 592: Song of a Man!

arrogant and arrogant

Hot blood beats red sun

Courage is like iron and bone is like steel

This time Marven Ye was watching the video while humming a song, and suddenly felt that the whole program was different.

Singing and singing, Marven Ye couldn't help patting the computer desk in front of him, beating out the beat, catering to his humming.

The song Ye Wenxuan hummed was the song "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" from his previous life.

The song "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" has basically become a standard song for martial arts performances. Every time the prelude to this music is played, everyone's blood can't help but surge.

In the Bird's Nest, singing this song in front of countless Chinese people, combined with the performance of Chinese martial arts, will definitely shock everyone!

The more Ye Wenxuan thought about it, the more excited he became, and immediately began to conceive the score, and then began to write the plan.

Originally, after a long day of exhaustion, his body, which was a little tired, was like taking drugs, but now it was extremely excited.

Soon, Ye Wenxuan was immersed in his own world, and more and more plans on the computer were slowly taking shape.


The next day, Marven Ye returned to his recording studio.

While exhaling, he greeted Huang Hanxin, whom he hadn't seen for a week.

Huang Hanxin was a little surprised when he saw Marven Ye puffing, and asked, "Didn't you come back at seven o'clock last night? Why are you so sleepy?"

After Huang Hanxin asked, his face suddenly became weird, he coughed dryly, and added: "Young man, pay attention to your body, and you have a special status, don't mess around..."

Ye Wenxuan was breathing, but when he heard Huang Hanxin's words, he breathed halfway, with his mouth open, Ye Wenxuan looked at Huang Hanxin strangely.

What's wrong with doesn't taste right!

"Where do you want to go? I made a plan for the night yesterday. How could I do such a thing..." Marven Ye said dumbfounded.

"Hey, they're all from here, I understand, I understand..." Huang Hanxin gave Ye Wenxuan a man who knows how to look, with an ambiguous expression.

Ye Wenxuan rolled his eyes, seeing Huang Hanxin's misunderstanding deepened, Ye Wenxuan didn't explain.

Pulling out a chair and sitting on it, Marven Ye asked Huang Hanxin, "How's the progress?"

Huang Hanxin was still in his original attire, handed Marven Ye an earphone, and said: "You left this week, and I made four more accompaniments, and the four songs you recorded before have finished the sound revision. You can listen."

Marven Ye frowned slightly, surprised at Huang Hanxin's speed.

But Ye Wenxuan believed in Huang Hanxin's quality, took the earphones and listened to himself.

In about 15 minutes, Marven Ye listened to all four songs.

"Not bad, top-quality songs, perfect." Ye Wenxuan praised with some endless aftertaste, and was really satisfied with these four songs.

Facing Ye Wenxuan's praise, Huang Hanxin didn't raise his head, didn't open his eyes, and didn't feel complacent.

"One is that your songs are too classic, and the other is that you sang perfectly, which resulted in very little work for me to modify the sound, basically it is your original voice, and the final effect is naturally perfect." Huang Hanxin is very impressive. evaluate.

Marven Ye nodded, took off his earphones, and took out a sheet music from his bag.

"Could you please make me a demo? I need it urgently." Ye Wenxuan handed the score to Huang Hanxin.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Huang Hanxin raised his head, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

After receiving the score, Huang Hanxin seemed to see a new continent.

"New song?"

"That's right, I have an urgent need to prepare the song for next month's World Martial Arts Competition." Marven Ye said directly without hiding anything.

Huang Hanxin stopped talking, and focused on reading the score.

Seeing that Huang Hanxin didn't pay attention to him, Ye Wenxuan didn't care either, knowing that he had such a personality.

Sitting quietly on the side, studying the song to be recorded for a while, both of them fell into quiet thinking, neither of them interfering with the other.

About 10 minutes later, Huang Han, who had been in the same posture, moved a lot, turned around, and asked Marven Ye seriously, "Are you human?"

Ye Wenxuan listened to Huang Hanxin asking seriously if he was human?Why do you feel so... weird!

"Nonsense!" Marven Ye scolded with a smile.

"Hey, your song is really suitable for the occasion. I really don't know how your brain came up with it." Huang Hanxin sighed with emotion, then stood up, and asked Marven Ye: "Do you want a demo today?"

"The sooner the better." Marven Ye said flatly.

"That's alright, find out how you feel today, I'll go and make a demo of this song for you first, it can be finished in about four hours, and I'll record it for you tonight." Huang Hanxin finished speaking and took the score, directly out of the recording studio.

Ye Wenxuan was a little dumbfounded by such a resolute style of work.

Ye Wenxuan opened his mouth, only wanting to say one thing.

"I haven't talked to you about the reward yet..."


At night, the Universal Music Building in Kowloon exudes beautiful light.

The colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple are gradually changing on the building, which is also a beautiful landscape.

Ye Wenxuan, who had been in the recording studio for a day, was enjoying the dinner that Xu Rou brought him, and it was delicious.

When the recording studio was relatively quiet, the door was suddenly pushed open.

The dusty Huang Hanxin walked in from the outside, saw Ye Wenxuan, and gave him a USB flash drive.

"Neng, your sample, your sample is really not easy to make, there are too many percussion instruments in it." Huang Hanxin seemed to be telling something that had nothing to do with him, and he didn't have any complaints at all, but seemed to have a feeling of getting it feeling of contentment.

Marven Ye choked on the food in his mouth, picked up the USB flash drive in his hand, and handed it to Xu Rou who was beside him.

"That's right, this song is majestic, and it can only be satisfied if there is enough percussion." Marven Ye laughed.

"How about it? Are you hungry? How about I ask my assistant to buy you a bento too? It tastes good." Ye Wenxuan asked Huang Hanxin.

"No, I'm done eating. You eat first. After we finish eating, we'll start recording songs." Huang Hanxin took off his coat and said straight to the point.

Ye Wenxuan heard Huang Hanxin's words and knew that he really didn't want to eat, so he didn't force himself, and quickly finished his meal.

After eating, Marven Ye picked up the USB flash drive on the table, and turned on his computer.

Put the plan I made yesterday and Huang Hanxin's music sample in a folder, and then send it to Ran Yirou through Feixun mailbox.

After Ye Wenxuan finished the transmission, he turned off the computer and devoted himself to the recording of the music album.

(End of this chapter)

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