Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 912 Break through history and create a new record!

Chapter 912 Break through history and create a new record!

Ran Yirou looked at Ye Wenxuan's frowning face, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, a little surprised.

"My big boss, who is always full of confidence, suddenly lost confidence today? This is not your previous style!" Ran Yirou teased.

Ye Wenxuan shook his head, and said: "The European and American side is no better than this side, it has no foundation. Even the publicity is far inferior to our side, so if you want to make achievements in the European and American side, you can only slowly accumulate word of mouth. It’s hard to say what height it will reach in the end.”

"The road is long and long, and there is still a long way to go in the future!"

Ye Wenxuan finally pulled a word, which made Ran Yiroule's flowers tremble.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou were chatting here, and the statistical work of the staff not far away was also coming to an end.

When all the data were combined at the end, the results instantly made the onlookers' mouths grow louder.

"Old Zhang, did you frankly drink too much alcohol? The statistics are wrong, the box office... How is it possible!" A male employee questioned aloud, his words were naturally casual, and it seemed that he was the one who did the final statistics. Staff relations are very good.

The rest of the people also nodded in agreement, and spoke out to help.

"I feel that the statistics are also wrong. Is there a mistake in a certain link?"

"Everyone drank a lot of wine today, and their thinking is a little slow. Maybe they didn't do a certain link well, and something went wrong."

"This box office is really terrible, it is unprecedented, if it is true, then we really have made history!"

The final statistician called Lao Zhang also felt a little guilty when he heard the comments from colleagues around him.

"Everyone, don't worry, I'll re-examine and re-calculate the statistics. Don't be impatient, forgive me, forgive me..." Zhang Ze was a little embarrassed, restored the data, and re-calculated the results.

Another 10 minutes passed, and this time Zhang Zezai carefully reviewed all the steps. When he finally pressed enter, the final box office statistics were exactly the same as the ones just now.


"This... this time..."

Many people are speechless. If they were wrong the first time, can they still be wrong the second time?

You must know that the programs are written in advance, as long as the data is correct, the final result will definitely not be wrong.That said, this box office...could be true?

Zhang Ze swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.If he wasn't sure the first time, then this time he can guarantee that there will be absolutely no mistakes!
"7000 million box office! 7000 million!!!" Zhang Ze couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart anymore, and roared out.

With Zhang Ze's roar, the surrounding crowd also shouted out one after another, and the news swept the audience instantly.

"What? 7000 million box office? Real or fake!"

"Only China's box office is 7000 million, and it's released simultaneously all over the world. This time it's really a blockbuster!"

"Oh my god, the box office is exploding. This year's New Year's Eve is probably going to be taken over by our group!"

"Hahaha, it's so exciting. In two days, let's form a group to watch "The Wind Rises and Clouds" and support it."

"I agree, agree, call our male god boss like crazy!"


The banquet hall, which was originally quiet, boiled again.The bustling noise even agitated many people who were drinking.

Many people reported the good news to Marven Ye immediately and told Marven Ye the box office.

Ye Wenxuan, who knew the final result of the box office, was instantly stunned.

Originally thought that selling 7000 million yuan on the first day would be very good, but it turned out that they sold [-] million yuan the day before? !

Ran Yirou was also in a daze, and Ran Yirou also felt that she was not in good spirits.This kind of stimulation in the middle of the night, the heart is not good.

"Are you sure your statistics are correct? This is unscientific!" Ye Wenxuan still couldn't believe it, and asked the staff who announced the good news.

"Boss, it's absolutely right. We've counted twice, and there's absolutely no way we can make a mistake. Our first-day box office in Huaxia was really 7000 million!" the employee said excitedly.

Ye Wenxuan touched his forehead, and a surge of hot blood rushed into his heart, so that he didn't know how to vent it.

No, I have to come to Moutai to suppress my shock.

But suddenly found that wine can not suppress the inner impulse.Ye Wenxuan and many executives around cheered, and the banquet hall, which was already calm, had a second spring.

The noise from the banquet hall woke up the sleepy staff behind.

"What's wrong with the people of Times Group? Why are they so happy all of a sudden? What happened?"

"Time Group's "Wind Up Clouds" released today, China's box office hit 7000 million on the first day, breaking China's historical record, you say they are not happy!"

"Fuck me, hang yourself like this?!"

"Hurry up and send a circle of friends to calm down the salted fish in the middle of the night, it's exciting!"


Ye Wenxuan was happy for a while, and shouted to the employees who were also cheering not far away: "Don't get excited, give me the box office statistics of Asia and other regions, and I want to hear the final total box office!"

Hearing the boss's instructions, the employees of the finance department and the network department suppressed their excitement and continued to work.

So the good news began to come frequently, and everyone in the banquet hall pricked up their ears to hear the results.

"Singapore's box office on the first day was 3000 million Chinese dollars."

"The box office in South Korea was 4000 million on the first day."

"The box office of Wa Kingdom was 500 million on the first day."

"The first day box office in Thailand was 500 million box office."

"Australia's box office hit 2000 million on its first day."


The box office results were reported one by one, and the results of countries in the Asian region were generally very good. Only in Europe and the United States, the results can only be said to be average.Even the huge box office market of the United States is not as big as that of the small Asian country South Korea.

However, Marven Ye could understand all of this, and he had already made mental preparations.After all, it is the first time for the group to enter the European and American markets, and there is no foundation, so the box office is actually not bad.

Some domestic films released in Europe and the United States may have a box office of several million a day, which is even more powerful.

Ye Wenxuan's excited heart had calmed down at this moment, and he sat quietly on the chair, waiting for the final result.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was already one o'clock in the middle of the night. Many people were sleepy, but they still didn't leave, waiting for the final result.

Due to the large number of regions included in the statistics, it took a long time this time. After all, it was screened in 78 countries.

Just when everyone was too sleepy, a loud voice came from the edge.

"The box office on the first day is out, the world's first day box office... 5000 million Huaxia coins!"

(End of this chapter)

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