Chapter 911 Prediction!

The Tianyu group sang three songs, and then the two stepped down.Ran Yirou came to the stage, delivered a year-end speech, and started the highlight of the annual meeting - handing out year-end awards.

It took Ran Yirou half an hour to distribute the year-end awards to thousands of people.Everyone has the opportunity to receive the award on stage, some have a few people on the stage to receive the award, and some have dozens of people on the stage to receive the award.

The higher the amount, the fewer people will claim the prize.But the year-end bonus did not live up to everyone's expectations, and everyone received a generous year-end bonus.

The few are forty to fifty thousand, and the many are as high as millions.

For example, the year-end bonuses of senior directors of the group are basically between 100 million and 300 million, and the remuneration is overwhelming.

Many people posted the scene of the group handing out year-end awards to their Moments, which immediately attracted various comments.

"666, the outside world has always rumored that Marven Ye is a huge moat, and now it seems that it is really a moat. I also really want to have such a boss. Our boss's year-end bonus can't keep up with other people's fractions. The gap is huge!"

"I'm so envious of the employees of Times Group. It would be great if I could have such a good boss. I'm so envious!"

"Is Times Group still recruiting? I want to change jobs!"

"Upstairs, you can pull it down. The Times Group's requirements are very high now. Without a graduate degree, you can't even submit your resume!"


Every employee who posted on the circle of friends was praised by their friends, which made them feel full of satisfaction in their hearts.

After handing out the year-end awards, Mengtong came to the stage to sing songs for everyone, and he sang three songs in a row.The beautiful face, coupled with the soft singing voice, made all the male employees present excited, and the atmosphere continued to be warm.

Ye Wenxuan drank with the company's senior executives at his own table, and from time to time went to drink at the artist's wine table at the next table.

At the entertainer's wine table, the Tianyu group had the most alcohol, followed by a group of girls.Among them, Yang Qiaoqiao and Xia Lan can be said to be women who do not give in to men, and they are evenly matched with the two big men of Tian Yu's group.Coupled with the fact that there are still a few sisters helping out, the Tianyu group is already on the verge of collapse.

Several artists took turns to finish their songs, Ye Wenxuan also took advantage of Jiu Jin to sing a few songs on stage to cheer everyone up.

After many artists sang, they came to the last part of the annual meeting, which was the lucky draw.

Huge lottery boxes were placed on the stage one by one, and everyone went to the stage to draw prizes in order according to the department.The staff under the leadership of the director will draw prizes in an orderly manner.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou sat at the bottom, watching the lottery draw.Those who won the grand prize were overjoyed, and those who were not drawn were a bit regretful, but they were also very happy to get an extra [-] yuan.

Three first prizes and one special prize were also handed out one after another.The people who are drawn are all ordinary employees, and the highest position is the department leader.

The four employees were very happy to win the car.All of them happily came to Marven Ye to pick up the keys. Everyone was grateful to Marven Ye and spoke incoherently with excitement.

Time passed slowly, and after the lottery draw ended, it was almost 11:30.But no one left at the scene, because there is still a very important thing waiting for them, that is to estimate the final box office!
The employees of Times Entertainment's finance department and network department took out their laptops from their backpacks.The two departments sat together and compiled the box office reports from all parties. At 11:30, all the shows on the first day of the premiere were sold out.

The fingers of the employees in the two departments were flying, and there was an endless sound of clicking keyboards. Many curious people surrounded them one after another.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou didn't go to watch, but sat on the wine table, quietly waiting for the news.

Ran Yirou seldom drinks alcohol, but today is the annual meeting of the group, so she still drank a little.The capacity for alcohol is not good, so after drinking a little, his face turns red, but his eyes are clear, and it is obvious that he is very conscious.

And Ye Wenxuan drank a lot today, even with Ye Wenxuan's drinking capacity, he was in a state of confusion for a while, but Shen Lang was successful in martial arts and his digestion ability was extremely strong, so he quickly recovered, and now his consciousness is also very clear.

Most of the people at the scene were already flushed from drinking.Some of them were even so drunk that their colleagues helped them to rest in the guest rooms upstairs.

All the consumption here can be reimbursed, so many drunk employees stayed here immediately.

The originally lively atmosphere has gradually calmed down, and the employees who are not drunk are all guessing how much the group's movie box office is today.Among them, the employees of Times Film and Television are looking forward to the most, because this movie was born in their hands, and the results are very important to them.

Ran Yirou folded her hands, leaned on the back of the chair, turned her head slightly, and asked Ye Wenxuan, "How high do you think the box office can reach today?"

Ye Wenxuan held a glass in his hand, which contained warm water, and he drank it in small sips.Hearing Ran Yirou's question, Ye Wenxuan shook his head lightly, and said with a smile: "I think the first day of the Lunar New Year festival should be no pressure, the key is to see how much cake we eat, that's the most important thing." of!"

"As for the box office, I think the minimum can reach [-] million, right?" Ye Wenxuan pondered for a while, and said with some uncertainty.

"5000 million?" Ran Yirou's tone was a little surprised, and she said suspiciously: "Usually, the first day champion of the New Year's Eve stalls every year is basically around [-] million. The most important period of the Lunar New Year's stalls is still from the second to the fifth day of the fourth day." God, even though it is the premiere on the first day of the new year, the box office won't be that high."

This is common sense in movie screenings. Although the box office on the first day is very important, it largely depends on the previous publicity.For a film to really become popular, it still depends on the accumulation of word of mouth.

About three days later, the real development period will usher in a blowout period, and then reach a climax on the second weekend, and then the box office will continue to stabilize.By the third weekend, it was already at the end of its battle, and it gradually began to withdraw from the box office competition.

The Lunar New Year file has a slightly faster pace, and the basic blowout period is from the second to the fifth day.

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Ye Wenxuan smiled and said, "It's just a guess, we'll find out after looking at the box office."

Ran Yirou nodded, stroked the hair around her ears slightly, and asked again: "What do you think of the overseas box office? Don't forget, we are showing worldwide."

Speaking of foreign countries, Ye Wenxuan was not so confident at the moment, and shook his head with a wry smile: "Asia should not be much worse than China, but Europe and the United States are just hanging around..."

(End of this chapter)

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